Getting OC sprayed for police academy this evening. I'm sure it will absolutely suck, but be fine...

Getting OC sprayed for police academy this evening. I'm sure it will absolutely suck, but be fine. I am curious if there is anything i can mask my face with to keep my pores from absorbing as much of the OC

ideas ive had are - soap, coconut oil, tea tree oil, maybe a light touch of my ladys makeup if i could pull it off!?

Again I'm sure it will be fine but no reason not to ask if there's a possible way to reduce the pain

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try vaseline

How's about you do what you signed up for like a man?

what a bitch
the point is to give you the experience of being sprayed so you wont fear it's use when and if you should spray some faggot
Don't take a shower afterwards. It just redistributes the particulate.

That's a dumb idea because the capsaicin gets absorbed through your mucous membranes. In other words your eyes, nose and mouth.

Protecting your skin will do nothing because your skin is already protected. It's the same reason you can chop a jalapeno and feel nothing on your hands, but if you rub your eye, instant pain.

OP gonna get fucked up by a nigger one day.
You want to be a cop, but not man enough to take what you'll dish out?
As much as I hate niggers, you gonna get capped by one.

Coconut oil before and afterward...
Keep in mind though, it takes it a bit to soak in, so put it on at least an hour before so your face doesnt look like you have shoved it in a vat of oil...

just dont be a bitch a do it...thats the point to know what it feels like. You really think you're going to have time to rub some cream on before you get hit with it in the field?


Just cover your face in candle wax

They'll never know

I actually hope they do get shot or stomped by a nigger they've sprayed in an attempt to stop because they think the spray is scarier than it actually is.

i dont really see the logic in it
its not like i have to be shot to be able to use a pistol

I'm going to take it and even volunteer to go first (more time to decon, and less anxiety seeing others reaction)

ok i may try. even if it doesnt protect the mucus membranes it should help removing from skin afterwards right?

He's not trying to find a way out of it you dimwits... He's just trying to find a way to make it suck a little less...
Smart move if you ask me, sounds to me like the kind of person I would want to be a cop.
Someone who fucking THINKS with his brain...
Not someone who's going to blindly plod along and do whatever the book tells him.

>using non-lethal force on a gun wielding perpetrator

Well, keep in mind, if you get really good quality coconut oil, its perfectly safe to for the mucus membrane... never had it bother my eyes when they had contact, although if you coat your mouth with it, that's just gross as hell...

You're retarded. The point of it is so that you don't just use it whenever you feel threatened. If you don't understand how bad it hurts you'll probably spray it all over anything that so much as takes to many steps in your direction.

Pussy it only feels like youre gonna die for like 5 mins then it just sucks and feels like glass in youre eyeballs and youre face in an oven. Dont reactivate whatever you do good luck puss.

And yes, oils are great for getting rid of capsaicin, and coconut oil one of the best of those. Also freaking great for your skin... In the winter my hands crack like glass, but the coconut oil fixes it right up

Try to somehow plug your nose. That's the worst part. Every orfice of your face is going to be flowing afterward. Your eyes and nose are gonna be a faucet. But honestly man it's not that bad. I was maced and it sucks for about 12 hours and you won't do much sleeping. Wash your clothes/ take them off before going home/getting in the car

I'd say there is nothing you can do. You will end up inhaling it likely. So my advice would be to hold your breath OP. I am coming at you with experience as I maced myself at point blank range years ago. (That's another thread). Just be a man, it will hurt bad. But it only lasts for a few weeks if you inhale

I once did a spray test of bear mace and a tiny bit blew back, shit was highly unpleasant.
Try not to breathe in thru your nose.

Dude I don't even decon anymore when I get sprayed. Just let it wear off and it won't hurt as bad in the shower. I'd take it over the taser any day.

>its not like i have to be shot to be able to use a pistol
Apples and Oranges.
>Have idea
>Stop thinking after first idea and roll with it
Sounds like a cop to me.

>cops have never missed a weapon before

Fucking idiot

The whole point is doing it by the book, they are doing it to show what it's fucking like, if it happened in a proper situation do you think whoever is hold the spray is going to let you smear vaseline on your face or have a quick moisturizer session beforehand?

Besides you're forgetting the obvious thing, the point and reason you and OP are fucking idiots is that pepper hurts when it hits your eyes and other various openings, not your fucking skin.

Might aswell wear a plastic bag and fucking suffocate yourself.
>Don't see the logic in it

It's about toughening you up fag boy, would you complain about the army making you prance about a fucking courtyard for an hour because you won't be doing that in service?

