How do you deal with losing friends over stupid shit?

How do you deal with losing friends over stupid shit?

Make more friends

Good question. I lost one tonight because he decided to get political.

Years of being friends online blown out.

Lost 2 friends in the same week, one was really close.

let it be.

if good friend you guys will get over it

if not, then not

This got me good

Better fuck that dog quick before he eats all you peanuts dude.


Dude, its Sup Forums, no one has friends

The worst part is it wasn't anything big, it was just such a small thing that we could have moved on from but he didn't want to.

Clearly not a very good friend then.

i didn't understand batman

this man is right

>Small thing

It was your penis wasn't it?

that's dogfood

Cool. Apparently you can't have friends online. Got it.
Tell me about it. He forces some stupid political bullshit on me then tries to make me look bad, then calls me names and deletes me.
I was pretty mad and then sad about it, only happened a few hours ago. I'll get over it, even though I barely have any friends at all.

You realize all of life is meaningless anyway. See nihilism

When my hood boys dont go out with me.

>I'll get over it

Nah, you seem more the type to dwell on your personal inadequacies and why noone will ever like you until it destroys you from the inside out.

Just remember that everything seems more significant when you're in the middle of it. It's part of what makes humans so adaptable. Once some time has passed, you'll realize that it doesn't really matter all that much and you'll probably see that you weren't benefiting much from having them as a friend anyway.

Also, just like with any loss, this is the time to break out of your rhythms and make yourself and/or your life better. Improve yourself and make new friends that encourage your self-improvement. After all, you tend to be a reflection of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

>I'll get over it, even though I barely have any friends at all.
this is the hardest truth. I only really have 1 good friend that i can talk about anything, we met 10years ago on Halo 3 Sandtrap.
Even if we have things we don't agree on, we're willing to let things go for eachother, too bad he lives in a different country but how do i make more friends like that again?

I take a firm stance on not involving myself with stupid drama and let it be known I can only be driven away as result. I dont get sucked into shit or forced to take a side because they know how fast and poorly their attempt to get me on anyone's side will go. I'm more than kind and friendly with people and so enjoy many friendships but I'm not going to wage a passive aggressive war with someone they dont like.

When someone asks me to take their side I dont mind giving them my support, but their side? For what and whos the other side? And if my support leads to "user said (good thing about me vs you who sucks) so you suck cock" I will be gone from your side like a bat out of hell.

Nobody cares, this is about the friend I lost. Make your own thread if you want to whine about your imagined sense of superiority. You know for a fact everyone you know just thinks of you as a piece of crap that can't be relied upon.

This picture might seem funny to all of you but to me it hits hard.
I've tried living my life the way others have wanted it, just to realize that it doesn't matter in the end.
Now i'm just looking for something to pay the bills, i have about 12dollars in my bankaccount and don't get money until the 30th or 1st.

i made this thread, not you

Even worse, just imagine if that dog ate all MY dogfood.

Move on when you realise they weren't your fiends in the first place?

making fun of sad things is even sadder

No I'M Batman

My advise is same I tell to couples splitting. Start working on yourself. Think about your future to better you. That will be where you find a new friend that will, hopfully not allow such petty things come between you. Exercise is a great antidepressant, btw

Apologise if you're sorry, or just move on.

You'll make more friends, or you won't.. It doesn't matter. Stop being a bitch.


See, those two have clearly been fucking. The dog can't look him in the eye because it's still awkward between them.

You lose friends because people get caught up in stupid petty shit and you follow them into it. When you involve yourself with with what you yourself described as stupid shit you take on responsibility even if indirectly. Sometimes the best friend you can have will be the one that is uninvolved and doesnt want to be involved.

Well I guess you know me better than I know me. You should look into psychology bro. You're a mind reader.

Tell me, how did you come to figure all that out? Enlighten me, great one.

see ya


I'm gonna lie down for a bit, thanks for being there user, i can always count on you.