God-tier albums

god-tier albums




Impressive techniques but I can't stand every song having boring 8 finger tapping and thumbs. Every song sounds the same and they get stale after about a minute

My man every song does not sound the same it's just you


Fuck yes and DTFH is one of the best rappers of all time



Oh hey. some one starting a god-tier album thread actually posts a god-tier album



Love the drums on this one. not the typical prog metal or whatever metal it's called nowadays with bs blast beats all over the place

Their 3rd album is better. 2nd one can burn in hell. thank god they got rid of the drummer on the 2nd one. navine whatsisname

Fuck that I fucking love the second one

My man




fucking this


Nice to see Pantera get posted







Ulver's Bergtatt

Can somebody please direct me to the albums that are actually God-tier?

Generally out of the first 20 albums posted in these threads only 1 is actually god-tier

Later we get some non-childlike recommendations (ie. actually god-tier).

>tl:dr any adults here?

These two:
The rest are shit/forages18andbelow.




here u go


Brilliant Album.




Oh hurr durr look at me, I haven't listened to half these albums posted so I'm gonna be a "adult" and say everyones a kid hurr durr

I used to own a red vr-4 that looked just like that. Wrapped that bitch around a tree.




this is good
i honestly liked with teeth more though

You're a fag


Thanks for the recommendations.

I've listened to 80% of them and like half of them but they're not even close to being god-tier.

No need to be mad son, you'll understand when you're older.





"No need to be mad son, you'll understand when you're older."

God, you make me cringe



>God, you make me cringe

>do I really need further proof to make my case?


Also post something if you're going to post, well, if you've got anything worth posting







I love this one


My favourite









Worst ac album






yea bro

Excuse me guys, here's a real God tier album.





Pic reminded me of this

Like the only Pearl Jam album I really enjoy aside from a few other random songs. And one of the very few albums I can listen to the whole way through and love almost all of the songs.

He's not alone. Progressive bands doesn't sound so progressive to me anymore.


Saw them live last year at Brutal Assault. Were amazing, and I'm one of the only people who saw them without masks, jelly? Also, limited edition white shirts of Mgla. :) Btw, for all amerifags, it's pronounced "Mwah"


I typically don't like any newe stuff they put out, but it seems with each album, the more I listen, the more it grows on me.

Weightless is criminally underrated

Agreed, 'Odessa' is one of my favorite songs of all time..

I really like Somnarium and David


I'm a Broken guy, myself.

t h a l l

(i kinda like the instrumentals on omnislash better.)

I saw these guys a couple years ago. They opened for Devin Townsend. Great stuff.