Anyone here know what being a Freemason entails?

Anyone here know what being a Freemason entails?

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You go to the meetings and learn about what it means to be a good person. Also there is religious teachings.

No but im intersted pls explain what it entails.

Freemasonry, like many secretive societies, ultimately seeks to find the truth.

You have to fuck a goat then let old dudes fuck your wife so they don't tell anyone you fucked a goat.

The truth is mystic and there is no open definition of what it is.
On the surface level, it's a series of morals taught through rituals, the rituals that you as a mason would act out are all played out at the small lodge in your town, what's known as a "Blue Lodge".
This is where you'd get your three degrees.
First Degree - Entered Apprentice
Second Degree - Fellowcraft
Third Degree - Master Mason
Want to know more?
Do you know the requirements to become a mason?

A whoooole lot of faggotry unless your born into it.


Ruling the world or some shit

you've got to learn a secret handshake, roll up a trouser leg, and fuck a goat.

It means to do good unto others. Idk being the best person you can be and helping your fellow man.

You go to meetings and talk about the community with a bunch of other dudes, usually businessman, and you help each other out to make more money and provide for each other.


Please do tell.

my cousin is a freemason. Just a bunch of poor people wearing suits acting important.

Ohh fuck off. Anyone can join you idiot. It's not the fucking illerminerty.

Leading a moral and ethical approach to life.

You must
>believe in a God. Any God. Any sort of driving, disciplining force in the universe.
>be a man, with a dick between your legs, not just identify as one
>be born free (this is an old rule from hundreds of years ago that essentially just means you could not have been born a slave)
>can't be a felon
When you go in to join, what's called the investigative committee will interview you, they want to know if you're a good guy. They'll ask you for references, and call them up to see what they have to say about you. They might drop by your house even to see how your family acts about you.
You've also got the Prince Hall masons. PH masons are just the black masons. You can be of any religion to be a mason, but blacks and whites are still segregated. This usually keeps the muslims out of the white lodges.
(However the Shriners are sort of make believe Muslims, they wear the fezzes and have a few arabic sayings, but they're rarely ever muslims)

knock yourself out

Being a Freemason is like going to church, but with a lot weirder shit than being a Mormon.

If you suck enough goat cock, you may someday achieve the 32nd degree, at which point you will find that you have been worshipping a God-Demon named Jabulon.

I am absolutely serious.


No fuck you, cock breath.
Suck a widow's son's dick.

i was a demolay for 6 years when i was a kid

It's legit. Too lazy to click through it tho. Nothing entertaining to me.

sounds about right.
except sometimes they're babies, not goats

Paying a lot in fees to old men, and others, who have your back when you need them. Basically.
If you can afford it, and say you believe in a God, you're in. They'll spook ya into not telling secrets but it's just not mentioning tax evasion and their rituals.
Hope you like cummies, because the grand pooba ain't letting someone with a mouth as pretty as yours in for free ;)

None of your fucking business.

it's not religious unless you join the Scottish Rite, faggot.

According to the allurmentardy, the blue degrees were the perfect place to hide in plain sight. Just ask Weishaupt.

On the surface they are a charity, they have the hospital for kids, they get poor children glasses and shoes if they cant afford them and so on. Their philosophy is salvation through acts like this.

Below the surface they are cult of illumination, and some worship either themselves or Lucifer. Notice the lodge almost ALWAYS faces East to the morning star (Satan)

The big G stands for some long ass science name that means human reproduction ability. They are also an elitist club that protects one another to the point of rigging court systems and local governments. If you join, expect to pay a lot of money as "tithes" or "dues"

Its just a cult seeking "illumination" and they think Lucifer is that illumination, that's their big secret, that and some gay hand shakes.

Some of them in small towns and lower level members can be good people that do not yet realize what they are getting into and they are honestly their to just help the poor.

You go sit with a bunch of old dudes and each food

This super fine chick I was talking too said she went into the lodge and she wandered into a room where they had famous paintings of history like the one where george washington was in the boat in the ice and whatnot but all their eyes were painted black.
Was she lying to me..?

Becoming ensnared in a Jewish trap

Interesting, anything else to join.

drinking beer after meetings, supporting Trump and alt-right, networking with other fags who own their own small businesses and oldfags who want to "give back" and return to 1950's. If it's the civilian group they are segregated into white and black. If it's a military fraternity, they are integrated. There are 4 or 5 groups of black freemasons, only one that is white. The white group and the Prince Hall (black) group recognize each other as being official. It's not interesting or exclusive any longer. Shriners (hospital guys) are all masons.

seems like bullshit need her nudes to confirm it tho

lmao it's a labyrinth of mystery designed to confound. it's literally a trap like donating to cancer institutions to "cure cancer", people that fall for it have no idea what they're trapped in

When shit hits the fan it really is. Might as well get a head start on you goat-fucking, control freak faggots.

