Lets start an anti-CNN/Buzzfeed trend on social media. Sick of seeing libtards sharing their shit on my facebook feed

Lets start an anti-CNN/Buzzfeed trend on social media. Sick of seeing libtards sharing their shit on my facebook feed.

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You actually use facebook?

How quaint.

Then don't use Facebook, faggot. It's not your safe space

How is it fake news?

It isn't, he's just a pussy that gets triggered by facts and opinions that differ from his.

Get some new friends, dumbass

You must be used to getting it in the ass.

>I can't handle different opinions so I have to make up bullshit to build up a safe space
>ur a faget if you don't let me have my safe space!

Triggered and butthurt. Poor righties.

Have you idiots been under a rock? CNN ran multiple stories that said Trump received an intel report on Russian hacking on Friday that didn't exist then said one of the people in his cabinet was in Prague probably talking to KGB people. All to try and tie Trump to Putin and "scary Russian hacking" The guy was in the US at his kids baseball tryout and showed his passport to prove he'd never been there.

They ran the stories multiple times over the past few days, bold face lies on MSM to try and push the "russian hacking" narrative. No journalistic integrity whatsoever.

Like how stupid/brainwashed/misinformed are you people?

It has nothing to do with being "hurr durr triggered hurr durr butthurt" you clowns are just keeping your head in the sand and trying to act like it doesn't matter because you've lost and figured anything's fair game which is a very childish and dangerous approach to things tbh.

And you're trying to act like Trump is doing nothing wrong

The guy showed the cover of his passport, which only proved he is capable of traveling to Prague, not that he's never been

It wasn't the same guy. Keep up with the info if ya gonna talk shit otherwise you look pretty dumb

The guy was one of trumps lawyers. He was named.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You dipshits will try to excuse literally anything all because your feelings are hurt and you don't like the guy.

"Oh wikileaks emails? They're not fair, let's not look at the substance of the emails let's focus on some big bullies that leaked them in the first place"

"Oh, CNN ran a string of completely false and fabricated stories on national television that hundreds of thousands of people believed? Let's just focus on how Trump's still a bully or something."

That's really the definition of fucking crazy right there and it's like you don't even realize how insane you sound.

Also the guy showed his entire passport on live television, it wasn't just the cover. Not to mention his itinerary that was verified by multiple people. But I guess none of that matters when you've got your new nutjob conspiracy in your head, right?

You're going to have a hard 4 years if you can't grow up. It's funny though, you're only hurting yourselves.

>accuse others of being butthurt
>makes a thread whining that information about your golden calf is triggering you
Fuck, the irony is so thick.

So I can't point out that Trump is going to be a bad president and if he doesn't put all of his businesses in a blind trust he could likely be violating the Constitution? I can't critique the president at all? Is this Russia or something?

No, the definition of crazy is defending Trump, you fucking moron. You idiots are so fucking stupid that you can't see you've been played all along. You think he gives a damn about white collar jobs going to China? You're the insane one. Eat shit and die.

No. Get a life.

It's not whining or irony. I'm an independent and there's no "golden calf" or whatever weird nonsense you're trying cook up. I'm pointing out how you clearly have your head too far up your ass for your own good.

A good number of people are more than willing to completely ignore all of this obvious stuff going on because they want to go after this one guy and from an objective perspective it's bonkers that you choose not to see it.

>"Oohh no! Trump's going to hurt the 1st amendment and journalism!"

-CNN running fake stories and tossing journalistic integrity to the side to run an international smear campaign.

Which one has hurt the 1st amendment and journalism?

The hypocrisy from the left is palpable at this point. A 2nd grader with a basic grasp on logic could see the bullshit for what it is.

I never said you couldn't criticize the president elect, now you're trying to derail the topic of the thread which is a common tactic of you lot.

He's also in the process of doing everything he has to in order to get his business in order with dozens of lawyers working on it. You clearly don't watch ANY news or you'd see them holding press releases on it non-stop all week.

I'm not defending Trump, I'm pointing out how crooked and amoral certain MSM outlets have been in the past week. Your butthurt is obvious because you can't even stay on topic without going on some insane rant. You're not even halfway making sense.

Your strategy is pretty pathetic and transparent as fuck tbh.

Try to steamroll the guy> Anyone who points out that it's wrong for mainstream media, who people trust for information, to completely fabricate negative stories MUST be a supporter> Any supporter MUST be stupid.

No, just not. I see your elementary mind only works in absolute extremes and it's sad as fuck how you kids cling to your blankets while CNN is imploding in real-time in front of everyone.

cnn is turning into a fucking tabloid

Being this much of an ignorant oblivious child

>Sick of seeing libtards sharing their shit on my facebook feed.

no you are not.
it takes like 2 clicks to stop unwanted things coming out on your feed. but you dont do it. cuz you love seeing shit that pisses you off so you can strengthen your own beliefs.

you are only human op.

Vladamir Putin pls go

does russia own the US right now?

whats the deal with them having shit on trump or whatever?

yes. trump's been working for putin for 5 years.

4 intelligence agencies have spoken out.

2 intelligence officials have verified the report.

trump's going to prison. a lot of people are going to prison.

cnn said so!

Oh good, another Trump U snowflake circle-jerk thread

where are the sources tho?

Better, leave social media.

i know you are being sarcastic.

I just find it funny that libs are making stuff up to go after Trump. Their "he's mean" tactic holds no water so they flood us with nonsense.

