I ran out of tissues and started using toilet paper instead...

I ran out of tissues and started using toilet paper instead. Now I have been up all night trying to figure out why tissues exist when toilet paper is objectively better in every way.

>Customizable sizes
>uses less paper so it lasts longer
>Roll can be stuck up ass for insertions

So tell me Sup Forums

Whatever is closer you fag.

op discovered wheel
im so proud of you

Yes yes ,but why do tissues exist?



heil satan


Proud of you OP. TP is the superior choice.

Because the tissue box looks more "proper" than having something associated with shitting (toilet paper) sitting around. And even then, you should put a fancy cover over the tissue box, to dress it up.

Tissues are typically single or double sheeted, 1/2ply, the toilet paper i like is 3ply, quilted like your mothers tongue and it smells of shea butter so my arse smells noice after im done tekkin a huge fockin shite.

a box of 100 tissues - £1 to £3 depending on the brand and luxury of the item.
4 pack of toilet paper - £4 for my favourite brand, the nasty cheap shit you can get 8 rolls for £1.

My arse knows the quality and appreciates the quality of a finer more luxurious toilet paper.

I've shat in the woods and used a doc leaf before, it's a messy procedure and i think i might of put a ladybug up my ass or something while doing it.

> not customizing your tissue box


I cover my tissue boxes in porn magazine covers/ page 3 girls, that kinda shit so when someone finds my box o kleenex i can go "oi cunt, u see them fine ass hoes on the box? yeh, now imagine what i use them tissues for so fuck off n get yer own tissues u fuckin greasy cunt"

customising tissue boxes...fucking how old are you, 70?

I once wiped my ass with a leaf that had a fucking centipede on it.

cause tissues are softer and if you are wiping your nose over a period of days the skin gets red, raw and painful to touch.
toilet paper is rougher and speeds this process up.
source, i have some fucking bad allergies

that's hardcore as fuck man, i take it you didn't see the cunt before you were done and had a little shock eh?

When i get a cold and my nose starts fucking running like a leaking faucet (tap for you inbred cunts) i dont blow it and rub my nose red raw, i just stuff balls of tissue up my nose and go about my business.

But i dont go out like that ofc, i just fucking sniff that shit back inside me.

there comes a point of sniffing it back into your throat/stomach that you start to feel sick and will throw up though, no fun.

I never get that tbh.
I prefer sniffing the shite back up my nose than let it dribble out, i can't blow it out it just never works.

Yeah. The motherfucker bit my leg on the way down. I tried to kill it, but those fuckers are tough as hell. (Plus it was soft dirt)

I have allergies pretty bad. I am allergic to dust mites, mugwort, shellfish, and fucking sunlight.

I was toilet paper all my life until 25yo when I met a sandnigger lady that taught me that your ass is not clean until you clean it. With water.
Now I have an hygienic douche on every toilet of my house.
I cannot stand any paper anymore, It makes me feel dirty with an ass full of smeared shit waiting to dry into a crust that will be washed at night. So when I know I won't be able to wash my ass during trips for example, I take wet wipes.
I don't judge you guyses, but your asses full of shit disgust me. Make the step to ass-washing, it will change your life. I can be tongued at any moment of the day. Can you say the same?

We can be tongued anytime we want too. Only ours will be flavored. I used to know a girl that loved to give wetbacks rimjobs because apparently, their assholes were spicy.

wet wipe master race

Well atleast the fucker didn't paralyse you and try to kill you, thats still a funny story though lol

When i take a shit and its a sloppy one that leaves my arse caked in shite i like to use my cock as a hose and piss on my asshole to help me clean it, it works really well.

wet wipes are for children, women, and people at concerts/festivals.


You seem proud of your smeared, dried shit crust.
Do not try to make it respectable: if you don't wash your ass after every dump, you are a low hygienic tier and I despise people like you.
Please keep low profile.

I like ass

>i just fucking sniff that shit back inside me
You sound like a delightful person.

My ass is clean when the toilet paper comes up for inspection and is clean.

I dont have the time or money to be washing or wet wiping my arse every time i take a dump, you clearly have a fucking gaping maw for an arsehole and that is why you fail to wipe it, that or you're fucking retarded.

I wash my ass when i shower nigga, i bet you don't even shower as shower water contains chlorine and that's DIRTEH

Thank you, I really enjoy snorting really hard and sniffing lots and lots around pretentious cunts, it really gets under their skin :)