Hey Sup Forums whats this thing on my knee? i keep cutting it off and picking at it but it just keeps coming back

hey Sup Forums whats this thing on my knee? i keep cutting it off and picking at it but it just keeps coming back


a big scab maybe?

Looks like a really, really, REALLY bad wart. Try freezing it off.

Nigger aids.

maybe i need a sharper knife

Put some neosporin on that shit, geeze

Looks like a fungal infection of some description. if clotrimazole or miconazole nitrate cream doesn't clear it up, you may have to get it frozen off or some shit.

Looks good, no need to visit a doctor. Protip: Use sandpaper or a file to thoroughly clean it from every bit of crust. It will heal the better.

been sanded before...




You savage. Why put him though all that pain?

Use an angle grinder OP. I recommend a diamond blade.


That is an alien infection, I don't know if you're aware. Basically space-flesh eating disease. You need to feed it alcohol (get a cotton swab and rub rubbing alcohol on it twice a day, more if you can handle pain). ^_^ enjoy the world

You got psoriasis Fam

This absolutely does not look like a wart, you faggot.

Thats Psoriasis you faggot.

Yes. I think it's psoriasis. Clean with no perfume soap.apply moisturising cream with no perfume or parabens (for very sensitive skin type)dont cover it , it needs air. And dont wear jeans. go to a doctor.it will spread !

It wont spread unless you allow it to, you faggot.

OP, you gotta cut down on smoking, drinking and eat some fucking greens. Shit wont spread.

Had that shit too as a youngster.

>implying eating greens and stopping smoking and drinking will stop a fungal infection.
Go drink some homeopathy and stab yourself with acupuncture needles, you fuckstain.

Ok user, if I were you I'd go to a hospital and start taking medicaments for avoiding having baterias in your shit. Take it serious user. I had a serious shit like yours and I took a medicaments only to make sure not having baterias. Keep cleaning it with soap

Its not a fungal infection you fucking idiot, its an overreaction of the immune defence causing the body to mass produce skin cells.

The medical way of stopping psorisas is white blood cell inhibitors like MTX, Stelara and Humira.

Posting again just to say that i am fucking shocked you'd actually debate with me. You fucking idiot. Think i'd just make shit up?

jesus fucking christ dude go to a doctor

I was saying if he doesnt go to a doctor it will spred. You fucking mongol. Do you need a sketch of what I'm saying? Ooh and stop picking it !

Fucking kill yourself you preachy faggot. Just eat some greens and that'll stop a fucking ongoing infection right? That makes sense

Its not an infection retard, its an immune response.

meat eater bacterai, you have years GJ

Of course you would make shit up, you're a pretentious cunt. Eat your greens, faggot.

>immune response

An immune response to a lack of broccoli?

Don't go to a doctor or anything, better make a thread on b so you're sure you'll be getting only expert advice

Fuck yeah b/ro.

Wat doctor is going to have the balls to tell him to amputate his leg with a chainsaw?

I'm a motherfucking green beret of medical knowledge. You go fuck yourself.

Of course not asshole, the factors are fucking huge. But usually its the only long term solution, Healthy food and excercise. Psoriasis is very often a lifestyle problem.

Lulz don't bother with that faggot. He read the wikipedia page on psoriasis and thinks he's a dermatologist.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you? Do you recommend stacking up on greens for my leukemia too? I bet those fuckers will help with just about anything.

It's Psoriasis Vulgaris.
You'll live, fagot.

>green beret
OP should eat your beret, then. Maybe that'll cure him.

You should do that, some dying would suit you.

Comparing Leukemia and psoriasis is fucking stupid tho.

Bait detected

dont know what that is, but it need honey, no kidding. if it hurts or itches, honey will aid...
and let it breath if you need to cover it up use bandage and add honey to it. But rember to change it and clean it twice or tree times a day...

I didn't know Sup Forums was filled with witches.

>Because that's how medicine works
You'd be amazed at how fragile the human body is

I'm not the other guy, but here's what I know.

