God DAMN IT Chinamen, you ARE smarter than us!

jesus, what a simple platform. Government phones, issued for free, to all the nations poor and homeless, ("low income" families) and you own all the software, all the hardware, and ALL THAT SWEET SWEET INTEL.

Your hacking a backdoor into our own network and using it against us!

Thats fucking GENIUS!!!

Now lets see if Interpol is smart enough to find out where this came from. We hit the big time, boys! Sup Forums's being monitored by INTERPOL!!

Good god, i think I might have started world war 3...

trust me, nobody here is smart enough to have figured it out

what if we could use time machines to undo assassinations that might undo history? And what if OUR assassinations undo the history of some other poor schlubs timeline?

then its agreed!
We only use time machines to UNDO assassinations, agreed?
(Shifty eyes all around the table)
(In Unison) Agreed.

vampires and time machines don't mix.

I'm trolling on the 6th dimension!
I'm high on cocaine!

Young looking Methusala from the future: Should a wait'd brah! Should a waited! The future was gunna be awesome! Everybody has brand new healthy bodies, we have cures for all illnesses, everybody is super stoked and happy all the time brah!
Ancient Methusala as he sits on his throne in Egypt: If this is as you say, then I must not Die! I must will myself to live! For a thousand years! Or another thousand! Or ten thousand after that! Oh what a paradise it will be.

(10000 years later)
Methusala, old and decrepit: I thought this was supposed to be a paradise! The space man spoke it unto me, my future self!

Radical werewolf in a niel armstrong costume walks out of Time Machine rentals, his face made up to look like methusala. He goes up to him methusala sees him pull off the mask, and the radical werewolf laughs and points his finger.

ZOINK!!! Your miserable because you do bad things, not because you're immortal!

Teaching Hindu's how to dance

You are the one who needs a lesson in dancing, motherfucker!

How do Hindu's deal with time machines, anyway? Must really fuck with their reincarnation schedule.

Well, the Hindu's have a saying.
You go west when you want a new idea.
You go east when you want to perceive old things in a new way.
And in India?
Things stay pretty much the same.

Movie Idea:
Hindu Time Machine!

Apu: Please sir, the notion of a time machine is completely incomatable with my faith! I want no part in it!

Thats right, I'm picking on the god damn Hindu's! Picking on negros is childsplay, and picking on the white man, while ironic, has been done to death. So hindu's, you're my new bitch.

From now on, everything I say is going to be racist towards Hindu's. Your gunna get it Hindu's. You're going to GET IT.

You hear that India! You're my new BITCH. I'm gunna get you pacifist motherfuckers to "fight me, faggot," or everyday I'm going say, hey Hindu faggot, whats up you little bitch, oh that industrial accident during 1980's that the news never reported that killed tens of thousands of people? I'm going to have my little girl make a montage out of that and present it at her class diorama about the issues of "peace" and "tolerance" and you'll be stuck with so many insufferable american cunts that you'll wish you picked up a gun a drove apartheid out by the end of spear!

Yeah, thats right, none of you have the guts! None of you have the guts to take on "Mr." Passive Resistance himself, cause fucking Ghandi is such a goody little too shoes.

You heard of Ghandi? Well my name is Raul! Raul Castro! Got it? Comprende me nachos?

Did I mention that Raul Castro is a severe Jingoist and technically has autism?

Quantum Mechanics
Conspiracy Theory
Historical Archivist
Showed up at the wrong Party
Jewish Nationalists\ Mossad
(I was going to skip this and see if the Discordians got the reference)
Dungeons and Dragons
Trolling Buhdhist
Clueless Simpsons reference
I have no idea who this guy is
No idea who this guy is either but he's hilarious
Millennial Archivist

Nobody can say Sup Forums doesn't have diversity in the workplace.

These are the only social movements I know. I'm stuck right in the middle politically, and I have no where to go.

You've created a cultural asylum.

>This entire thread..

I'm basically the quiet one who doesn't say or do anything.

How can anybody keep from going insane with such a massive diversity of smart people's opinions pulling him in all directions.

You've literally given me too many options. My brain can't handle it.

Brendon Fraisure has "Ralph Wiggum" syndrome. Its where he is completely oblivious to everything going on around him. Sometimes he may get some hints, which severely depresses him.

Other times he just laughs it off and pretends like its nothing.

You can't have people like this in the future. You can't have people satisfied with their own ignorance.

There can be no Ralph Wiggums in our future society...

lol, but they are always going to exist. Some folks just get lucky. They are the lucky ones, cause they don't have to deal with all this shit.

Its okay to tolerate stupid people, just don't let them breed

look at the scorecard Molyneux.
there are 100 billion of them and only one of us.

And how exactly are you going to get them to do that? Start paying them for having vasectomies? Cut their nuts off? Freeze their eggs?

I have a woman on the coucil of womens reproductive rights who'd like to speak with you...

You don't have the right to have as many children as you want!

You only have the right to make as many children as you are able to take care of.

And who give them THAT right?
Who decides whether they will be able to work, feed and cloth their children?

You see? On and on it goes, an endless vicious cycle that repeats itself throughout history. These aren't tribes, these are ways of life.

You either give the man power, or you step down. You either step back and let the big man handle it, or you realize your position is intractable, their is no solution and lose your only chance at arbitration.

that is all.