Does Trump's victory in any way benefit low income or working class families?

does Trump's victory in any way benefit low income or working class families?

Are you retarded or somethin?
He's gonna make america great again
That's even the fuckin' slogan, retard
omg ur retarded


So far he's making it better for all his rich contributors. The rest of us will loose our health insurance, clean air & water.

I'm hoping he gets impeached but Gov Putz won't be any better.

duh no its just going to make him money screw everyone else


He will on the very first day of office if the plan to remove Obamacare and the tax for not having health insurance is removed is successful, and it already looks like it will be. Being forced to either pay extra taxes (waste of my money) or pay for health insurance (even bigger waste of money) as a poor college student fucking sucks.

Builds wall

Deports millions of illegals

TONS more jobs now available for low income people

How do you not get that math?

Dudes just a symbol don't really make the decisions.

They're getting it ready to jack up taxes on single people, so not single parent families

Not really.


found the unemployed cuckfag.

Because it's the illegal's fault that the employer selectively chooses an illegal over a citizen? It's the private sector's fault that all those illegals have those jobs. But you worship money and capitalism so nothing is the private sector's fault, its da gubbmint.

Not in any way, shape or form. Poor people take the flak for all the private sector's greed and short comings.

When environmental protection acts are repealed, who gets the shit stick? The poor and working class. See: Love Canal as 1 example.

When taxes are "lowered", they're lowered for the highest income brackets because this retard firmly believes trickle down works. It doesn't. We have 30 years of economic data proving it doesn't. This is a consumer sided economy, supply side economics don't work.

When he says he's going to protect America, guess who gets the shit stick? The poor and working class, because, overwhelmingly, those are who make up the front line ranks during war times.

I could go on and on.

tl;dr version: No, he's an inept greedy dipshit who's already broken ALL his promises before even becoming president. BUT ITS OKAY THOUGH CUZ BENGHAZI, CUZ EMAILS, CUZ CLINTON FOUNDATION CORRUPTION HURR DURR.

They'll get the benefit of paying for the huge tax breaks he'll give the top 1%

Tax breaks for the Wall Street crooks.
Will start more unfunded wars.
Create jobs for illegal mexicans hired to build worthless wall paid for by the middle class.
Legalize cocaine.
White House will smell of urine and stained yellow.

tax cuts are you hillary niggers just retarded or willfully ignorant

Not Murrican but that's a dead giveaway:

>Drumpf get elected
>retards and feminazis fucking shit up in the streets
>Drumpf won't stay in the white house because he wants to stay in his golden clusterfuck of a tower
>taxpayers will have to spend a million USD $ daily for security measures because of buttblasted libtards throwing tantrums
>majority of people paying are middle and lower classes

On top of

>Drumpf claiming to build a wall between Mexico and the United Corporate Slaves of America
Let's not lie to ourselves, he won't pay from his own pocket and his main goals for his election were to make his people save and gain money

Kinda an oxymoron, right
Oh yeah, free Kleenex boxes for those of you who needs tissues for their issues

He build wall.

They dig tunnel.

lol, no. Same retards that bought Republitard lies are going to get fucked the most.

very doubtful. he'll put out a couple jobs, like he's been doing, drop in the bucket and claim he fulfilled his promise. he has 4 years to think up a new scheme if he even wants to run again.

jobs no one wants to do. so they have to pay triple, welcome to food costing twice as much. dummy