I'm the 1%

I'm the 1%.

Ask me anything.

how does it feel being a faggot OP

cool story bro

I'm straight.

This is my favorite sculpture. Shit blows me away.

But there is more than 1% of faggots on this board.

Don't give any question to OP, I am the 99%, AMA

99 > 1. OP BTFO

How does it feel to be a slave for the rich? You'll never be as rich as me. I'll have so much power over the population when I inherit my family's corporation.

In case you are completely oblivious--I'm am richer than 99% of the population.

1% of what? The inbred community?

How does it feel knowing your son will be killed when the 99% will have enough of your shit ?

>How does it feel to be a slave for the rich?
Are you one of the jews that escaped gas rooms?

What are your politics?

>muh worker's revolution

Who are the Three

Is the state behind the Underground Church?

What's under the left foot of the sphinx?

Give me 2 bitcoins pls

did you know?

Jesus was created after 70AD by the Flavian family of emperors (in conjunction with the Alexander, and Herod families) in order to pacify rebellious messianic Jews.

The ministry of Jesus is a satirical retelling of Titus Flavius' military campaign to take back Judea. There are over 2 dozen parallel events that happen IN SEQUENCE in both narratives, with characters that share the same names, taking place in the same geographic locations, with the Gospel version always being a satire of what Josephus Flavius recorded in "wars of the Jews"

example: At the start of his ministry, at the sea of Galilee Jesus tells men to follow him and he'll make them "fishers of men."

Titus, at the sea of Galilee, after his first military command, orders his men to follow him and spear defeated rebel Jews floating in the lake, thus turning his men into literal "fishers of men."

Another example: A starving mother named Mary, in Jerusalem during the siege, slays her son in the manner of a sacrificial lamb, roasts him, and consumes half of him as her passover meal, a human passover lamb.

Jesus the son of a Mary, in Jerusalem, at passover, orders his followers to eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, a human passover lamb.

Combined these parallels are proof the gospels and "wars" had combined authorship. The comedy proves the gospels were authored after the events described in "wars," and it also proves Jesus is a fictional character.

Following that, Acts and Paul's epistles combined with Tacitus' "annals" provides ANOTHER 25 parallels between the holy spirit and Domitian Flavius.

In addition, the first recorded pope was a Flavian, as are all the first non biblical saints. The oldest Christian cemetery in the world bears the name of a Flavian. Constantine also had the Flavius family name.

lots of people who are in the 1%, don't know about lots of important things.

I'm guessing your one of these ^

Do you even know the real recent (last 40 years) history of the world?

If he is part of the 1% why would he need to? He could buy the last 40 years of history

Can you give me money?

said like someone who doesn't know about anything that happened in the last 40 years, that wasn't also mentioned in public press.

As we all know money and power don't neccesarily make you happy.

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer to be rich to my current financial status.

Anyway, the way you are traing to show off here qualifies you as 100% douche. Rich or not....

are you in africa and that's why you claim to be richer than 99% of the local population?

False. They were persecuting Christians before 70ad

99% of people think that they 1%

>minion posting

go back to facebook mom

paypal [email protected]

send me some moneys and I will post the screencap

prove you have money to spare on some random user