Meditation, does it work or is it just a waste of time?

Meditation, does it work or is it just a waste of time?
>inb4 ppl who never done it

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are u zenyatta main?

Greetings Sup Forums. You do not know me, but I know you. I have been watching for a very long time. I am here to save Sup Forums from those that plan to destroy it.

~Sup Forums Guy

Depends on what you want out of it. Are you gonna be able to levitate a chopstick by flexing your penis after meditating for a decade? No. But if you just wanna relax, be in a better mood, and feel more chill, then yeah, focusing on one specific thing and breathing deeply for an hour or so should do it for ya.

It depends on the one meditating. I find meditation and Buddhism ideals as a whole very helpful to me, it eased a lot of problems more than anything ever did.

It is scientifically proven to help with mood and such. It is indeed healthy. Just make sure you read up on the PROVEN benefits. Just because kale is healthy doesn't mean it will make your dick a foot longer. Same with meditation, same with anything. You aint gonna find the secrets of the universe.

I want to get to know "me" a little better and also i feel stressed and wanted to try something more lasting than weed. Though higher levels of consciousness sounds amazing as well
Btw sry for awful English

Meditation is the shit, try to find a sensory deprivation tank near you


>Btw sry for awful English


thank you

Well, I don't have any advice for getting to know yourself better. Sounds like you should just start trying stuff. Think of all the stuff you already do, and don't do any of it for half a year, and just do other shit until that times up, I guess.

As far as relaxation and destressing, just do what I said in my first post for meditation. I personally just imagine a little fire in my hands. When I breathe in it shrinks, and when I breathe out it grows. If you're worried about destressing though, try hitting a punching bag or lifting. Those things might help you find yourself, too

(also, your English is fine bby)

Not him, I have a basic question.... How can one concentrate for so long without mind getting distracted? Its really tough to just "clear your mind" as they say. How does one achieve it?

What kind of problems?

>faggots who say "sorry for my bad English"

You don't clear your mind totally. You just focus on one thing for a long time, and kinda make a task of it. Like my little fireball thing; you just make it your goal to perform that task over and over and over. I also either go sit by the town dam when it's warm out, or sit in the sauna with some non-attention grabby or complex music.


I meditate every day. It helps me calm down and get sleep when i need to. It's also great for thinking and concentrating about issues of problems in my life.

Silva method works wonders for me.

was that the one where you put a dildo upright on the floor and slowly wrap your ass muscles around it as you relax your body weight on it while sitting in the lotus possition.
only way to find your center

It just takes a while.
Both in terms of being well practiced and calming down your mind and how long you meditate for.
Think about when you are going to bed at night.
You'll usually spend a while thinking about stuff that happened the previous day and stuff that will happen tomorrow.
It takes time for that chatter to die down and your mind to relax enough to fall asleep.
Meditation is trickier because you are trying to remain conscious, so your brain does need to run basic functions.
But after a time in meditation the internal chatter will calm down so you can focus on more deeply rooted thoughts.
Its different for everyone. Maybe 30 minutes or an hour for beginners. It helps being relaxed before hand.
You can't expect to get home from work and just drop into a meditative state.

As you get more experienced the time per session to reach relaxation will decrease.

This. Look it up fam.



Yeah your word is invalid now.

Just take the cliff notes bro... Shrooms. Currently on maybe like 8 grams. Shit was good. Learned a lot about myself and other tonight. Now just chillen and listening to Morrison and THE DOORS.

Sorry for my English. Yeah I meditate sometimes.

What's the best place I can learn more about this

Typical drug addict. If you need outside stimulation your life is shit,


>8 grams
Jesus mindblowing christ
I hope thats not dried weight.
Either that or you are using a weaker strain.
4 is overwhelming in my experience.

One off trips so your input is worth nothing.

you're looking for mushrooms, not meditation, user

lol. Looks like you need more meditation to calm your anger issue. Also the greatest people in the world did drugs. Sorry square.

Yeah this actually. There's also plenty of videos on YouTube about it.

