Post which side you are and which place you want

>post which side you are and which place you want
>if dubs you get it
>take adjacent spaces
>you can take other people's place if you want
>when you take their corner place they are eliminated and their other territory turns blank
>last side left wins
For example! 'Jewish robots to place 16'

If you get dubs it will work. If you get trips your side recieves two bonus moves on their next get

I will update after every get, but only the first get after each update counts

Other urls found in this thread:

In response to OP seriously not knowing why religion and politics games are popular:

It's for the same reason that the phrase "It's okay to talk about anything except, religion or politics." They are the most popular things to talk about because people have strong beliefs when it comes to religion, and people use politics to make things go their way in life and not everyone has the same ideals. Just about everyone has some strong opinion about their religion or politics to the point where clashing views can and have broken friendships of multiple years. When you make a board with politics or religion on them, everyone recognizes their opinion and takes a side, just like when politics and religion are discussed. It's the same reason entire TV channels are dedicated to politics and other channels entirely dedicated to religion.

Then you have your meme reasons:

The same reason my roll will be
Nazi 28.

Nazi 28


OP I'm out in 10 minutes, hope you get more players. Thanks for the fun.

I know why they're popular, it was about why the board for this just doesn't look as nice

Space Marines to 20

Ise 35


Less time spent on designing the faction images? Paint work looks kind of sloppy in comparison.

Nazi 28.

Wats the term for indians?

Congratulations! You got it


Hmm maybe the things are slightly harder to draw

It's not important anyway


While not on that list, my personal favorite is customer service reps.

Also, bollywood.

Nazi to 28.

Just went through the list ty user. Probably gonna go with paki 35

Who calls Indians Pakis?

Space Corp 2

One last attempt for Nazi!

I've heard it before. Seems like Curry-muncher is the most popular one. That and I think I've heard Bindi before. I had a chuckle at Apu and Taxi Driver.

Nazi 28, while I'm still posting.


Space Corp 5


Higger, Napkin Nigger and Julab are also pretty good. Julab means wet shit.

That's a good one.

peace keepers 19

alien nazis 28

I could rename them if you want
Peace keepers is a bit dry

Imo with names like rulab it requires the hearer to get indian so its harder to use
Yellow army 11



Marines to 14




nazis to 28


robots 16


nazis 34

Space Marines to 19

India space empire to 32


nazis 34



Jewish Robots take 20, jew them up boys

FUCKING space marines to 27

India space empire to 27


Sorry mate but India will fuck yoh
India 27

Peace keepers to 19

Marines 8

abductors to 8


Noice, India to 27

peacekeepers 26



make a truce with India
India to 27


Ayy lameow's to 8




jewish robots take 22




Aw come on, guess I have to say it


little green abductors take 3

You stole my trips faggot

lets see it

Okay Jewish Robots gain trips device
On their next get they can take three places instead of one

Jews take 28 and kill the alien nazis

peace keeprs to 24

Little green abductors to 3

Little green to 7


Little green 12

jews take 28 and kill nazis

robots 9,4,10

Reroll for 12

remember it's 3 spaces not two

well then, 28, kill nazis, and number 9


reroll for this

india empire 27

nazis to 34

SM 19