Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums

I saw these memes on the internet today. Am I wrong in thinking they both make very strong points?

Honestly, what do you guys think?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think that anyone who takes politics this seriously doesn't deserve any friends.
Like being excited over which cock gets to rape you.

I think you should stop caring what other people say you should feel and think.

If someone disagrees with your choices, fuck 'em, life it too short to give a fuck.


Politics are enormously consequential. Those who don't take it seriously are idiots and a big part of the problem honestly.

I care enough to start a thread. That's about it. Stop pretending you're old man sage. Fucking cuckold.

Tell me how. How are politics so hugely consequential? how is is willingly standing behind someone who wouldn't think twice before sending people to kill themselves over pettiness consequential?

>How are politics so hugely consequential?

If you don't grasp why then I have some bad news, friend. You are actually mentally retarded.

Ad hominem, big surprise.

An overwhelming surplus of diggity

My fucking sides!

The notion that because one "shames/is critical/ or out spoken" against someone who supports an individual such as DUMP doesn't. Or make them "hypocritical". It makes them someone who is willing to call out shit when they see.

Unfortunately most user on this board are undereducated, low skilled, poverty stricken individuals that can't come to grips with what it means to be an adult. Further more most have done nothing to directly contribute to the nations well being, i.e. being cop, joining the military, being a teacher, ect ect ect, yet they would rather project their own short comings on to others.

And I'll go a step further and say that most have traveled outside the U.S. let alone there own state.

I think this:


hurr durr hurr, oh wait dose I matter it's all rigged, I'm just one person... What dose it matter any way.

>it's simply an excuse for them to be lazy and uninformed. I believe in the notion of the duty of citizenship.

Well I think you're a cunt. so that's one out of the way.

>trips confirms.

It's an indictment of our current generation; the fact that we absolutely refuse to tolerate anyone that has a different opinion than us. We pretend to preach understanding, and diversity, but condemn and try to silence anyone that disagrees with us while completely missing the hypocrisy in that. We look at a very valid argument "people are different and different opinions, now get on with your life because you can't change that, and one characteristic doesnt completely define a person" and throw a tantrum, screaming "NO...NO I'm right all the time! Anyone that disagree's with me not only is wrong (as if there's such a thing as a "wrong" opinion), but a bad person also." It's an illustration of how we've devolved into a bunch of spoiled, narcissistic, tittybabies.


I don't think so, friend.

Calling out corruption, hypocrisy and bigotry don't make people a bunch of spoiled, narcissistic, tittybabies.

I'm not that guy, but how exactly do you suppose that a political system is supposed to represent its citizens if its citizens don't participate? Governments are built from the ground up, and it's only
through the complacency of layabout non-voters that assholes weasel
themselves into positions of power.

Do I support democracy? Fuck No. The average person (myself
included) fucking sucks and has no clue what/who's right for a country. But it's the hand we've been dealt. You don't get to be
politically apathetic and then complain because shit doesn't go your
way. That's why it's our job, not just as citizens, but as rational
human beings, to educate ourselves on what is objectively right and
to steer our nation to that end.

Also, fuck you.
Go run for your local city council, you waste of space.

I don't understand why this is a hard concept to digest.

>mocked the disabled
He didn't.
>bullied the media
Wow why doesn't Trump just accept that the MSM will go tabloid-tier to defame him?
>made racist comments, degraded a religion
He said a subset of illegal immigrants are criminals. Islam is a violent expansionist ideology and does not constitute a race.
>accused by many women of sexual assault
And has been found guilty of none of them, a number have been outright falsified and they mysteriously only happened right before the election, not after the election or during any of the years before.
>endorsed by the KKK
He's not guilty by association. Hillary accepted donations for her foundation from states responsible for atrocities the KKK didn't achieve even when it was relevant.

The problem is that everyone has different opinions, so there will never be a consensus as to what is "objectively right", at the end of the day, you have no power over anything.

>well put.

I believe in the concept that the book storm ship troopers suggest, that one must earn the right to vote. If you don't want to be a full citizen and contribute to the society then fine, however you automatically withdraw yourself from certain privileges that those who do contribute gain.

You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you can't deduce x=z from this.

Why are Libtards so obsessed with race and gender todayIs that the only thing they talk about?

Not that guy--the whole tittybabies thing was out of line. While I agree that it's our jobs to steer each other way from the bad shit, don't you think his argument holds a little weight, considering the current political climate? Obviously Trump and Clinton stirred up an especially big shitpit, but even so--nowadays, politics has absolutely devolved into a game of them vs. us. I think that guy's right. We, as a collective country, have sorta lost the ability to objectively decide what is actually best for the country

Yes because people really believe trump didn't commit those crimes. Like retards. Trump is the worst liar i've ever seen and people eat his shit so much.

However we can come to certain middle grounds. Th


Well you sorta made it easy by giving us the answer


Are you serious? you are defending him on a thread that has nothing to do with this?

he didn't lol

Okay then show me how it's done.

It is when the bigotry, narcissism, hate, etc is a bunch of made up lies to suit your liberal agenda.