If you got dubs in the first place I'd agree with you, but since you didn't...

Yes if you NEED it, your life is messed up. But at that point whats the problem? Your life is already in the gutter, might as well have fun.

If its just something you do occasionally and still have a normal life with a job and friends, then its no worse morally than alcohol.
If you can keep your act together and have fun once in a while, no harm done.

Dude, I'm a straight shroom head. 8 grams dried is typical. They are golden teachers and they are BOMB. I grew them so I know whats up. Give me a sec and Ill take a pic of some blue honey I'm making with 40 grams of awesomeness.

>Also the greatest people in the world did drugs.

Name some that are not artists of any kind.

I agree with that. If it becomes a need or something you do all the time its bad. Recreational is one thing, but if you are constantly doing it there needs to be som change in your life. Like most stoners who say they don't have a problem and smoke every day.

OP here
I will eventually try shrooms but i seek for more independent methods. I don't wanna take shrooms every week/month

Im sorry. I can't hear you over the off by one and also nobody cares about your opinion in the first place kys

Dude, exactly. Glad you understand. I quit alcohol cause of shrooms. Alcohol is fucking stupid as shit. Unless you're about to bang. But I do shrooms 2-3 times a week and my life is pretty fucking sweet. But I'm about to embark on bigger goals. The problem with shrooms I think, is people don't use them consistently. Shrooms cause neurogenesis (brain cell growth) according to Johns Hopkins University.

1. Bill Gates
2. Steve Jobs

Shall I continue?

>Bill gates

Ok got me there

>Steve jobs

Stole everyone else's ideas.

I think meditation can help anyone. For you first time you could do it together with someone else. Just find a comfortable place and quiet. here is an example. you are on a chair. you friend say to put you feet straight on the ground. then tell you to close you eyes. then tell you to observe what you feel with all your senses and what are the toughts coming trought you. you wait 3min for a start. and that is a good introduction.


>Yes it works.
what else?

Are you not wasting your time anyways?
what do you do for example?

Just the fact that you are asking the question, says
you are tense, lost probably if not forsooth
plugged into the matrix and still watch tv

Meditation will wake you out of your sleep and into awareness

tho some ppl prefer to be asleep.

Hopefully upright

Also shown to damage the chemical makeup in your brain. Double edged sword really. Once you start you can't stop or else your serotonin will be fucked.

dude how did you make that crazy honey?

Is that literally honey?

Dude you know what I mean. Don't hate on what you don't understand. I think if you did shrooms you'd be a giant advocate. Most people think of them as "drugs" but they are healing to say the very least. The University of New Mexico and Johns Hopkins University study shrooms quite a bit. They have been proven to CURE depression, anxiety, fear, jadedness, addiction, PTSD. I use shrooms to help take me deep into my brain to figure out why I tick the way I do. So maybe you should check it out if you're feeling a little froggy.

Why not try it rather than go on Sup Forums where depressed cry babies with pessimistic views will tell you what they think?

Hear me out on this: I hate hippies and always thought it was dumb. But sometime in my late teens I started being able to lucid dream. It was only occasionally and here and there but I forced myself over months and years to improve my control. I'm mid-twenties now and I am at the point where I will literally sleep in for twelve hours on saturday sometimes just fucking around in my own head, fucking sluts, flying, purging xenos, etc. I can't maintain it the whole time but I can in large blocks.

When I was in college I took bio and psych courses and reviewed the neuroscience research on meditation. They actually recorded asian monks going into long, deep trances (keep in mind these are people who have been practicing for decades almost daily) and it was interesting shit. Like most of you autistic faggots I too have social anxiety so I started practicing it here and there in the manner the interviewed monks did. It takes a while but I can go into a trance for twenty minutes at most. It takes a while to clear your mind in a non-forceful way but its cool.

Now, can everyone do it? Maybe, maybe not. Does it take practice? Yes. Does the faggot english major with dreads know know to do it? Irrelevent, fuck their hippie ass

Do you have a source? Or is that heresy. I know A LOT about shrooms. Im curious where you go that info. I agree that the brain is changing until 25 but to say it "damages the chemical makeup in your brain" is silly.