Been there done that. They will check your face. Brink milk for after and remember to wipe off the crystals after they dry and for the love of god wear swimtrunks in the shower. You don't want that washing downwards into your ass and balls.

Here's hoping you're severely allergic to something in there and die painfully. Pig.

do they force you to take deep breathes? if so, you're fucked.

After rereading the thread, OP, I think you'll embody everything officers of the law stand for. Good luck to you.

OP you're a pathetic pussy.

There are women tougher and less afraid to do this than you.

You should be ashamed.

i understand but odds are im not going to recieve a direct shot of OC to the eyes on the field, maybe an indirect contact or in the area. This is more than i can expect to combat. i know nothing is going to take away from the pain of it altogether but surely something like coconut oil would help in the decontamination at least.

thanks for the trunks tip.. i heard milk makes it worse bc it traps the oc within the pores?

thats what my instructor says. and ive seen mixed answers online about using water. i think i may try standing in the wind at first.

im most concerned about breathing it in but cant think of anything to do there besides taking a deep breath before hand and trying to hold it through the initial adrenaline. doubt it will last

take it like a man, you faggot
or wear your make-up whenever you go on action

So many tough guys in this thread, probably wore themselves out from typing so hard and fast that they had to ring their bell for mother to bring them more tendies

Yeah, wear women's makeup, since your probably already used to it

i'm not the one that signs in for some painful shit and then pussies out
and for the record: i got sprayed once

>don't have to be shot to use a pistol

You do realize that using pepper spray and shit spreads in air and is prone to interference from things like the wind? It's not like when you fire a gun, the bullet follows a direct line and does not stray much from the path. When you spray shit, you're likely going to get some of it in your own eyes. This is what the preparation is for.

There's nothing you can do to stop it from leaching in but this is what you do to get most of it out. Fyi it's gonna feel like you just got punched in the face w/ a sudden lose of balance and nausea. It will force you to hunch over and possibly bring you to the floor. But to get it out you need mineral oil, 91% rubbing alcohol and cotton/face wipes. DO NOT TAKE A SHOWER TILL YOU'VE GOT MOST OF IT OUT. By most i mean when the wipes aren't still sucking out orange crap from your skin. So first you rub the oil on the affected area then you suck out the oils with cotton ball and rubbing alcohol. Oil Loves alcohol and will get absorbed by it. Keep repeating till burning has stopped. Fare warning if you take a shower and that shit got in your hair prepare to feel the burn. Do not take a full body shower. And another thing your bathroom will smell of mace for awhile after this.

>dont see logic
Oh wow. A police officer doesn't see logic. This is groundbreaking.

Have you tried not being a little bitch?

You don't cut spicy peppers, some peppers will light the unholy fuck out of your hands.

I have been maced by grizzly bear mace(accident), its better you go through it so you know what to expect for future situations. You might not be the only one carrying it.

It does suck, milk will help afterwards. Don't take a hot shower, take a cold one, and don't rub your eyes. If you take your shirt off, make sure you pull it away from your face so not to drag it against it.

Best of luck.

pour this over your face

Also don't wear any clothes you care about when you get maced. By a cheap t-shirt and pants

bullshit. the skin on the palms is too thick for that

>I am curious if there is anything i can mask my face with to keep my pores from absorbing as much of the OC
I'm sure the juice from your leaking pussy will help some

Milk does not fucking work.

This does not work.

Yes it does, did for me.

No Tears baby shampoo is what the Marine Corps uses.

Okay user since you know everything. Idiot.


Rub a fine layer of human semen on your face. This will reinforce your pores and stop excess oleoresin capsicum from seeping into your skin.

Hide some extra jizz in your mouth and pockets in case the original layer fades off and you need to reapply.

I forgot to mention, the milk doesnt remove the oils, it stops the burn. To remove the oils use a solution of 1/4 dawn 3/4 water.

of course i know, moron. i eat enough of this shit to know
rub it on the back of your hand? sure, you'll feel it
on the front? not a fucking way

Antiperspirant all over your face

It doesn't hurt as much as you think, i had to run an obstacle course 30 seconds after being sprayed. One of my buddies were a bitch though and the fire department came to help him breathe. If they give you something to do you won't even notice it. So quit taking the dick and get sprayed like everyone else.

Its so you know what to expect when you spray someone and have to arrest them, its gonna rub off onto you most likely.

Ex Police academy instructor here.