It doesn't.

Provide an example where it holds but x does not equal z.

I'll just leave this here for you.

You are a fucking loser. Stop trying to find a scapegoat (liberal agenda) to your problems, and stop trying to find the easy way out (orange man said he would make me rich!!) Go do something with your life already.

I'm addressing the claims when OP said they "both make good points" I'm curious how you think it's not relevant to point out that one side is not in fact making any valid arguments.

if x=z, would be 0/0 every time.

Which side isn't making any credal points user?


No, that means y can be anything. Don't divide by zero. Who did you vote for? I hope you're not old enough to vote.

I'm not a political scientist or anything, but lemme try and tease this one apart for you. But first, I'mma need you to forget the whole, Democrats/libtards republicans/neocons thing. First of all, the number of people who are "obsessed with race and gender" in the way that we (on the internet) recognize (like, fags/cucks/tumblristas and shit) are a small, not-necessarily-uneducated but very heavily deluded portion of the democratic party.

With that in mind, you need to understand that the platform on which the Democratic party stands is based on the idea of a strong central government reaching out to provide aid (in all forms) to the disenfranchised and disadvantaged groups in our society so that by raising the bottom line, we grow as a country. If our worst-off people are still able to work and live and pay taxes with only minimal assistance from the gov't, then we should be good, right?

Now, there are better ways of going about it, but what LIBTARDS are trying to do is to bring attention to the the people at the bottom of the ladder. What they forget is that a government should be economically successful first, and socially progressive second--which is why you have people screaming about tranny rights and cuckoldry under the banner of the democratic party. They're completely foregone the policy of the whole thing to put all of their attention on the minorities, leading to a bunch of loudmouths with no actual political or economic direction screaming about how things need to change, with no plans on how exactly to do that.

> That's just LIBTARDS, though. Please keep that in mind.

Honestly, on the character assassination level, Trumplings beat Clintonites hands down.

Clinton had the better economic policy though. Tax breaks for the wealthy do not create jobs my Republican friends. Shame Clinton was such a lying, corrupt, cuntface cuckqueen.

Yeah, y can be anything so long as x doesn't equal z. That's literally what that says.

No, y can be anything if x=z. Holy shit I knew I was right to start with arithmetic instead of group theory. God damn Sup Forums

How, then, would x=z.

Gaskighting is a form of mental abuse in which someone else makes you doubt your sanity, You cannot "refuse" to be gaslit. And if you claim that you ate being "gaslit," it is logically impossible for your statement to be true (since gaslighting only occurs when you are *unaware* of it. Sorry for the autism, but I feel that someone needs to point out that the common use of the term "gaslighting" is meaningless.


You're definitely not an economist either.

Tax breaks for the wealthy do not create jobs.

Let me repeat that.

Tax breaks for the wealthy

do not

create jobs.

It increases inequality and makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It was tried under Reagan and Bush Sr. Both had bad recessions and added to the debt. Then Bush Jr. tried with the Bush Tax Cuts and that combined with financal deregulation crashed the fucking economy.

The TARP bailout was the most massive transfer of wealth from poor to rich in the history of the world. All Republicans fault. $800 billion in wealth was lifted off the shoulders of the wealthy and put on the backs of the working class. It doubled the national debt overnight and in order to get the economy stable and growing Obama had to add another stimulus just to prevent a depression. All Republicans fault. And they have the audacity to accuse him of adding so much debt.

Supply side trickle down Reaganomics is a fucking scam and these Republican idiots keep falling for it. The rich are keeping all the wealth and laughing at you all the way to the Bank.

But but but user,

> the gready Mr. Burns rich will have this extra income they will want to share with their workers.

And and and user,

>they will be buying more stuff...

Either y=1 or x=z



Better a fag than a mouthbreather

where did the 1 come from?

Your "need to be financially successful" first principle of government, "socially progressive next" claim is unsubstantiated and cones out of thin air. Why can't a government be both financially successful and socially progressive? You will say "because helping out fags and retards costs money." Sure. But why isn't it plausible that a society where retardation and faggotry do not hold you back raises the tax base wide enough that the programs that cost money *save* future expenses and therefore end up *paying for themselves*.

No. You've got it wrong. Here is the difference between a liberal aand a conservative:
--a liberal thinks that all people have inherent value
--a conservative doesn't (value can be obtained through other means that, to the conservative define proper "character.").
That's it. That's the difference. Neither answer is right.

Subtract x+z from both sides, group like terms.


Math was never my strong suit, so why would you do that?

More like

On my phone that was given to me for free, look I'm not proud.

Try to solve for z in terms of x and y.

I understood that, my problem is why that is a better way of solving this than what that other guy did.

Other guy divides by x-z without checking what happens if x-z=0. In that case x=z and you don't know how to divide by zero correctly so don't even try.

the only thing i know is that when i read "refuses to be gaslit" the first think i imagined was this

I think I did mention math not being my strong suit.
Also, why would you check specifically when x-z=0.