I put 40 grams of caps in a jar with honey. Wait 4 months and the honey absorbs the psilocybin and it becomes PSYCHEDELIC!! I need some fucking sopapillas.

Yes. Blue Honey technically but ya just honey.

>I don't wanna take shrooms every week/month
You shouldn't, that's fucking retarded. That much use cheapens the experience and if you have actual responsibilities its irresponsible.

when you think bad things your brain makes negative hormones and chemicals that make you feel bad ....think positive ... you feel good

a challange for you ... dont meditate make a mantra ... 5 words that make you feel good ...that make you proud or give positive meaning...

now repeate those words 5 mins a day to your self ... it wil take about 2 weeks for your boddy to adjust ... but after that you feel that the positive hormones make you feel stronger less sick and less depressed or happy.... what do you have to lose

This is what inexperience sounds like.

I used to do a lot of drugs in my younger years. I mostly did LSD, Weed and shrooms. So i know what you are talking about man. I know the feeling. Thing is i never got that feeling without that stuff. They're great things really. Only every now and then. Now i don't even think about those things anymore im much happier with the way i am. No booze drugs or anything. Im much more active and generally happier with myself. I even have a good job as opposed to when i was just some gas station clerk with no ambition.

That's understandable. Usually when we are younger we use drugs socially or like a young kid would. I'm 31. I stopped shrooms from 25-30. When I started shrooms in my 30s again... HOLY SHIT. Life was missing this. And they have helped me IMMENSELY when it comes to my mental health and motivation to stop the 9-5 and do something worth living for. You should try them again. Your brain is done growing. And its ready to be explored again and again. The more interesting you are mentally, the better shrooms are.

>Name some that are not artists
Most of the U.S.'s founding fathers (ex: Benjamin Franklin), Abraham Lincoln, multiple sultans, many chinese emperors, Muslim assassin cult, major British Empire leaders and traders. Natural tobacco is a hallicagen so pretty much any leader who smoked before the 1900's. Alcohol and caffeine are also drugs so again most leaders in both present times and in history
>implying the US' War on Drugs existed before the US

I did a lot when I was younger. You sound like a NEET who needs to move out of mom's house

Maybe they do, but honestly I wouldn't want to be the way I was before the shrooms. Ever. The most influential people in the world fuck with psyches. They are my role models. Not dudes on Sup Forums. lol

>underage druggy the post
LSD is better anyways

nice trips
How do you know dosage on this?
or are you just going to eat a shitload and go to outerspace?
I do quarters at a time too btw

coming from and egoist sellout to his own race?

Dude, your closed mindedness speaks volumes. I don't live at Moms. You're definitely harboring anger for what doesn't work for you. But I can tell you have demons that are pulling you into this anger. But do what works for you man. Have a good life. Or not.

get a job hippie. you can't skip feeding your dog because you spent hours staring at your colouring book.

Nah, I grow my shrooms. I don't have a lab to make LSD.

who would stop using them?

i mean, even working 55hours a week, I still had time to fry my brains more then 3 times a month. Trick is buying them in advance so you dont waste hours on dealers, and just taking them on any day you have off.

I do shrooms quite a bit. So I mean, I'm gonna eat quite a bit and kinda see where it takes me. If you wanted to dose it out you could divide the honey into 40 portions representing 1 gram of dried cubensis. Personally I'm not too concerned about dosage. Eat and Go.

If you cant feed your dog 2ce a day because you are doing drugs, you are a fucking retard.

I don't know about cure.
But they do help you sort through a lot of baggage.

