Reunion when?

Reunion when?

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mfw mcr will never get back together


anyone remember back in '07 when one full quarter of all posts on this stupid website were WHEN I WAS...

because i do. it was the honest-to-god lowest point in Sup Forums history.

The fact that they broke up and probably wont get back together solidifies MCR as the last great rock band



This is why I hate art classes/students

You can't find someone "artistic" that isn't a massive fag. Makes me wonder if I'm feminine for doing art if most of them are like that

This. I say this whenever someone pulls theories from their ass



i dont get it. can someone explain pls

sorry, wont do it again

Gross album, gross band, gross time period. In fact, don't even go past 1989-or-so for any semblance of "rock" music. Grunge is okay as a rock revival, but MCR is no "last great rock band" They're just emofag trash.

does this help, my bro?

I saw them on one of their last shows on the Danger Days tour. They seemed pretty out of it from what I remember. At one point, Ray tripped over his cord and the guitar came unplugged and Gerard was pissed and kept singing anyway. It ended pretty quickly too.

This kind of person makes me want to die. First, they "like" this music. Second, they expect others to "like" this music. And third, they've formulated ways to find out who "likes" this music.

I had sex with garard way once
funny story actually

do tell

makes me sad desu
G always said he never saw them going beyond TBP but i think with Danger Days they ended it on a more positive note

i like stories

i still dont get it
does 'Clokkwork aj' think they're smug af xD because they played mcr out loud and people gathered around them because they liked it (or they thought the person #1 is an idiot) or something else that im too dumb to glue together

yeah. ending it on TBP would have been monumental but pretty depressing

This might be the most ignorant thing I've read on here all day

I almost wish they did end it with The Black Parade. Not that Danger Days was bad, it just wasn't a great send off

I really wish they would release a 2LP version of conventional weapons.

also, if they had ended it with TBP everyone would jerk it and expect more but then nothing would come and they'd be pissed, this way it was applying ice to a burn - much wiser. making a record with a heavily sentimental sound made everything okay

i think it's clokkwork aj unironically referring to himself as an emo that's quite cringey
and also the fact the he's clearly quite young or just stupid (making comments like that on youtube, literally who older than 16 does that), he kinda sums up the stereotypical MCR fan.

you people are fucking embarrasing

Anyone else remember this song? It's no doubt my favorite MCR song

American Football fan spotted

Probably never, there's no point if it's past the 10th yr anniversary of their best album.

aw shit man
desert song legit makes me tear up

Hopefully never

Semi related, but I'm pleasantly surprised at how legit great of a comics author Gerard Way is. I thought it'd be dumb fanboy bullshit like Billy Corgan's wrestling but Umbrella Academy is sweet and his new Doom Patrol is super interesting.

well thats depressing

I heard he was drunk when they recorded it

Is there a better band to listen to while I get fisted by my dominant emo bf fellow mcr faggots?

First time I see someone talk about the comics man, I love them too. Wait a sec I'll post an interview I was listening the other day when he went back to NY School of Visual Arts and said some shit like he did music to become a rockstar because that's what gets you to work in comics or some shit (a joke ofcourse but it's cool)

me too but i cant find semi-official sauce anywhere

no, have fun user


audio is pretty quiet so bring the volume up as much as you can

brain says never, heart says 2019

When has a reunion ever been a good idea?

The fact that they disbanded in the first place proves that they lost their spark.

A reunion would mean that they want more money and nothing else.
>''We did it for our devoted fans guys, we promise.''

Absolute truth

i bump this with a bit of sleeping gerard


How did we feel about this?

Bury Me in Black was a sweet song

i felt horrible due to the fact that the crowd noise was removed, made it weirdly unnaturally sterile
otherwise good, desert song ftw