I'm fucking tired of the cynical hipsters in here who constantly shit on this for not being """"""REAL"""""" psych

I'm fucking tired of the cynical hipsters in here who constantly shit on this for not being """"""REAL"""""" psych

>its le rehashed neu
>muh krautrock............lol done 30 years ago
>go back to plebbit
>worse than TRASH IMPALA heheheh

seriously, when are you going to stop shitting and actually RECOMMEND something better? your responses are the in the same fucking vein.


seriously, post better. post superior psych-rock, or just admit it doesn't exist. bandwagons work the other way too, people hating on stuff they don't understand because the culture that surrounds it

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The drumming sucks.

again, what drummer do you like? let me guess, "ZACH HILL"?

every fucking time

Go back there.

so again, you admit to having no answers?

No, I just like interesting rhythmic patterbs. Theyre severely lacking in this release,

really cuz I'm fucking tired of the impressionable teenage retards who keep reposting this decent-but-not-amazing garage rock band ad-infinitum and stifling any attempts at discussion that isn't simply circlejerking

fuck off

rhythms aren't always in the drums.


simple beat but vocals, flute interlock in an interesting rhythm

again, post superior psych rock. still waiting

Check out Motorpsycho


>seriously, when are you going to stop shitting and actually RECOMMEND something better?
Maybe it's just counterproductive arguing with someone who takes actual joke bands seriously.

I'm glad you said this because I was going to say this exact thing. King Gizzard piggy backs off of the popularity of Tame Impala and The Beatles by teenagers who think they're "groovy" and above the mainstream. They're ok but boring most of the time.

most of their fans probably think they're better than Tame Impala though, which is a big kek

i swear there's this new "hippie" trend I'm seeing come to fruition where they literally just copy everything they've seen from the time period. It's strange af. Also yea Tame Impala is leagues better in every way.

joke band?


>seriously, when are you going to stop shitting and actually RECOMMEND something better?
this wasn't hard
and guess what this album actually has good drumming

king gizzard was admittedly started as a joke band bro

good gizz albums: nonagon, mind fuzz

rest are bad to okay


Oh shit, this is really good.

you don't actually think King Gizzard is better than those three bands though, do you?

aw dude their concert was insane.
im completely in love with one of their singers

hey OP why are you so upset, i just don't like the production or the melodies, and i really hate the effect the singer processes his vocal through

nonagon infinity was quite a feat, an entire album without a single poignant moment

Yeah that's probably the one boring part about them, the percussion is too simple

Was that supposed to be insulting?