Rekt/gore thread?

Rekt/gore thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

Machete job?



Well this is not a boat accident. And it wasn't any propeller. And it wasn't any coral reef. And it wasn't jack the ripper. It was a nigger.


Jaws? Nigger edition?




I had to watch this a second time because I thought the tweeker pulled some mma shit on the ham planet. Turns out the meat wagon was just top heavy.









That'll take ages to heal.


this makes me sad


y lol its funnie



Fucking Peta.

may you rot in hell for eternity


I've seen some shit but... damn


What in the actual fuck.


You seem soft



you seem edgy. whats the point of writing lololol?
i bet you're a big loser in real life and because of that you want to act tough on the internet.
call me pussy, idgaf

War cry of the ignorant.

check um




It's an ironic situation
Dead babby hanging out in a hot tub smoking
It made me chuckle
I'm not going to apologize bc you come in a rekt thread and get offended like a feminist
Kill yourself


eww saggy tits

Did she deathed?




indeed. its a rekt thread, not a gore thread.





So are you going to kill yourself or what




Now that was a party

Shit,is that real? i mean the picture is weird,where did you get it?





What happened here? I've seen it before, but never knew what happened

maam you drop your welfare check

explain pls

you must be new here


haha, I thought the ham beast was going for an mma move, but then she just fell over haha.


What happened to him?

Suicide at two minutes

He deideded.

this happened to me one time when I went commando and wasn't careful enough zipping my trousers back up after going for a pee.
Ball sack ended up in zipper, hurt like hell so I zipped the zipper back down, left testicle dropped from cut in sack, blood all over the place.
I tried to put the testicle back in but because of the stress and panic caused by the shock and pain the skin on my sack retracted and shrunk so much I couldn't fit it back in.
Wrapped hanging testicle together with the rest of dick&sack in wrapping foil and went to the hospital. Riding my bike hurt very much I remember.

Never wear trousers with zipper ever again, just buttons now.

god I wish all my toe nails would fall off, I fucking hate toe nails. Im going to get them removed one day.


Is this the effects of krokadil? The drug?

I think it's a bungee jump thing and they just editted out the rope.

Shit man. That's scary! I caught my foreskin in my zip when I was a kid. Too scared to unzip, didint know what to do- had like three 'bubbles' of skin caught in my closed zip for about five mins before I got the courage to unzip.(very very fast, with eyes closed) Then in started bleeding- a lot.

If I'd been circumcised, maybe it wouldn't have happened! (joke)

bungee jump but editted rope out






fucking frankenstein

If I recall, this had something to do with a botched fat removal surgery. Don't hold me to it though, I could be thinking of another one.


I would have never guessed she was only 12. What a hottie! Makup and nice tits!

Yeah I think thats what it is.




That is utterly terrifying


Explain pls..

be glad. your ACTUAL dick would've gotten stuck instead of just the foreskin.

Whenever i see shit like this, i always wanna know what happens later. Why does anyone want to do this?
