Evolution is just a theory

>evolution is just a theory
>Atheists BTFO

>creationism is just a theory
>Theists BTFO
Seems like both parties are retarded for claiming they know what's really happening when no one knows.

Try looking up what it takes to get to theory status in the science world. Realize your point is inane.
If you don't think it is true, give a credible alternative, that you can actually prove.


Evolution is bs. i've said it from beginning. And I'm not a creationist.


Shut up you monkey

What do you think happened then, ancient aliens?


As in the fruit that grows on pigs, that grants you immortality if you eat enough of it?
How did the bacon make all of the animals, plants, germs and fungi?

Do you have any oats my friend?

Lots of sex, it was the 60s like 50years ago dude, lots of freaky shit was going down

Evolution started way before the 1960's though user.

God is just an illusion created by homo sapiens sapiens to give them a reason to live, without some form of religion the world would actually be intelligent and rational. Yet since everyone needs some reason for our existence we have to deal with the faggots that will deny your every argument since their god said it didn't happen. If you want to know how most atheist see religion, its the same way Christians feel about Scientology.

Started in WWI with the development of tanks and flamethrowers.

Yeah, when looking at things like evolution you should look at as a well informed assumption.

Yet with god it's literally just a story some guy a few thousand years ago made up, unless your one of the newer religions.

Nah man, you need people for a world war, we didn't just spring into existence and started fighting.

Are you suggested we started fighting and then sprang into existence?

No I'm suggesting we spent millions of years evolving and then at some point started counting the years after a middle eastern carpenters birthday. About 1914 years later, world war one started.

If you argue with an idiot he will just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

>only atheists believe in evolution
Leave Alabama for once in your life OP

I consider it practice, if I can keep a cool head in a "debate" like this, arguing with retards irl will be easier.

you still end up looking like a fool, and even if you feel you won the debate you still loose.

Well good thing this is an anonymous site then, as soon as this thread is over, it won't affect my life at all.

its technically not a theory because it doesn't have an established method for disproving. If I remember correctly it classifies as a model when it doesn't have that

also this isn't very good bait

The term theory has a very different definition in science than yours.

Believing in invisible, magical sky dads is just a mental illness.

Pics or it didn't happen

I wasn't alive back when life started on the planet, but there is plenty of evidence that indicates that life formed on our planet because the conditions were right for it.

the bible is just a book

>there is plenty of evidence that indicates conditions were right for you to leave your parents' basement today

could have doesn't mean did, which gets funnier when you realize the people saying those things still aren't sure what "life" even means

Well right now, it's the most plausible origin of life on this planet.
If you find a more plausible origin, I'm willing to have my mind changed and go with that answer.
As far as I know, life is a shorthand for all of the phenomena that separates organic things from inorganic things.

Or just how rational people see Scientology


The whole world could have been created Last Thursday.
Allahu ackbar! Allahu ackbar! Allahu ackbar!

I remember the Wednesday before last Thursday though.

Or how adults view Santa Claus

"It's nice for them to believe... Complete bullshit though."

>evolution is just a "theory"
>doesn't know what a scientific "theory" is
>mfw evolution is a fact and has been observed in real time
>mfw another Christian just got btfo by his own arrogance and stupidity

it was enticing bait 2/10

>ITT: a bunch of faggots pretending to understand complex problems that people devote their life's to in order to understand

"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." -William Shakespeare

>Unless you are an expert, you're not allowed to discuss complex issues.
Did that post give you a little superiority induced reward hormones user?

whats it to you if people debate? they are both getting something out of it. leave if you don't like it.

>faggot detected.

So is gravity. Go jump off a building and test it.

surprisingly civil

you're a bunch of fucking fags lmao

could be a fake memory put in place by an evil spirit/demon/deity

Also ITT: A faggot trying to "win" the conversation by circumventing it.

Everyone is a faggot on Sup Forums, the word has been used so much now that people add gay to it if they wanna say they are gay. As a bifag, getting called a fag has no impact on me at all.

Ha ha you believe in God.

It could but I doubt it. You could call me an agnostic on that idea.

that's the reason why if you think about it all you actually know is that you exist

an evil spirit/demon/deity putting thoughts into place is what "I think, therefore I am" is based on

the only thing you know for 100% sure is that you exist, nothing more is written in stone

>except the 10 commandments but who actually follows those

>*mic drop*

we would observe two on that one, gravity & natural selection.

What do you wanna talk about faggot?

Well if I followed that way of thinking, everybody else could just be a figment of my imagination.
The thing is though, thinking like that won't make my life any better or easier.
It might be the only thing I can be 100% sure of, but I'm okay with being 90-95% sure about other stuff that seems to have solid evidence backing it up.

How many peer reviewed scientific journals have you read on this topic jizz-stain?

On evolution?
3 or 4, but it's a while back so I only have a general sense of what they were saying.
How about you?

having skepticism as your main philosophy in life is as foolish as not knowing anything about any philosophy, it doesn't put you any further anywhere, simply makes you an unproductive nihilist.

it's just an interesting series of thought-experiments

Not that user queer but yeah that's called Solipsism.

I'm good with anything really faggot, do you want to continue the op topic or branch off?

>pissing in the wind. I'm gonna evolve and stop wasting my time with you.

The topic is rather meaningless.

I like philosophy though, if this were a philosophy thread I'd be discussing it. But it's a creationism versus evolution thread, so I'm going to root for the theory with the most evidence.
Indeed it is, I just don't adhere to it, everyone around me seem way to diverse and individual for me to have made them up. They also know things I don't know, so that speaks against the idea as well.

Here's my thoughts on this:

>here we are today
>we evolved because
>the plant is constantly evolving
>it comes from a solar system that is infinitely evolving
>that all started with a big bang
>what caused the big bang? An invisible force
>that force is God

The "let there be light" moment was pretty much the big bang to the beginning of evolution and where everything we know started. The Bible, or Genesis just skips a bunch of the middle stuff the authors couldn't explain with their limited tools.

and yes, I'm religious but I also don't buy just any old bull shit.


You religious guys just keep on looking for ways to insert your bullshit into everything don't you? As long as there is a single thing science can't explain you will insist it's God.

If it wasn't God, then what? Do you really think you're here by chance? That the butterfly effect of an explosion from billions of years ago has brought you here today?

That shit is crazy, if you ask me.

And look, I'm not even very religious, I don't believe in an afterlife, it just goes black, just like it was black before I was born. I really want to believe that this isn't it but no one has proven there's a heaven.

Really think about it before you give me some stupid ass, tough guy answer.

I wipe my ass with the bible everyday.

Another user here, I actually like the idea of everything being here by chance. I feel so much more fortunate to be here by chance, as opposed to being here because some deity decided I should exist.
Imagine all the little things that had to happen just for me to be born, all the encounters of my ancestors that might have been different if they got distracted for a moment or decided to turn left instead or right. Being here by chance feels much more rewarding to me than being here by mandate.

cool thought, i dont like it for myself, cool none the less

you think it matters

If you think the idea is cool, you should watch Mr. Nobody, it plays with the idea of the butterfly effect in a really neat manner.

will do