I once felt so good after a particularly introspective trip. I felt emotionally bullet proof for days.
At first I thought it was just residual effects of the drug, but it was a lower dose than some other times.
I figured out I was able to make real, personal growth due to the shrooms.
Its all in how you use them. Sure you can sit and listen to music and laugh at trees (They are pretty great).
But if you spend some of your trip thinking about the hard stuff in life, its really productive.
Sometimes it gets intense.
Thinking about loneliness, personal loss, or your failures might really bring you down.
I've cried multiple times.
But its necessary because we spend most of our time just trying to survive day to day.
Whats the point of meditation, psychotherapy, or therapeutic drug use, if you are just going to scratch the surface?
Just don't let yourself go into a complete tailspin of despair. Remember that you've survived this long, and you can keep going.

And the trip lasts long enough that you can get back to laughing like an idiot and playing with Play-doh afterwards.

Maybe man. To be honest I have almost a negative bias towards them. I have that typical grown up group of friends. Have dinner every now and then guys get together for drinks every week kind of thing. Well one of those nights we talked about the shit we in college and one of them said why not again? we all kind of just looked around and said "nah" you know? well this guy got us some weed and we smoked had a chill time and that was that. Well he just wanted more and more. Now this dude kind of just turned back into that typical college stoner. Lost his job and girl too. Now just works at some shit call center. Im not saying everyone is like that i just dont wanna risk it you know?

I can see your spots.

This. lol

Trying drugs and doing them all the time are two different things.

if you meditate for long enough, there will be no sense of self to get to know anymore

Hell yeah dude, I actually might do this myself next time i get a qp of mushers. I kind of like the undosed unknown aspect of it. Im heading to bed but keep on keeping on shroomman.

Just grow them. I grew about a pound or so with one "crop". Fucking easy. They don't stop growing. I get about an oz every week now. Before I was getting 5 oz a week.

Happy Trippin Bro.

OP here
Thread is getting a bit of topic. I will definitely try mediation as well as shrooms. Thanks for your opinions fags, cya in your bathroom as i astral project myself and masturbate while u shower kekekek

>sellout to his own race?
Kek. Tripping twice a year instead of monthly makes me a race traitor? Are you trying to be autistic?

Dude, drugs make you superhuman. Why the fuck do you think everyone uses them? Everyone. Including yourself when you take tylenol, advil etc. You're just butt hurt cause your too afraid to explore your problems that keep you from growing and evolving into a decent person. Jesus get off your fucking high horse. Look around, you're here posting in Sup Forums. lol. Where the fuck did you go wrong and why you in such denial?

God that was autistic user. Any more college stoner buzzwords you want to throw out?

>Dude, drugs make you superhuman

true meth heads can fight off a ton of cops.
> Look around, you're here posting in Sup Forums. lol.

yeah so are you dude.

>Smokers andost adults only 'try' tobacco and alcohol
user you are a fucking idiot.

Kek what the fuck are you trying to say?

Mindfulness meditation works, if you are serious about it and do it regularly.
Follow an 8 week program like this:

I guarantee, you'll see positive effects. Especially if you are suffering from depression, anxiety, stress:

I still trip and enjoy it? You just sound like a burned out drop out

I understand your concern for sure. I mean if you aren't "missing" something in your life then keep doing what works. For me personally I was drinking all the time and I just had a general HATE for people, I was angry and depressed. And I drank and drank and drank. Did shrooms. And I stopped drinking completely and have gone deep into understanding my issues. Most are resolved. Working on the rest. And I'm A LOT happier. More functional then I was before this grow for sure.

When I was younger I did it to be CRAZY. But I always understood how they helped me even then. But I was never by myself and could never get that deep. I now do the exclusively by myself. I use them often but they are non habit forming. For most people one trip is good for the year. Me, I'm a different breed. But they help.

>sellout to his own race?
can we have one thread where a Sup Forumstard doesn't get triggered

Ya but I'm not judging people. You are. lol

I don't know what that sounds like.

>Smokers and most adults only 'try' tobacco and alcohol

Not gonna lie maybe they did help me when i was younger. I see things differently and im a lot more open minded to most everything. My high though is nature that's what gets me going man. You ever try shrooms or lsd on a hike? I did when i was younger and i fell in love with nature. I bet the drugs helped but man even without em thats my shit.

When did i mention anything about tobacco and alcohol?