The only person ITT that I believe is actually a freemason


Nice trips, I'd totally show you her nudes for that but. We never got to talking that way.



That explains the hospitals and intercontinental "field trips" to fuck underaged hookers.

fun fact Catholics cannot be masons. If they are, they are in schism with Rome. It is strictly forbidden and counter to Church doctrine about Christianity. In the Church's eyes you cannot be a Christian and a freemason because the oaths that are sworn are to a diety, not God through Christ. Freemasons also do not recognize the primacy of Rome. Catholics have the Knights of Columbus.

Not really, that's all there is. Just seem like a good person, m8.

I'm a mason, not a member of the Bilderberg Group. Dumbass

>Catholics cannot be masons
Because Catholicism is actually Jew-Corrupted Christianity. Masonry and Catholicism are "in competition" and no one knows JEWS are at the root of both

I think they relaxed on that recently. Of course, Pope Frankenbeans doesn't think God can act in a direct manner either.

If joined you think i could travel for them?


How come I'm getting a weird vibe from that response.
Like you walk into the secret room and this guy fucks your butthole with a goat horn?

How much are fees on average?

How can I tell if the lodge near me ever drinks alcohol? Booze obviously isn't a requirement to have fun, but it can help liven the mood and seed friendships.

Traveling man detected

Ehh, probably?
There used to be what you would call nomadic lodges a while back.
You *can* get a Masonic passport and visit lodges in other countries/states.
You can, with you Masonic ID, get into any lodge in your state.

Many of clubs prominently have masons in them, the Elks for example.

If it has a bar in it, that helps lol. My lodge does

thanks brother

Fuck your hydra, pussy.

All is in the symbolism. One must take it upon oneself to learn the true secrets the craft holds.
Not every Mason is aware of the true secrets. And when I speak of secrets, no I don't speak of the New World Order or Illuminati.
Though, like said, it is all in the symbolism. There is endless knowledge and once you begin to pay attention and seek knowledge, more and more will come to you.
Masonry is of course a brotherhood, but also focuses a majority of its teachings on the pupil themselves. One must take the knowledge learned, and apply it to themselves to go from a "rough" ashlar, to a perfect "ashlar"
The key to all of the knowledge within the craft can be learned without being a member though it is much harder and cryptic to discover.
Overall, several masons join the fellowship to better themselves and surround themselves with other good brothers. Some come by it due to interest in conspiracies, others just for the experience.
But in the end, they all end up brothers & have one thing in common. They all believe in a higher power. A common misconception is that it has to be a god, that is not true. You just have to believe that there is something out there.
You could believe there is an overlord carrot overseeing crops and all of the human race, that's enough.

In my opinion, it is worth it. There is lots of knowledge to learn from it, as well as good people to surround yourself with.

Knowledge comes from personal experience.

How many masons have you met that had cum on their breath?
I'm starting to think you're just familiar with the lodge members of San Francisco.
Like I said here Most Elks are masons, and it does look very good to be one on your application.
Some lodges allow that, just ask.
That's really the key for masonry. 2 be 1 is 2 ask 1. See

for my lodge
Royal can't drink inside lodge

Only shriners and some Scottish get to drink

Thats cool, do i have to follow a specific path/orders/missions i have to follow by the lodge or i can make my own course of action.

That was ages ago. Several within Blue Lodge today are more than aware of Weishaupt and his writings, as well as knowledge.
Though, although Blue Lodge is very basic compared to the Scottish Rite, York Rite, etc. Several keep their eyes open. Lodges operate amongst themselves, there isn't some "invisible hand" controlling each of them as there was in the past when it was more secretive, and less common.

More info please user. This is interesting

I don't believe you. Evidence? Anything? Greentext?

A change of environment and a change of tactics go hand in hand. If you don't have any reason other than a hunch to believe the hidden hand has just decided to drop out, you're in denial.

>Catholicism is actually Jew-Corrupted Christianity.
Christianity is corrupted judaism. Learn some fucking history

>especially carrot overlord

Oh Lord my God is there no help for the widow's son?

I have a step dad and his brother is apart of the masons and in the military. I remember him asking me if i wanted to join. Didnt know what it was at the time and my mother kind of stopped the conversation. He even has a ring that. Dont really know what any of it is though and maybe i should ask.

That I'll admit I'm not too sure about.
Maybe someone else in the thread knows, I've seen a few masons floating around this thread.
He doesn't have any. They never fucking do. They show up and call everything and anyone masonic spooky demon men and then never pop up again.
Well, there are many themes in Freemasonry.
Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth (pic related)
Do have any specific questions? Only so much can be said.

I used to think they were some kind of construction company

No, I do believe that there is still a hidden hand, of sorts. But I don't believe it is as focused as it was in the past.
Though like you said tactics/environment changes do go hand in hand, of course. But I feel that it's less applicable in current times than it would have been previously.
You got me thinkin' though.

