This is Germany

This is Germany

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Now I count to 10 and a random Polack will start shitposting about Germany.

this is germany in its home

for the polaks here
its probably a pro russian wolga "german"
posting from 2 devices

B*varians are the biggest autists in Germany.

>: average slav male
stop pls

more like ahmedland

This is Germany on drugs

I am greek(turk)


Germany is diversity. #refugeeswelcome

Germany is a name, not a people anymore.

The entire culture will be extinct in the next century.


t. gets his education from Sup Forums and Breitbart

Ich will mit einem Deutschen bitte reden

*teleports behind you*
no co tam kurwa szwabie jebany

sieht wie ein kobold aus

Ich habe gesagt: ich WILL mit einem Deutschen reden. Bitte!

Was los, alter Burger?

are you sure?

Nichts, danke, aber ich habe eine Frage für dich. Als Amerikaner, was soll ich kochen, wenn ich mich mit deutsches Essen anfreunden will?

Verstehe nicht ganz.
Möchtest du deutsches Essen kochen oder für Deutsche deutsches Essen kochen?

Es tut mir leid. Idiome sind für mich noch sehr schwer zu übersetzen. Was habe ich zu sagen versucht, was soll ich kochen, um deutsches Essen zu mögen? Ich werde in Deutschland für ein Semester wohnen und ich will deutsches Essen essen.

Deutsche Küche gibt es nicht, es gibt regionale Küchen. Die bayerische Küche ist zum Beispiel sehr eng verwandt mit der österreichischen oder tschechischen.

Wenn du Rezepte suchst, dann geh doch mal auf.

Why would Poles hate Bavaria?

dunno, it´s just many poles feel entitled to shitpost every time they see a german thread

Ich verstehe. Viel Dank für die Information. Könnte ich dein Lieblingsessen bitte wissen?


Good luck with the local rapefugees though.

>Könnte ich dein Lieblingsessen bitte wissen?
Hm kann ich so aus dem Bauch gar nicht beantworten.

>american autist tries to speak german

Habe ich etwas dumm gesagt oder ist das ein Witz?

Too bad we fought throughout all our history. Germans aren't so bad.

I thought Bavaria isn't G*rman?

This is Germany

No, that's Russia.

>t. declining faster than us thanks to nonstop nolimit refugees

Well you were wrong. We are still very special snowflakes ofc

> Based
> Bavaria
pick one

pmt this.

Why Germans have so ugly women?

really dont know

Northern Germany is baseder

Deutschland als vereinigtes Land der Deutschen war eine Idee, die nicht einmal 100 Jahre gehalten hat.
Das heutige Deutschland hat mit dem ursprünglichen nichts zu tun, die Ideen sind lange vergessen.

Das trifft auf die meisten anderen Nationen in Europa nicht zu.

Was Ihr heute seid, wonach ihr heute strebt, ist eine schlechte Kopie der USA zu sein.

they are not

Germanic and Celtic genes

middle fingers to all the haters

reunification was a mistake

>all these niggers

we don't hate you, how can you hate something as pathetic as Germany?

The once glorious German nation is reduced to this. Sad.

kill yourself faggot

>Northern Germany is baseder

no, not really

this is korea

>B*varians are the biggest autists in Germany.

somewhat true


bavariva the only good part of germany
why do protestants all have autism and are generally shitty people

Germany was never glorious, not even once

Beacuse protestants are almost always northern european subhumans

Baden Württemberg is not bad either, the rest is mehh...would not want to live there

bavarians are not better than other germans
religion is not important
nobody cares about your jesus in bavaria
they are not different from other krauts

bw is the only best place in this shithole

>protest countries

>Catholic countries
South America

Every shithole in the world is either Muslim or Catholic

>they are not different from other krauts

bavarians are closer to austrians than to any other german tribe

Did the refuse you asylum in Germany, Abdul?

