So explain to me why Republicans are the "good guys" and Democrats are the "bad guys" OTHER than Killarys Emails...

So explain to me why Republicans are the "good guys" and Democrats are the "bad guys" OTHER than Killarys Emails, Obamas a muslim, and Bill's a rapist.

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I genuinely don't know who the good guys are anymore

There are no good guys, only rich and poor. Powerful, and powerless.

There isnt anything damning in the emails, Obama isnt a muslim, and Bill has fewer rape charges than Trump.

Clinton's owned by Soros and the Saudis.

One side is greedy and wants to deny people food and education, the other side wants to educate people and make sure they have food.
It's obvious who the good guys are.

How do you not understand why those things make them bad people? What kind of delusions are you telling yourself to think that rapists and pedos aren't the bad guys?

Independent business tycoon versus career politician who literally achieved nothing substantial in 30 years.

They're not. Most people here are either trolls, or just ignorant: they hate niggers and the handouts they get, and feminists, and THINK the republicans, because they share those feelings, they're great. But they're sadly mistaken. Republicans are absolutely terrible for straight white males too unless you're rich. Trump and the combined control of the house and senate will make this abundantly clear.

Hillary isn't against the nuclear option and has wanted to implement a no-fly zone over Syria which if implemented would have resulted in a war with Russia.

Now would you rather have a billionaire grab your pussy or be in a nuclear war.

This man is gullible.

This guy gets it.

Because you are gullible and misinformed if you believe that.

Speaks the truth

there's only one political party OP there's two factions in it but still the goal is the same. they just have a different approach.

what the commoners want or need is as relevant to them as last year snow.

DNC and Hillary came off as being REALLY corrupt, while Trump came off as honest even if he was crude.

You are an idiot if you think Russia would goto war with us over Syria.

And Donald's owned by the Russians and Exxon and the Saudis and Goldman Sachs.

Not a very good point tbh fella.

democrats want to stir up race bate shit to keep racism alive and keep minorities voting for them


explain to me how bringing outsourced jobs back to america and stopping any future jobs from leaving will help the rich and fuck the poor, not to mention giving americans 11 million jobs that illegals took.

Because none of that will happen, and factory jobs arent ever coming back en masse.

you must feel so smart for blindly rejecting everything mainstream. most people grow out of their rebel years in their teens

The illegals are doing the shit work that you don't want.

so what you're saying then is that no president could ever do anything to help the poor or reduce the unemployment rate in any way because "it wont happen"

Im not the one dismissing mainstream understanding of the situation. Unless mainstream to you means uninformed hillbillies.

>Joseph Dunford, told the Senate last month that a no-fly zone would “require us to go to war against Syria and Russia”

How does inheriting daddy's fortune qualify him for a political position?

War would be highly unlikely. I would have much rather had the slim chance of war than the assured gutting of social programs and civil liberties that Trump will allow.
I can't niggers and ultra-pc sjws either, but you're delusional if you think republicans don't plan on stripping money, jobs, and civil rights away from EVERYONE who's not very wealthy.

Every outsourced job trump is bringing back is being done by offering benefits paid for by the taxpayer. They're very few to begin with, and with the vastly increased healthcare cost, and the burden on the middle and lower income class represented by more tax breaks and benefits to the rich, will result in a net loss for the non-1%
That's the republicans greatest trick, deluding people like you into thinking they stand for the working class instead of the 1%.

>Sup Forums is more woke than Sup Forums

Holy shit, it's like I'm in some bazaro land.

But yeah, you've all been duped. Trump is a piece of shit, and here's a list I made explaining why.

>Wanted Russia to hack the US
>Suggested for his fans to assassinate Hillary
>Has lied over 60% of the time according to politico
>Disrespected veterans (McCain and Khan family)
>Disrespected the disabled
>Dodged the draft for Vietnam with more-than-likely fake Dr notes
>Has been bankrupt 6 times
>Wants to bankrupt US the American dollar and our economy
>Promotes violence at rallies
>Has owned apartment complexes that were sued for denying housing to blacks
>Thinks Obama literally founded ISIS
>Wants to suggest unconstitutional policies
>Wants to kill civilians in other countries (war crime)
>Wants to bring back torture "even if it doesn't work" (war crime)
>Outsources his jobs for his businesses even tho he says he's against it
>Thinks climate change is hoax by the Chinese (look up tweet)
>Stole millions from people through Trump University
>Used other people's money for his charity to fund his businesses
>Says that bombing Europe "isn't off the table"

Hillary actively defends rapists and pedos, it's on public record and you're the dumbass calling people misinformed. Not only that but she makes jokes about it.