>Objectively right
But right and wrong is subjective

>h-having beliefs and principals is for losers!

Limp-wristed faggot.

If you divide by 0 you have problems, so you have to check that you're not dividing by 0. Since 0x=0 for any x, we have 0x=0y for x and y even when x and y are not the same. You can't just divide by zero and cancel the 0s, since you'll get something that is wrong if x doesn't equal y. Whem doing arithmetic with variables you have to check when dividing by something like x-z or x^6+2y or whatever that the thing you are dividing by is not actually 0. Ypu have to split into cases or argue that the thing you divide by is never 0.

You clearly is a economist, only one would pass his ideology as a hard fact like this...

Trump didn't mock the reporter for being disabled, he does that to mock people in general:

The media deserved it.
All of the accusations were dropped.
Islam deserved it.
Nobody gives a shit about what retards in hoods that make up less than 0.001% of the population support.

Not in math.

Having simplistic beliefs cribbed from news sites and cable television is for losers.

Yes you are. The left one does not make points it just repeats the same vitriol we heard all last year.

Is it racist to suggest we make people coming into the country to live follow laws and protocols/not use taxdollars to pay for the living costs of non citizens while 20 trillion into the red?

Is it 'mocking the disabled' to call out someone who claims they can't remember an article they wrote because it doesn't serve their political goals?

How are the policies of elected world leaders so hugely consequential? Well to start off you'd have to know the meaning of hugely consequential and you clearly do not.

It means comes with huge consequences. Gee why would it be important to elect the correct lawmakers and keep track of what they're doing? Civilization and society don't just happen on their own you fucking chimp. Inversely, one nuclear nation of the world has the capacity to make the entire human race extinct with the wrong decisions.

The reason he insulted you instead of answering you was your question was so profoundly stupid that it didn't deserve an answer.

No, there can be objective criteria that are agreed upon that constitute what is "wrong" and "right." The argument that moral judgements are subjective means that all moral judgments are correct. If everything is subjective, then we have no need for the concepts of "right" or "wrong." Moral philosopher David Rachels created a wonderful thought experiment to debunk moral sujectivism. Imagine that every moral judgment you make is "correct." are morally infallible. Is it logically possible for you to be morally infallible (just like everyone else). Of course not. Therefore, moral judgments cannot be entirely subjective.

I get that, and I go back to his example. In order for that equation to be true (his), x-z=/=0, otherwise you end up dividing by zero, like you said, and so x=/=z.
That's the way I'm understanding it, but I may just be retarded.

sally is a bitch

Pretty sure a bunch of scientists and engineers control nuclear devices, not politicians. They probably do let politicians think they are in total control though.

>corruption, hypocrisy and bigotry
Here's a list of popular candidates that fit this criteria:


Thank you for being more specific.

It shows that if x=/=z then y=(x-z)/(x-z)=1. Otherwise x=z.

Oh my sweet summer child.

Hmm, I guess we'll have to agree that I shouldn't become an engineer.
Anyways, what's this thread about?

You probably could get good at that stuff if you tried, most technical people are not super human or anything. Anyway, this thread is about the stupid drama that passes for politics in the mainstream media. I figure if you're going to waste your time arguing about some made up bullshit it might as well be math.

Both candidates were shit, but I'm a poli sci major this is my shit

I'm no trump supporter, but Bob is in the right here on both panels Sally comes across as a little little bitch on the right side.

It's a two party system here, pick where you are with guns, abortions, drugs, poor people and then blindly vote your party.

Physics is a pain in the ass. Mine specifically.

I think I'll be better served doing something else I find worthwhile rather than voting. There are lots of better ways to influence people.

I find the real world gross. I'll be friends with scientists but the furthest I go is programming computers.

Why can't Bob and Sally shut the fuck up and worry about little Jimmy instead

If Bob supports trump, and Sally supports Hillary then that's exactly the hurrrrr durrrrr democracy we pretend to love and care about

But no, it's more useful if they fight because then Zionist David would win

Fuck you Sup Forums

Hillary Clinton lost

She is identical in filth with trump, and "muhrika's greatest ally Israel"
They are all one big cockroach hive

But, I was happy she lost because she actually truly wanted to win. This wasn't staged like most times, she really wanted and tried to be a feminist, and she got a big fat corporate dick to choke her self importance down to a mayor Candidate

Feminists need to take a lesson from her

The economy crashed because of a program started under Bush to give banks incentives (money) to make loans to shitty borrowers (deadbeats) who then did not pay them back.

What is that lesson exactly?

Now theirs some nihilist shit user

And both candidates were just that. So everyone gets to be right and shit
But the bill comes due and everyone's got to eat

They're both wrong. Why are we even still discussing Hillary? She lost. Every time Trump gets scrutinized at all, his supporters revert to "but Hillary." That part of the process is over.

Trump WILL be President in a few days and what would be ideal is for him to stop acting like a junior high bully.

Since that's not going to happen, what we ought to be discussing is how we let it get to this point and how to avoid it ever happening again.

PS I didn't want Hillary either, since someone will immediately assume that.