So I'm getting fucked for child support and I'm not going to be able to pay bills if I have to pay for those stupid...

So I'm getting fucked for child support and I'm not going to be able to pay bills if I have to pay for those stupid fucking kids. I want to get out of this. Any ideas Sup Forumsros?
Also I'm not black. I'm white. This seems to be the only time being white hasn't helped me.

Welcome to hell.

Sounds right.

don't play if you can't pay

an hero

Any ideas that don't involve killing my self?

Learn to keep your pants zipped

kys as fast as possible op, only way

Looks like I'm kms.


Also get a DNA test and use some other cunt's DNA

>Cure to a hang over?
>Don't drink hahaha!

See some one has ideas.
How do I do this when they go to take my DNA?

Should've wore a condom

I think is to late for that man

CS amount is relative to how much you make. Also, you're a piece of shit for not wanting to take care of your own kids. Why have them in the first place? If I had a dad like you I'd want a fucking divorce too,

Exactly. I didn't ask you people where did I go wrong. I asked for advice on what to do. Obviously I shouldn't have ever fucked the bitch.

googling "free legal advice child support (your state)" might get you something. if you haven't tried that, do so. not even trying to be snarky, just sometimes there are services out there that can advise you but people don't always know about them.

if you're in the US, I think dialing 211 might help you get some free legal service too. it's like 411 but for local services.

>If I had a dad like you I'd want a fucking divorce too

Request to see your kids more..The more you see them the less you pay, and when in court, request to withhold payments until the outcome

>CS amount is relative to how much you make
this is true, but in some cases if you're between jobs and stuck doing minimum wage shit for a while, even a small percentage garnished can make the difference between having groceries or not. and good luck trying to go back to school and get a better job in that situation.

Kill the kids or the girl. Or all of them.

Who said divorce lol. I fucked a dumb bitch and don't want the kids. She's worthless trash from a drug addicted family in the trash part of town and I want nothing to do with them. She was a mistake wouldn't get an abortion. She lives with a drug dealer now. And has a shitty fast food job.

6/10 advice.
How to get away with it would be 11/10 advice.

>lives with a drug dealer
Just get custody of the kids and make her pay child support. Could be cool.

OP when you sought legal advice, what were you told?

Yea that sucks for OP but he and the bitch had the kid. That's the price he has to pay.

What's the answer, letting every dead beat dad not pay anything until they get a good job? If that would happen the incentive would be in working less, not more.

I have a decent job. I don't want to pay a dime for the crotch fruit. I'm sure theoney doesn't even go to the child. Goes to stupid shit she wants.

Don't want it. At all. It honestly means nothing to me.

That since I was scared into signing the birth certificate that I'm fucked.

How many times did you fuck this stupid cunt raw dawg in order to get her preggos?

To many I guess.

Should've swallowed

Legally birth certificates don't mean a whole lot in a court of law. If you don't think it's yours get a paternity test.

Kill your children.

Marry her until the kid turns 14. when the kid turns 14 take the kid to court and have them emancipated. Divorce her a few months later. But you prolly aint got time to fake loving her and maybe burned bridges to do this elaborate scheme so maybe too late.

Oh yeah I burned a village in the terms of this.

Considering it

flee and start a new

If you're gonna kys or an hero
at least kill that gold digging whore of an ex you got
get a message out there

>What's the answer, letting every dead beat dad not pay anything until they get a good job?
no? and I wasn't trying to imply that at all. I agree people should support their kids. just that sometimes the income guidelines allow people to fall through the cracks to where they can pay rent or pay child support but not both. deadbeat dad or not, they still gotta eat and pay basic bills, otherwise good luck keeping a job when homeless. and how much child support can he pay then?

This is why after I cum inside a girl I don't contact here for a while until I know she's had a period

how do you know its your kid?

how do you find out she's had a period if you're not in contact with her? go through her trash?

Until the parental authority system becomes fairer towards men, then yes fuck the modern socially accepted child hostage blackmail.