We check for semen on the new recruits faces prior to the test with a blacklight because it's so effective. But if you use dog semen it won't show up under the light and it's just as effective.

Different user here. I buy peppers local (East Texas) and here's one that does burn your hands.

I love you Sup Forums. Only here can a simple question about OC spray devolve into arguments, insults, and cooking advice. (again: use "No Tears" Baby Shampoo.)

Same user. The golden cayenne pepper has a variant called the yellow snapdragon. I dunno what it's crossbreed with but you have to wear gloves when you cut this thing. I got some on my cheek one time and it burned like hell.


Tried and true. Don't use German Shepherd ejaculate though. The bi-curious canine units can and will try to lick your face and blow your cover.

i regurarily eat habanero (and it's a Trinidad one) and it doesn't burn my palms even one bit

Haven't people been blinded by that shit? Don't rub your eyes bitch!

Like I said. Local variant.

What martial art do you train at the police?

it says that it had up to 50k scoville heat units. even if it's a local variant i doubt that it would go higher than 500k. habbanero easily goes over a 1M units


Get some really strong mint oil. The hotness from the OC is basically just tricking your nerves into thinking your on fire. Mint does the same thing but with cold. So in theory you should be able to cancel the two out.

>martial art

Look man, I work Corrections in a large prison in the south, and I volunteered to be sprayed, reason being is to 1. Know the beast, 2. Conquer Fear of it, 3. Work if it gets you. I didn't do it for tradition's sake, I did it because when it comes down to that situation where I'm fighting that one right motherfucker with the Agg Ass bid, or that Murderer or hell whatever, I NEED to know I can still fight, still keep my with, manage my breath as best as possible. It's frightfully easy to get crossfire do dealing with someone in a big tussle; you're both on the ground and scrapping, there's no guarantee that you won't get sprayed, and there's the issue of Ethical Force/ Force Time Continuums, so she have to meet threats with the right level of fight, we can't haul off with our batons just if we want. You know nothing.

There's nothing that really helps man, in fact some of that shit can really backfire on you. Just take it like a man. It's gonna fuckin suck but it's also kind of exhilarating in a way. You'll be glad you did it after like 45 minutes of pure hell.

OP, been through it many times. Best thing I have come up with is try not to eat very much a few hours prior (so you don't hurl), and fully rinse your face immediately afterward. It is water activated, and will cause the burn to come back, but beats being reactivated in the shower.
Did that once. Burned my junk pretty bad.
Also. Once you do shower, use some JnJ baby shampoo for your face. Doesn't hurt to get in your eyes, and clears it up. Idk how coconut oil would work, honestly, and regular soap is of course going to burn your eyes.


You know if you coat your face with something everyone will be able to tell right?
Also you're avoiding the purpose of the exorcise, if you're going to be such a little bitch about it, then you've chosen the wrong job to get into.

That's weird. I wonder why it did that then.


That's not the point of it you retard. The point of it is when you actually use it in a physical confrontation the shit gets everywhere including on your own face. You have to know how to fight through it, which is why they're gonna make OP do a lot of physical shit after they spray his face.

maybe i just have labourer hands, i don't know

Hi op, detention officer here. Ive been sprayed by OC and have used it mutiple times. The sooner you get your eyes open the sooner it will suck less. Getting called up to get sprayed is going to npbe scary, but once it hits you you realize that its just pain.

>habbanero easily goes over a 1M units
You fucking retard habaneros only go up to 350k

You can pull this off!

do not put any fuckin oil on your face or anywhere else for that matter. Good luck getting that shit off when it mixes with the pepper spray. I've been sprayed twice and the easiest way is just to run water over the affected area, DO NOT SCRUB.

The intense pain will likely be like nothing you have felt before. There's no escaping it, just suck it up and fight through it. Don't be a pussy and break down on the ground crying like a few people in my unit. It shows you're mentally weak as fuck.

Dont wash your face. Your natural oils will be plenty. Buy some johnson and johnson no tears baby shampoo to decon with. Keep youreyes open.

Hey, C/O here, I'm this guy(), I dunno about you, but I blinked a lot and got the tears going, that helped me immensely.
Same for you?

The first time I got sprayed was by a fogger in our sallyport. They let us go outside to get fresh air, so I was able to use the wind to help get my eye open a counle minutes after exposure. Blinking helps, but i found that just forcing your eyes open is the best way to manage the pain because it gives your mind something to focus on.

Just dont let them spray you in the pussy. You'll be fine.