He definitely told you everything there is to know. You just got to be 1 to know more,
Because you won't understand it unless you become a freemason.

It's hard to explain.
We can tell you all sorts of information, but it'll sound like I'm talking chinese to you. unless you experience it for yourself, along with a lifer's coachings

Ive been planing on looking into freemasonry but never get the chance too.


ok so dues. how are they calculated,? are they the same for everyone? how much are we talking about?

Jabulon is ackshually introduced in an earlier SR degree and is a baphomet of sorts, a composite deity named after Jah (YHVH), Bel and An.

Just download Mackey's encyclopedia from

Fun fact: masons really do love goats

Can tell you right off the bat the only way you get to 32nd degree is by working very very hard for it. As for the weird demon thing I have no fucking clue.
You don't have to suck cock metaphorically (or actually) to get there.
33rd degree is an entirely different story. I think that is a mystery to even most of us Masons and those who study the craft.

information regarding specific topics or just random subjects?
Im intrigued, i have coworkers that are masonaries. 2 of which are old and have been members for a long time, other 2 are young and just joined.

Those documentaries about freemasony, watching them before I become one was intriguing.

after becoming one and I watch them now, I just laugh my ass of

This matches what a freemason friend told me when they tried to get me to join, I declined as I am an atheist and thought the idea of seeking truth by worshiping imaginary gods to be retarded.

Lutherans cannot be Mason's either. Same reasons. My father was interested in joining the masons (he was in alot of clubs, Lions club, American Legion, VFW, 40&8, Etc) and was told when he was confirmed Lutheran that he could not join the masons.

oh... but we ARE A Construction Company kek

Fucking no.1 Construction company there is

Nah they have tons of sattelite oranizations and hold prominent positions fucking everywhere. Them and a bunch of other cults. Shit exploded in the Victorian era.

I do.

How far does the rabbit hole go in terms of Masonic wisdom and knowledge?

Second, is being a part of it "fun"?

How do I join and can I be Jewish/Gay/Islam?

Yeah absolutely, no doubt. I'm well aware of that i'm just speaking of the general public of Blue Lodge.

Not a very good one, I helped a Mason move once, his box stacking was terrible and fell over in the house breaking a bunch of shit.

meant for
of course

I started to join my local DeMolay chapter at the urging of my father (who was a Mason). I got a weird vibe. Shit seemed kinda gay. The people were weird. Bailed on that shit.

Later found out the chapter "Dad" was bringing most of the boys to his place for alcohol, pills, and fucking/sucking.

My poor Father was so worried I got diddled and that is why I bailed. I tried to re-assure him that my spidey-sense went off and that is why I bailed...but not 100% sure he believed me. I'm sure he felt really bad thinking he sent his son off to get molested.

It's about sucking the elders dick and swallowing the gravy.

join, it's pretty cool, if you're a history buff, you have a background knowledge of the bible, and you like Camaraderie. Like I'll pull over for a fellow brother to help, while I'm doing 80-90 on a freeway, anytime.

Why do y'all fuck one another at a certain point and never tell anyone.(serious)

Also why do u guys have convos about "oh the knowledge I have will blow your mind" replied to with"you know nothing, I know more than u"?

Basically it's Dick measuring contest about secrets that are fucking retarded.
Like oh the sheriff is a brother. Those stupid type secrets. Why why do u guys fake being some special useless knowledge bearing faggots?

Be careful who you hire to watch your kids.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I recommend you put down the crack pipe and actually do some research before shit posting your faggy autistic shit that you looked up in ten minutes to do a "good come back". I want you to go experience exactly what you're talking about and report back to me when you've done a little growing up. The


I was in DeMolay and always felt extremely EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I was more interested in the aspect of Masonry but found out DeMolay was really really awkward.
Though my good friends I met through there will always remain my brothers.
But the ritual, and other things like it, and most of all some of the kids (sorry brothers)
were pretty freakin' weird. A brother is a brother though, just being honest.

I'd really recommend it. It can help you meet a lot of great people.
It can really vary from state to state. It can be from 75 dollars to 300 dollars.
It's usually pretty low, especially for smaller towns.
Age to join is either 18 or 21.
Masons cannot technically say whether or not a person should join or if they would like being a mason. You can only ask "Have you ever considered becoming a mason?" "You'd certainly qualify for masonry."
Like I said earlier, you get to meet a lot of great people, and the lodge is made up of people from around your area. Usually older men, though a lot of younger men are getting into it.
Now, anyone from a plumber to a doctor can join, it's just that men who are lawyer, policemen, doctors, judges, etc find the pursuit of knowledge more interesting.
That's a shame. I think a square and compass pin would have looked great on your fedora.

Homosexuality thats what is all about.

>when you've done alittle growing up