Why are people defending CNN/Buzzfeed? If they are wrong then they are wrong. I feel like every anti trump person here is a bot at this point. They dont make sense and it all has the same method.

>you defend trump!?
>you must be weak minded!

enough already

politics on b

So Trump hired 2 hookers to piss on each other in order to get revenge on Obama.

Makes perfect sense.

what if the real truth is Trump made s shower with golden walls and called it his "golden shower" til his youngest son explained the term to him.

Social media is the cancer that will destroy modern western civilization.

Sup Forums on my Sup Forums? NOT ON MY WATCH!

this isn't plebbit faggot

you're the faggot, fuck off to reddit you little bitch

not your personal army

wow you seem pretty triggered, want anonymoos to make a safespace for you?

>if you think trump is a retard you are liberal

Nigga you shouldn't come to Sup Forums expecting very many pro Trump people.

It's funny how "triggered" falls flat when a liberal tries to use it against someone else but absolutely hits home every time you use it against them since they've been acting like absolute assclowns out on the streets for the past 2 months.

It's like the hideous looking kid in the back of class trying to call someone else unattractive and everyone else is just like "riiiiiight kid."

Anyone who can't see all the fake news and the anti-trump propaganda being pushed by the medias is absolutely the most brainwashed/braindead/sheep people of our society.

Libtards never cease to amaze me.

Your President elect is a buffoon, and anyone who seriously uses the term "libtard" is too. This us vs them mentality is what's really fucking up this country.

>a very childish and dangerous approach to things tbh

Trump as POTUS, in a fucking sentence.
If you think otherwise your logic box is full of fuck, m8.

When the rest of the world knows you have a clown at the helm, all they want to find out is "Is he a Pennywise, or a Peewee?".
And Donnie isn't looking so scary now, is he?

lol triggered.

he mad

HAHAHA Triggered that the guy you voted for is a cuck that likes women to piss in his mouth

You are delusional. If only you could see the situation with a biased point of view. You're just blinded by your emotions and acting upon them instead of reflecting on the situation. Again, libtards are stupid.


I'm in






This one was actual footage from CNN








fucking lol

Just like a liberal to assume that everybody should think the way they do unless they are in a "designated people who think differently than me space"
So that they can avoid intellectual diversity and discussion as easily as possible and also have a category of people to demonize.
How dare anybody think differently then they do!
Fuck off faggot. Sup Forums is for everything including your subhuman filth degenrate mind.

I love how foreigners waste time typing about our politics like anyone on either side gives 2 shits about their absolutely worthless opinion.

Son busy being potato

Yeah make be like Reddit

We aren't the ones that belong on Reddit sircuckinton

Not Reddit here nigger

Non shit skin foreigners like him while shot skins hate him. Your affirmitive action president giving away all our money to shot people is over.


I love you for this post. Thank you.

Look at the shills here who don't even realize we started the rumor here to make progresscucks look fucking retarded. Go back to tumblr faggarina

>us vs them is fucking the country
>makes us vs them statement

Fucking glorious.

You must be used to getting it in the ass.


>starts birther movement
>gets taste of own medicine
>throws a tantrum


first of all, Trump has now admitted that Russia interfered with the election

Secondly, the only thing CNN did was report on the fact that Trump and Obama had received summaries of a dossier that has been circulating for a couple of months now.

You're talking about CNN still right? Because it was Hillary who started the birther movement :^)

No. Just no.

CNN didn't report on facts, they lied and said he received a very specific intelligence briefing on Friday that he never received while at the same time lying and saying a member of his cabinet was in Prague meeting with Russians when he was in the US the entire time. Stop trying to spin this when they were already caught red-handed lying on national television. There's a reason why the other journalists were applauding Trump yesterday when he shut that clown down. Even their own peers see them imploding in their own lies and they're glad to see them roasted so they don't make the rest of them look like absolute shit.

hehehe woooooooooh
i havent seen a triggering of this magnitude since gamergate.


I'll bite, post a video of her claiming Obama isn't US born, literally tons of Trump, even promising to donate his money for the birth certificate. I'll wait :~]

I love it. Sitting here watching OP reply with well put together facts, and all you faggots can do is sit there and think of stupid fucking insults. Kill yourself, liberal


good job showing this was your first election, kid. :^)

Is Facebook your safe space you fucking mongoloid? Go be triggered on you tumblr newfag

Even if she did (she didn't) Trump pushed the issue for years. I can't wait to watch him get triggered daily for the next 4 years. He's literally the king of snowflakes

>Sup Forumstards fall for a Sup Forums troll claiming he 'fed' info
>we kangz now
Sup Forumstards are triggered niggers

>Even if she did (she didn't)

She did during the primarys when she ran against Obama.


>Even if she did

liberals are going to keep their head in the sand no matter what proof you put right in front of their faces. It's pathetic how you people still expect others to take you seriously when you're proving ITT right now just how brainwashed you are. Like there's proof not even 3 posts above your own and you're still like "Nu uh, itz not true guiz." Fuck outta here, kid.

>a planet full of people hating fat fuck american snowflakes = "liberal"
Is that the sound of a male landwhale looking for another male to mate with?

i think hes a dead traitor, whats that make me dimitry?

Fuck you. You piece of shit fucking racist bastard. Get the fuck out if you don't like it. Who the fuck died and made you in charge of our country. Go crawl back into your ass backwards uneducated fucking hole in the ground.