Psoriasis is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. Basically your body starts making excessive skin cells in an area in an attempt to heal, but shit builds up and gets flaky and dry. I've had it all my life on my scalp, shit looks like dandruff but there's not much to do about it. Picking won't help. It's genetic, no amount of scrubbing is gonna help, unless you're using the right kind of medicated soap or ointments. Tea tree oil is the shit.

That said, a better diet will help your body to get things under control, but it will in no way clear it up completely. When I was in elementary school, I had a full-body outbreak, gutate psoriasis. Needed creams and meds and couldn't touch anything. Eventually got better a few weeks later.

Good news is, people with psoriasis have a natural resistance to leprosy, and they pretty much cancel eachother out. Leprosy makes skin die and fall off, psoriasis makes your body make a shit ton of extra skin cells that build up.


Like wow dude, no wai.

What crystals should i sleep under tonight? I want to hit all the bases for the complete wholistic medicinal approach.

witching or not, it is antiseptic and it helps itching

thats stupid

And having legit arguments about medicine on /b is so much smarter. You must really be leadin a sad life to be this much into lecturing anons on some shitty thread. It really fills your day with purpose to share your vast knowledge on anime boards? Sad

Dont be dissing alternative medicine faggot. Respect my opinions

Hah, this faggot agrees with me. What will you ignorant fuckers do now?

Actually, honey has several enzymes that are antimicrobial. In a pinch, honey can be used as an antiseptic. That's why it never spoils, in it's raw form. Egyptians stored that shit in tombs and it's still edible today.

I did it while masturbating. Not wasting any time here.


I often masturbate with leafy greens. You should try it.

>I'm not the other guy
Definite proof you are exactly the same guy

I will cos its stupid, honey is real deal ITT dont make miracles but it will aid and its pretty cheap.

Wow you must be the life of every party

It's a scab from cutting and picking at your leg.

Pray more. It will help.

You'd be surprised how far a bit of weird trivia will get you.

I feel like i've won this one. +1 for the guy spilling pearls before swine while masturbating.

0 points for this guy, disseminator of false information.

First off. Stop cutting and picking at it.
Get some alcohol.
Pour it over the wound.
Yes it's going to hurt like shit.
Dry it off with CLEAN paper towels
Get some peroxide.
Pour it over wound.
Let it sit there a bubble a few minutes.
Clean off with CLEAN paper towels
Cover with STERILE bandage.
Stop sucking cock.
It's very hard on your knees.

You are welcome.

Pls by the power of dubs give to this thing some knife cut

Ok, my dude. You can think that if you want, but I'm not gonna be an asshole to you like that self righteous dick. We might have the same opinion on whatever op's blight is, but he's being a dick about it.

Your knee looks fine.. What about mine?

Go to the nearest ER, have them clean it, pick out the worms, properly bandage it,... and quite picking at it, moron.

Obviously my oppinion is more valid than yours. And if i have to offend some people whilst sharing it, so be it.

We have the same opinion, they are equally valid.

I have the additional opinion that the way in which you have represented yourself is less than personable. You have made it clear that you feel superior to every person on this site, and yet, here you are, amid the thronging masses, prattling on about green berets and green leaves.

We both know the dude has psoriasis, and probably won't seek treatment, and that is entirely his choice. Just as it was your choice to make an ass of yourself in front of people who are also assholes. As much as you want to think you are above it all, you very much belong here.

Gotta do shit now, but i have numerous valid reasons for thinking myself above damn near everyone. Especially if it offends someone.

It's an old scab. It's just dry as fuck. Stop picking it and moisturize that fucker you stupid twart.

You are the gayest faggot to ever post on this shit hole full of gay faggots. Idiot

I'm not offended. You are just objectively an ass.

Dont let this thread die faggots. I wanted to talk therapeutic uses of rhubarb

Go. To. A. Damn. Professional.

Medfag here. This is correct. Apply cream for sensitive skin, keep that shit moist with cream and dont peel that shit off.