Bringing sweatshop work to America isn't possible financially.

They can, Trump wont.


I don't think this one actually want to do anything to help the poor. Things like reducing company tax will only help the already rich. Trickle down economics is a con.


it's only "shit work" because the employers have illegals to exploit who won't complain in fear of being deported. when they don't have anyone to exploit, wages and work conditions will improve considerably. and believe me, to the millions who have no job at all, it's not work they don't want.

Still misinformed if you believe that.

He's not going to, dipshit. He outsources his jobs for his own businesses.

the guy ran a campaign on draining the swamp. soon as he gets elected his cabinet picks are all insiders. he cares not about working class, just rich foods getting tax cuts and himself. He wants to abolish the EPA and FDA. How dumb can you get

And John McCain called the hacking stuff an act of war. What's your point retard

So? Russia isnt stupid. They wont go to war with us.

How is it misinformed, it actually happened.

I know being a lawyer is a seriously foreign concept for you, but think for a moment what it would be like to have a career and to receive an assignment. Crazy stuff huh.

God. Republican positions are founded on Biblical principles.

"Explain to me how photosynthesis works WITHOUT using the words "sun" "carbon dioxide" or "Krebbs cycle"
Fuck outta here

>implying not both parties are the bad guys

yawn. that isn't what he asked.

hillary did defend such people. she was a criminal defense lawyer, that's what they do.
her attitude in that one interview that's surely being referred to sucked, but even if everything pizzagate claimed was true actually was, she'd STILL be better as president
because it doesn't matter that she's an absolute piece of shit, because it's the appointees and nominees that have the real power and will really fuck peoples lives.
AG sessions, whatever nutjob like Pryor Trump names to SCOTUS, all the other grossly incompetent or flat out malevolent cabinet appointees, the lack of check on the power of the republicans in the house and senate.. THAT is the real danger, and hillary being a corrupt, terrible politician who shat on national security with her emails, would have still been better for this country.

he turned millions into billions.

Because you cannot understand the context apparently

One side wants to achieve power by making people dependent on social services and welfare

The other side wants to achieve power by enabling the already wealthy and more successful to achieve more wealth and success.

Both sides use the people emotion and passion as a proxy for their games.

People at this level are fueled by a psychopathic need for more and more power.


1st r8 b8

There are damning things in the emails, hosting them on a private server was illegal regardless, we dont know whats on the 30,000 deleted emails because she deleted them while under a subpoena, Obama is awful regardless of his mulism status, and Trump had one rape charge that was dropped, and Bill has multiple.

sure kid.

Here's one example: my mayor just said she would not allow the city police to assist in enforcing immigration law because to do so is "anti-immigrant." That is bad, and that is rather typical Democrat politics.

way to get it wrong kid

liberal detected
>no objective morality
>obsessed with power
>fixated on economic inequality

>One side is greedy and wants to deny people food and education, the other side wants to educate people and make sure they have food.
>It's obvious who the good guys are.
which one is which?

it's insane how you twist "fixing unemployment" into "giving money to the top 1%". i don't think you could ever be convinced that a republican cares about anything other then the rich

That argument really doesn't fly. Investing his inheritance in an index would have made him more money, meaning he performed worse than the rest of the country.

You could say that entrepreneurial traits are beneficial to a president, and he has these traits because he has taken risks with money and actually tried running businesses (some successfully, some not).

believes everything google tells him.

not having government pay for food = denying people food
kill yourself

Can't we just vote for the Libertarian Party?

He's not a billionaire. Most people (including former accountant) estimate him to be worth between $100 million and $600 million, but nowhere near a billion.

Not like we'll ever know since he won't reveal his tax returns and let us know how long he's been dodging taxes for.

sure kid

>deny people food and education

No, we simply believe that if you want food and education, then you buy those things yourself by getting a job and paying for them. If you want to prosper, you must contribute to society in some way.

The left "provides" things by stealing money from everybody else, which is immoral. And it is stealing because the only alternative to not paying taxes is prison.

So. What. Yes, the e-mails were illegal and damning, but paled in comparison to not only what Trump said and promised to do, but are also superceded by reasons in dude trickle-down econics is precisely how the republicans say they'll fix unemployment. they explicitly admit this. are you seriously fucking saying that republicans aren't for decreasing the tax burden on the ultra-rich? talk about insane

>>He's not a billionaire
>>Not like we'll ever know

Forbes says 3.5 billion

And that's how we don't know if trump has ties to russia. How he got away with not releasing his tax return is beyond me

Democrats want to help people, Republicans don't.

Forbes will put in whatever he says for them to put in.

