Ron Paul, Sup Forums

Ron Paul, Sup Forums

So I have very suddenly and completely lost every shred of sexual desire and I think ti's kind of weird. My sex life was fine and normal, then, one day, it apparently just stopped meaning anything to me. I've tried all I can to even want to fuck, but nothing works. Wat do?

tl;dr- no more wood or desire to fuck.

Pic related I guess

shameless self bump

Did you start any new medication?

Some antidepressants and other drugs can brainfuck you very badly.

I haven't. I can't think of anything that would have caused this from an outside influence. It's really confusing


I guess I am now asexual? What's happening?




yup. i'm doomed.

Do you drink a lot?

Not a bit. No drugs. I'm really boring.


sorry bruv, no idea

Welcome to the downhill slope, invest in some little blue pills.

The thing is that I'm ok with it. I have no desire for anything, so if it stays that way, I'll just go with it. No point in forcing myself into anything.

Go run a mile twice a day. Come back in 3 weeks and tell us if anything has improved.

Is it possible to become asexual?

Try inverted nipple porn
Pic related, slut I knew in high school who fucked sadboys

Take testosterone boosters that may help

It's a JAV scene, probably the ones where the wife is being fucked inside a van with one side glass while the husband waits outside. Go to Javlibrary and type in SDMU, there's tonnes of scenes like that under that label

You've begun losing testosterone. It happens to every guy once you hit around 30. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You need to exercise more, especially they legs. The legs are larger muscle and will help release more testosterone into your system. Also, you need to talk to your PCP about getting testosterone boosting shots. Once you go on the shots your metabolism, sex drive, boner getting and maintaining ability, as well as overall well being will increase absurdly. Seriously, you'll get hard ons for no fucking reason. It feels like being a teen again, but this time you have the mental capacity of an adult. Do it. Don't wait. Live your life.

Fucking ace advice right there, user. I am taking this and running with it. I'm not in the season for my preferred method of exercise, but I am planning heavily for it and it's coming around soon, so hopefully that will help.

Thanks again!

Thanks for the advice, but i can't seem to find it....

SDMU-431 ?

Watch SDMU-347 instead

Thank me later :^)

bro, don't forget proper nourishment and rest/sleep. Eat plenty of slow carbs, don't eat sugar or any processed carbohydrates. Stick with whole grain products, oatmeal, beans, potatoes etc. Consume enough protein, like lean beef, chicken, eggs and dairy. And eat fats, don't shy away from them. they're very important for your hormonal balance. I mean health fatsources of course, not fast food fried stuff.
Sleep 7-8 hours daily and have proper sleep hygiene.
As for exercise, I wouldn't recommend running. Start lifting 3 times a week, 1,5-2 hours, focus on compound exercises.

You will feel much, much better in as short a time as a few weeks.

may kek be with you and bless you with diamonds