Overwatch is a dumbed down TF2 aimed at people who suck at FPS games...

Overwatch is a dumbed down TF2 aimed at people who suck at FPS games. The only reason it's popular is because of that sweet Blizzard cash promoting it.


I've played it a bit, enjoyed it, it's a fun game, but I'd agree with you, and the userbase is pretty shitty, moba playerbase overlapped with FPS players with an average age of 12.

Basically instant gratification Blizzard game.

>Dumbed down TF2

Because TF2 was so damn complex to begin with.

believe it or not, TF2 has a much higher skill ceiling.

True. Was okay for a few days.

doesn't mean core mechanics are hard to understand

>it won't last for a year if they don't add community support

This is true but those core mechanics are dumbed down further in Overwatch
>Rocket jumping
>One shot ulltimates
>Mei in general

doesnt mean it cant be dumbed down...

what are you arguing bro have you played Overwatch?

Different guy here;
Agree with what is said. But Bliz has always dumbed down ideas to expand on them. Warcraft is just any RTS with streamlined mechanics, same for Star Craft and they are both dying
Hearthstone is MTG for tards, its broken, and the player base is self hating.
HotS is DOTA.
OW is TF2 but flashier

All in all this is nothing new, but Bliz at least supports their games with bimonthly updates and quality expansions. Maybe not so much WoW. But for the most part they deliver more than any of you fucks.

And TF2 is a dumbed down version of TFC.





Mei is the reason OW does well. No one cares about the game, they care about their waifus. And mei's thicc ass has me rolling tobjorn every time.


It's popular because LGBT characters


Yeah sure. Literally the most cancerous character keeps it alive

Overwatch is essentially a FPS MOBA

What is the most popular game type in casual & professional gaming? MOBAs

You're a moron dude

That's like saying every game is bad cause the company promotes it.

Wait what?


Tracer's a dyke, and the other characters are apparently LGBT in some form as well


>fps moba
It's not a moba faggot. Only thing it has that a moba also has is ults, and overwatch did it terrible.

Did you even read what I typed, faggot? I didn't say Blizzard was the problem, I said Blizzard was the very reason it's popular. Advertising and money made this waifu simulator a damn e-sport that people momentarily care about.

He didn't say it was.

What part of "higher skill ceiling" means "hard core mechanics?"

Do you motherfuckers lack reading comprehension?

Lmao Blizzard knows exactly what the fuck they're doing. Diverse character backgrounds and now some are fags. I'd be shocked if they don't add more anthropomorphic heroes to get the furfags. Pander to ALL the groups!


no its pretty fun, pretty much the only game worth playing from 2016

I'm waiting for them to add a Muslim

>But for the most part they deliver more than any of you fucks.
A major company that specializes in gaming does more for their own games than Sup Forums posters? You're a genius user

There is great wisdom behind this user's post. I am inclined to agree. By the end of the day who gives a fuck? So long as they keep generating their revenue they're going to continue to follow these trends. Smart on their part.

You live a sad existence user

Sounds like OP is just butthurt he's losing some friends to this game. Go collect your hats.


I play tf2 maybe once a month. I do miss the olden days though, not gonna lie.

Love overwatch.
It's a fun shooter that doesn't have to be taken seriously. Don't give a shit about which character is gay or hot. I just enjoy playing it.

Damn. I understand that feel dude. I guess times change, new fads begins, old fads die. I can definitely see a little bit of an oversimplification with the player mechanics in Overwatch and wish they added a few advanced features. Do you think TF2 is reaching it's twilight years or do you think there will be a revival?


I loved TF2, I now switched to Overwatch because of TF2's dying fanbase. It is easier than TF2 in some aspects but I don't think it's dumbed down honestly.

Tf2 is a shitty f2p game and its community is filled with degenerate bronies, weebs and other autists

>dying fanbase
Because the SJWs in it flocked to OW

At least we know a lot of the children tf2 babysat went to overwatch

>community is filled with degenerate bronies, weebs and other autists
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled to the brim with them

True. I have over 2000 hours but I don't think that was the only reason. The later updated

It's been a lot since i last played tf2, but the game just has much more to offer than ow, More guns, more gamemodes, a higher skill ceiling, and last but not least, much, MUCH more cosmetics

PS: The ow is cancer too, full of fags who problably visit 9fag gaming daily

PSS: And the tf2 comunnity is bunch of cunts that judge each other based on cosmetics
"ayy lma onoob u hav no unusual xdddd"

TF2 will always have someone playing it. It's free, fun, and you don't need a crazy setup to run it well. Valve devotes a very small amount of resources to it's upkeep and development so I really doubt there will be a revival. Fingers crossed for Team Fortress 3 someday.