"Companies based in the United States would be taxed at a flat 20 percent, as opposed to brackets up to 35 percent (riddled with deductions) under current law. "
Oh no, not having the highest corporate tax rate in the world!!!
Also, me and the wife make 135k a year... our taxes would be cut from 28% to 25%.
We are the ultra-rich? Get a job, hippie.

im saying it's insane to twist "wanting to reduce unemplyoment" into "more money for the rich".

Democrats want to make others pay for getting people dependent on government.
Republicans give to charity.

"Help People"
They make people dependent on government handouts.

you could argue that for literally anything that says he's a billionaire. if his former account said he was a billionaire, you'd call BS on that too.

Fucking plant magic

Sessions is a great AG pick. The only problems with Trumps cabinet is Bannon because he ruined Breitbart, Tillerson because obvs, and Ben Carson because we know he got that for becoming a surrogate.

Hillary wanted to reverse FEC vs Citizens United, which also means repealing the first amendment. She lied to the people and called it "getting money out of politics", when really the case was about a company being allowed to spend money to make an anti-Hillary documentary.

She wants to reverse Keller vs DC, which means ruling that individuals do not have the right to bear arms, which means destroying the second amendment.

For god sakes, her pick for EPA was "likely an african american." No names, simply an african american because fuck meritocracy, we need diversity.

>Democrats vs. Republicans false dichotomy

When will this meme die?

Yes. It is pretty retarded. And it's what Republicans do every time they're in office. Even if their intention is to create jobs I keeps the money

t. CEO

>her pick for EPA was "likely an african american." No names, simply an african american because fuck meritocracy, we need diversity.

things like this remind me that i made the right choice voting trump

so how exactly do the rich profit from being taxed when they try to outsource jobs? or from being unable to exploit illegal workers?

And most of those charities do fuck all and are only there for self-interest more often than not.

What government handouts? Unemployment and welfare are nothing to live off of and are temporary, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

How is that worse? What things did he promise that were worse than what she promised?

Also Reagonomics does work. Think of small businesses that would be greatly helped by an increase in capital gained through cutting taxes and killing regulations. You cant look at just Walmart with thousands of stores and millions of employees. You have to look at the small businesses too that are the lifeblood of our economic growth.

Democrats steal money to help others
Republicans want to remove barriers to let people help themselves

Dems are worried that someone who needs help isn't getting it.
Repubs worry that someone who doesn't need help gets it. [Excepting big business.]

a flat tax is a substantially higher burden on small business than megacorps. so while the policy seems fair to the ignorant, it actually represents an increased burden on the middle and lower class and a giveaway for the rich.

it's absolutely not when the mechanism for reducing unemployment is well established to be trick-down economics.

>Sessions is a great AG pick.

Jesus christ, i don't even know what to do with someone who's a biggest enough sadomoralist, anti-freedom piece of shit to say something like that.
No, i don't think he's a racist, so don't use that strawman.

>The only problems with Trumps cabinet is Bannon because he ruined Breitbart, Tillerson because obvs, and Ben Carson because we know he got that for becoming a surrogate.

What about Rick Perry, who not only has no experience in his department, but outright campaigned to destroy it?
Could on and on with his terrible appointments. Did you not see Pryor topping the SCOTUS list? That would be devastating to civil rights for a generation.

Hillary's desire to attack the first amendment exist, but so does Trump: see his desire to expand defamation and libel law.
Her desire to abridge the 2nd amendment is disgraceful and unconstitution.
Both parties are equally terrible on the 4th.
Republicans are far worse on the rest.

If he hasn't showed his tax returns and is inclined to lie more often than not, I think I have my right to not take his word for it.

>"good guys"
being this dumb

Free healthcare and free education come to mind.

Democrats have it backwards in that they want to target how we pay for things, not the actual cost of these things. Turns out free healthcare means higher premiums, and college grants means higher tuition.

>still believe in fake news


>Democrats steal money to help others
>Republicans want to remove barriers to let people help themselves


>Republicans want to remove barriers to let people help themselves

Barriers like tax. They have no interest in helping the poor get out of their situation. Trump didn't pay any tax for years. The man's a con artist.

btw, Sessions thinks pornography is a public health crisis and wants to massively expand obscentity prosecutions, per his confirmation hearing.
so enjoy your traps and bbc while you can

except trump has SEVERAL plans to reduce unemployment, and trickle-down is only really present in his tax plan. Outsourcing, illegals, taxing outside companies, etc, has nothing to do with trickle-down

>Republicans want to remove barriers to let people help themselves

Yes, but only if you're already rich.
