What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

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way to many things


a fair amount

I don´t think so,otherwise you wouldn´t be on Sup Forums

I hurt my back last weekend

Nah m8. Sup Forums is fukken main stream shit now. Full of normies.

Well I guess you´re right

>normies is nomenclature that gained popularity fairly recently when regarding the general population.
>Your usage of it denotes that you are part of the problem.
>You are the cancer.
>Sage goes in all fields

please god tell me thats a transgirl in the tub

There's a lot wrong with me.

>psychopathic tendencies
>terrible trust issues


I'm getting fed up with all these orgasms

wtf i cant even walk right, its been like 5 days my lower back is killing me


Exhausted. Can't adjust to my new sleep schedule for my new job. Also absolutely heartsick due to being in love for months with a chick who's taken.

Also still trying to lose weight but it's difficult now because the new job burns calories and makes me hungrier, so IDK about the new math. I need to eat more than 1200-1500 kcal per day with the job, but even 1800 feels like nothing when I actually have to get up and move around all day. As a result, my BJJ training has suffered massively because I lack energy and can't sleep.

So I'm hungry, tired, guilty at my lack of time in the gym, and there's a constant dull pain in my core for aforementioned girl.

i'm autistic and it makes every social encounter exhausting

I'm so sorry user, that sucks.

>decent job but no benefits
>spend all my money on cars and whiskey
>hardly eat
>g/f dumped me in nov
>want to kill myself

Dude that fucking sucks =(

tinnitus, the very bad kind

It's alright. I'll have to be able to sleep eventually. The biggest problem is that after BJJ I'm fucking wired and wide awake for at least two hours afterward, which caps my sleep at a max of 6 hours, but it's never 6 hours. I usually sleep 2-4 hours. But then the next day, work on that amount of sleep is awful, and training is a no-go. If I do sleep well and can go into the gym, the cycle repeats. It'll get better, I'll just have to kick own ass for a couple weeks until I basically have no choice but to sleep when my head hits the pillow.

Can't do shit about the girl situation, though. Dudes orders of magnitude more alpha than I have proven unable to take her from her bf. She's extremely loyal...and it only makes me feel more deeply about her.

need to strengthen your deep abdominal core

I went to urgent care on monday, got a perscription for muscle relaxers

>nearly constant back and sciatic nerve pain
>drink too much
>broke cause wife fucked us with CC debt
>500 credit score wife fucked us with CC debt
>jerk off too much
>two kids so I stay up late so I can play vidya
>always tired, see above
>have a short temper and lash out at people often
>no friends cause drinking too much
should I continue?

I can't stop having sex. I quit my day job to become a full-time hooker because I love it so much. I know it's wrong but I don't want to stop. Pic related it's me


Where you at user?

hooked up with my ex from a few year's ago drunk and before i passed out she said i whispered "im trying to kill myself with drinking"

i'm in a pretty dark place tbh

Please do. We're all here to bitch. Bitch it long, bitch it hard.

Canberra, Australia

Well damn.
Nice cock and nice body. Wish I could have borrowed you for a bit x(

>tried hooking up with numerous girls
>all rejected me
>in relationship with grill atm
>not in love
>she choose me
>sex is good, she's nice too
>i'm bi, need to orally service a man once in a while
>fucks up that meg relationship I have
>no job since two months

>two brothers
>oldest brother fucked up my psyche
>physically and emotionally abusive history
>massive trust issues and mild xenophobia
>thx bro!

What will you do user?



Really shitty.
I'm kinda in a similar situation.
I'm just waiting for things to be shitty enough so I can leave to go to the person I like.

Good luck man, really hurts.

no fucking idea i did pretty much give myself alcohol poisoning the other day thoough

i also just sent my ex 150 roses i ordered while drunk also....that's pretty fucking sad lol

>ex 150 roses i ordered while drunk also
dude, that's so fucking sweet and sad. :'(
where are you from?

I'm heavily addicted to cannabis

Oh well

>rapist (convicted and served)
>sexual degenerate
>constant mooch
>lazy and unmotivated
>alcoholic substance abuser

And I've never felt better.

I've been eating 800 or less calories for about a week and am now trying out 500 or less. I'm exhausted but determined. Supposed to go out with friends tonight but am incredibly fatigued. I might get a zero calorie monster on the way.

>I'm just waiting for things to be shitty enough so I can leave to go to the person I like.

What's stopping you now? If you can go to them, and you really want to be with them, please do it.

I had never loved anyone before this. I had had little crushes through childhood and the teen years, but been alone my whole life. I'm not high on the attraction scale, but I'm not on the bottom, either. However, I've always been alone, even when I had interests, girls to flirt with, opportunities to turn things romantic, I just...didn't.

Then I met this girl. Like being hit by a goddamned truck. I've never felt anything quite like this. Oh, but guess what? Haha don't even get a chance at her.

Fucked up thing is, we really became friends. Like legitimate friends, I'm not beta-orbiting. She's been better to me than most people who I've called my friends, and I'm happy to have her in that capacity, she's great. But it also means that I have frequent social contact with her, and that's flat out fucking torture. Yet I wouldn't trade it.