>>bavarians are not better than other germans
>all german culture all comes from bavaria
>bavaria is rich
>bavaria is populous
>bavaria has BASED csu while the rest of germany votes for cuck cdu

but that's belaruse

>for cuck cdu
for cuck grüne

You have no idea how our party system works, right?


are all worse than the catholic countries, including the ones in lat america

you are just awful people that's all

also bavaria is by far the leading destination for tourists

beacuse there is nothing to see in northern Germany

seem like nice people. Too bad its going to 40% muslim by the next generation


complete shithole. Possibly only behind Sweden in terms of immigrant problems, and even then its ethnic population is also poor which atleast swedes can say is not true.

bro tier

beautiful cultures, music, art, food, women, landscape, histories.

hmm yes. Catholics again coming out superior. Protestants only seem to be better at accumulating money which in this day and age is all controlled by (((international finance))).
Oh gee, I wonder which group would do better in that regard? The religion in tune with European traditions or the one who purged European traditions to be closer to their jewish religion

>Protestants only seem to be better at accumulating money

that's wrong, Southern Germany, Switzerland and Northern Italy is all Catholic.

You have to go back

Am deutschesten ist wahrscheinlich Brotzeit, also Brote, Wurst, Käse. Das ist aber schwer zu kochen, weil man viel Erfahrung und gute Geräte dafür braucht.

Versuch mal einen Schweinsbraten, Krautsalat, Kartoffelknödel. Alles nicht ganz einfach aber reicht für die Familie.

you live in a city or village?

also catholic people have souls the protestants will go straight to hell

good it's gone so we have no czech-slowak penis in us

haha it's the underage refugee that lives with a german couple. My neighbor has three of those.

They smoke shisha a lot and burn the food in the stove. Yeah Germany these days sure is divers

>This is Germany
future shithole aka turkey 2.0

You are a German, your opinion about anything doesn't matter.

you're a shitskin, you're not even human

why are you asking?
pic is my home town


well turkey is probably more developed than Spain so I take that as a compliment

> the CSU
> not cuck

You forgot that the true christianity is the Orthodox christianity, so you all catholics and protestants will be burn in the Hell

>why are you asking?
I want to stalk you, kidnap you and feed you eggs.

Also we are suppose to be in an Sup Forums board, learn new things, banter, etc.

anybody could be you

grüß den Bullen von mir

repeating digits for brandenburg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

germs? where?


Werde ich machen, der macht bei mir hinterm Haus immer Urlaub.

>BASED csu
>he fell for Horst, the Miehmhofer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Horst "let me bait you into voting for Merkel whilst thinking you vote opposing to her" Miehmmiehmer

Germans are sick perverts

don't distract from the fact that your people literally fuck goats and little boys

> "Who is afraid of the White Man?"

> TV movie, Germany 2013

> The arch-conservative master butcher Franz is physically restricted since he had a stroke. But this doesn't stop him from making his family's lives hell through his stubbornness. Daughter Zita, single mother of a half-grown son is overchallenged with the financially crippled butcher shop. And her brother Anton has his very own imaginations. [...] In a nutshell: Nobody can please Franz, especially not the asylum seeker Alpha, whom Zita employs illegally. Then an impactful accident happens.

> During a scramble around the changing of a lightbulb both man suffer from such a strom electric shock that Franz dies. His spirit stays on Earth though. And to top it all, Alpha is the only one who can notice him. He desperately tries to hide this, but Franz quickly realizes that he can only make contact with the "black one" at all. From that point, the two man are chained together by destiny.

> More about the film

> "Who's afraid of the White Man?" is a production commissioned by the Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk). This pitch-black comedy withAndreas Giebel, Brigitte Hobmeier, Tony Mpoudja, Simon Schwarz, Marlene Morreis and many more tell the story of a good ol' Bavarian proponent of apartheid who has to fight his inner demons: Almost unnoticed a kind of friendship with the Congolese asylum seeker Alpha creeps in.

That looks like a postcard picture or a stock pic, got anything that actually has people, etc?


wanting to fuck animals would be a German speciality

also this kek
>SS Junkerschule

this is objectively true

Looks comfie, would love to visit for a couple of days.