Except Tf2 is shit now.

TF2 is like a less creative version of Overwatch. They have shitty graphics less gameplay quality, more cheaters and people who play it have littler dicks on average. The only reason it's popular is because more Asians play it than overwatch because most of the little dick population promotes it so it attracts people with little dicks.

But the difference is that OW gets regular updates, whereas Valve has forgotten TF2 exists.

Boy What.
"less creative version of overwatch"
Overwatch stole half of it's game modes from tf2 lmao.


everything blizzard do is garbage and retarded as well as everyone who plays their stuff

>Only people with little dicks play TF2

Guessing that's why you play it?


Remember when Blizzard made good shit like Starcraft and Diablo?

They've already got a Hindu, several Buddhists, whatever Ana and Pharah are, and at least one Christfag. If they were going to add a muzzie, they'd have done so by now.

Eating fish for dinner

What are your thoughts on the Warhammer games?


Any Jews?

> Half
> Overwatch has Deliver payload, King of the Hill, and Attack/defense
> Three
> Half

You wot m8

Also you can't fucking steal King of the God Damn Hill, thats been around for fucking ever, and attack/defend points is a game mode thats fucking *everywhere.* Even fucking counter strike has attack/defend points, they just threw a bomb into the mix to disguise the 'you stand on the point until you win the game' part.

Overwatch is purposely made to be an esport game, hence why any old normie can pick it up and be "instantly good" at it.

Not a moba you dumb fuck.


>games should only be made for pros like me

Then by your logic TF2 pretty much blatantly stole fucking everything from the Quake series seeing as to how it started out as literally just a fucking Quake mod. lol! Can't believe people like you exist.


Probably Tracer since the controversy over her ass more than likely helped sell more copies of the game.

>'you stand on the point until you win the game'

Unranked silver extravaganza


God I miss TFC. Grenades, Detpacks, disease carrying medics and no fucking hats.

Ana and pharah are the hurka durka boom booms

Reaper eats souls, so I'll put my money in him.

It's not hard to dumb down a game where all but three of the characters out of the whole lore of the game are autists, sociopaths, or plain, flat-bill retarded

No it's popular because of the waifus get it right

>Everyone, my ultimate is ready!


What your saying is blizzard got big balls from wows succsesful and decided to expand their empire

TF2 is shit.

Overwatch is alright, but it isnt as good as the hype makes it seem.


>Tfw you can't play in a party because shitty matchmaking
>Tfw you don't get to rage because some unusual-sporting cunt wanted to pubstomp
>Tfw you can't invite friends mid-game to fuck with pubstompers
>Tfw all the cool community maps are on "friendly only" servers so faggot admins kick you if you're not autistic enough to spend 6 hours doing the conga and chatting with the weeaboos

is this bait

tf2 butthurt fags spitting on ow for it's ressemblance and shitty toxic vocal community, also because of the "SJW non-oppresive list" of heros
there's truth, but need details

honestly, tf2 had as much toxicity, but since you don't have only 6 players to work together instead of 32 slots (usually) servers of people randomly doing shit on their own, they wouldn't start flaming at each other that much, altho it is true that more popularity means more of those fags
"but comp is different!"
comp is cancer in both games if you don't have a pre-made, admit it

also, both games and actually most games in the world ripped off quake mechanism if you really want to go that far

DVA exists dude

I wanna argue with you, but I use those exact words once per game, and my go-to binds for when someone kills me are "*gasp* h-he's fast!" And "This is the most powerful [S T A N D] user I've faced!"

Is everyone fucking forgetting Ana is egyptian which is arabic which is the same language as bomb turkeys?

Dude he's black there are no black Jews

No, TF2 is legitimately shit.

Overwatch is a once a month kind of game.

yeah funny how the most allah akbar race related, using explosive to kill her ennemy isn't shit on

Junkrat is muslim

Okay, I'll bite. What are some great games to you?

I don't like Overwatch and I don't like TF2.