Im not physically able to do the only things i ever enjoyed doIng in life because of a condition. I dont have a single friend and because of all that i have no motivation. How am i supposed to be happy by doing something i dont like, surrounded by people i dont like, in a place i dont like every day.

my boyfriend likes me and i don't feel adequate for his love,
i guess i can't accept myself so i feel bad when others feel positively about me.
for example a girl told me that i was smart and i think she was hitting on me because she seems to like me, but i don't have the guts to tell her that i am insecure and can not accept her love

i'm just rambling

here is something mildly funny to distract me from going to deep on myself


It's incredibly complicated.
I can't be rash, I have to have the money to leave.
Everything sucks ass.

>She's been better to me than most people who I've called my friends, and I'm happy to have her in that capacity, she's great. But it also means that I have frequent social contact with her, and that's flat out fucking torture. Yet I wouldn't trade it.
>Yet I wouldn't trade it.
Wish I could fix this for you user, I really do.
I'm so sorry, my heart hurts for you.


>i guess i can't accept myself so i feel bad when others feel positively about me

Wow, this sounds fucking familiar. Anytime anyone has something positive to say about me, I either feel like they're delusional, wrong, or trying to trick me. Even when they seem to be right, I imagine circumstances to invalidate whatever it is.

I've never been able to accept praise, or criticism. I just want to go unnoticed. My past bosses have all thought I was a weirdo because I didn't want any kind of recognition. I feel like I've done something wrong, like I'm lying, like I need to be punished any time I attract positive or negative attention. So i self punish.

I also just can't stand building a good reputation around myself because it means that my fuckups and letdowns are going to be all the more glaring when they finally happen. I can be good, I can be DAMN good, but I can't be perfect, and the little failures seem so massive to me when I'm doing well that it destroys my motivation to be anything but quietly adequate.

>It's incredibly complicated.

Share, if you would.

Man, this girl...I tell ya. Only person I've ever manned up to and revealed my feelings for. I did it coldly, clinically, almost like a disclaimer. She deserved to know that I wasn't entirely platonic i my intentions. She, with impossible understanding and grace, acknowledged this and told me that she didn't want me to be sick and sad trying to wait for her, because she'd likely never come. She still tries to push me to date. But she doesn't understand that I don't care to date, or get to know anyone...she's the driving force that made me give a shit. I need a person to give me the desire, I have no desire to find a person.

>told me that she didn't want me to be sick and sad trying to wait for her, because she'd likely never come. She still tries to push me to date. But she doesn't understand that I don't care to date, or get to know anyone
Fuck that hurts.
I want to be with him so badly but don't know when I'd be available to do so.
It really fucking sucks, I want him to find someone else even though the selfish part of me doesn't.
I'd rather suffer heartache because I know I can deal rather than him suffer. Wish someone wonderful would come sweep him off of his feet, make him forget about me.
I can suffer because I deserve to, would be justice really.
Everything fucking sucks.
I'm so so sorry dude. Seriously. Also I'd rather not go into detail about my situation. Feels even shittier talking about it.

I hope the best for you I really do.


Maybe her bf will croak.

Me? Well i confuse sexual lust for emotional attachment. So when i constantly think "my friend is getting married soon but i secretly love her with all my heart"

what i really mean is "ive fucked most of my friend group, current gf of 3 years included, but i haven't fucked HER and really really want to with all my heart...and dick."

I want more!

You and everybody else, your problems aren't unique and you should know that if you talked to other people about your problems.

>I want him to find someone else even though the selfish part of me doesn't.
>I'd rather suffer heartache because I know I can deal rather than him suffer

Fuuuuuuck this kind of feeling. I'm unwilling to pursue her, even though at times I've felt I might have some kind of window, because it could potentially wreck everything between us. She seems to get hit on by every dude in her life...even I'm part of that lineup. It makes me sound like a beta cuck, but I'm torn between wanting to gamble on her and being there for her in a real capacity. I feel so much for the girl that the drive to go after the most fractional chance with her is just insane. I'd destroy myself trying to reach her. But I'm unwilling to do her any damage.

The chance to just ghost her and alleviate my pain was...attractive. But I'm not going to just disappear and not be there for her, when she's been there for me. I'm her friend. I mean that. I don't say that lightly. So I swallow the hurt of knowing her, i swallow the rage and jealousy I feel towards her bf who I've yet to meet, and i swallow the depression I feel that everything I do is pointless because I don't have her.
ANYWAYS, how did you even meet this other person? Why do you deserve to suffer? I don't feel that you do.

i feel a sense of urgency to escape my family which is probably slowing down the process in actuality, when i get too aroused i start picking up what i think is a female gender identity, i'm so easily distracted that relationship with others can override much more important things in my life. I love/hate candy and I'm on Sup Forums.

>i'm autistic and it makes every social encounter exhausting
This. Even so-called "professionals" don't have a clue about this.