What to do with my Ex's facebook?

What to do with my Ex's facebook?
Hey b, i got my ex girlfriends facebook login. We broke up a long time ago, just wanna fuck with her.
What to do with it???


Sup Forums

give it to us so we can find the nudes she's sent other people.

go Like some weird pornographic pages

share random peoples pics

Delete everything of hers. Delete comments, each picture individually, messages...absolutely everything, minus the profile itself

nudes first

Damn thats pretty good idea actually

I got some of her nudes

Send nudes to all her family members with the caption "can't wait to fuck you"

Aunt, uncle, grandma, mom, dad, granddad, everyone, and post the results for lulz

Do it slowly so she thinks fb is doing it. Start with the oldest posts and pictures. Save a copy before delete so you can add them back later to fuck with her mind.

Have fun with it like just target her best friend

That's dumb

Say the word if you want more. Got some completely nudes

Like everything on porn videos and share Hentai from porn sites

before you do anything, does she change it often?

make it drawn out, in a year or so you could just message someone something thatll fuck with her, just slowly fuck her shit up.

dont let on that you've got her password

the word



Share some rustle on her facebook. Should crack some nuts.


Share the login with us ;)

Some more

log out then log into yours and continue with your life

Will postmore later /b

be a man do nothing, unlikely I know.

>> Reddit

Wont she be notified that someone has logged into her profile? If you're gonna do anything make it fast

>Change her password
>Take control of her life