Anyone know where I can buy counterfeit $20 bills?

Anyone know where I can buy counterfeit $20 bills?

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$50's and $100's are too easily detectable which is why I am asking for $20's

Yeah here, how much do you need bro? I take bitcoin only btw

Centerville Bowling Lanes behind the dumpster 7pm. ask for Toto. come with cash or don't come at all

I sell them for $21 a piece

Either a cop or mentally incapacitated

>having real money
>counterfeit money costs the same or more as real money
>being this autistic

>>counterfeit money costs the same or more as real money
If it's the same or more, then what's the point?

>>having real money
>>counterfeit money costs the same or more as real money
>>being this autistic
>I used to have a friend who got me on the dark web and I could get $200 counterfeit 20's for $10

20's are the most commonly counterfeited you jagoff

just print them out. go to a mom and pop store where they are too old to notice, or a place that hires 16 year olds, as to make bigger bill 5 fakes for a

You see, when I give people 20's they don't check them for counterfeit but when I give people 50's and 100's they do.

They're still the most commonly counterfeited but yeah most places don't check them

>buy a counterfeit bill
I'm not going to point out how stupid your question is...
Instead I'm just going to point out that you can just print a 20 off from your printer, that's considered a counterfeit.

I'm talking realistic counterfeit fag

I work in a store as a cashieer, and i can sure as fuck tell you that most people in general behind the register DON'T check for counterfeit.

Make sure you try and age the bills a bit before you use them. Like, put them in your pocket and walk around with them throughout your day, it'll crumple them a bit and make it look like they've been passed around as money should be.

Gas stations, stores during rush-hour with minimal registers, going into teenager's lines: these are the best options.

I heard microwaving them for 30 minutes works, is that true?
I'm honestly just trying to fuck with private sellers

I drove a taxi at night in Vegas for 5 years. Only once did I get a counterfeit bill, and yes it was a $20. I got it from a Negro. A coincidence I'm sure. I had to eat it of course. And after that I started checking all bills from Negroes.

I completely agree. Even if something looks counterfeit, it's too much of a hassle to do anything about it.


I'm this guy^.

Easiest way is to color photo copy a real 20. I used to make a copy of the front, then make a copy of the back. I would cut and paste both to each other. Mimics the thickness. Then I would crumble it up into a ball, then flatten it. I've spent over 1000 of these fake shits. never got caught

Explainify the saturation concernificating hookers in the Las Vegas.

Easy, sketchy, safe, whut?

Have you tried asking the United States Treasury?


That quantity of normies on this site is getting unprecedented.

Yeah, you're the one wanting to buy a counterfeit bill and I'm the fag, what ever you say kid.

Na, just buy drugs from niggers with counterfeit bills. Don't go to the same guy everytime tough.
Good times


i have heard you can somehow bleach a 1 dollar bill to remove the ink then print a higher denomination over it. not sure if true.....

No it isn't your just stupid.