Sup Forumsros did i fuck myself?

Sup Forumsros did i fuck myself?

10 months ago i was given this court order. for underage possession of alcohol
i just got a ticket going 90 in a 65 (i know, i'm a retard)

aside from that, i've been clean. does a speeding ticket count as a motor violation?? if it does, can i take that ticket to court so it doesn't appear within the 1 year grace period?

thanks guys. fucking hate this "justice" system

let me put it this way op

you are fucked

Yes it comes under motor offence. You are fucked.

You are fucked.

Trips don't lie

dubs and trips of truth

you are fucked

any idea if i plead not guilty to the ticket will it delay it possibly?

fucked you are


you are fucked

Speeding is a civil violation, not a criminal one (not even a misdemeanor), but it does explicitly say motor vehicle violations so... Wow that's kind of fucked up, honestly. I'd say your best bet is to be honest, apologize, and hopefully the judge will give you a break. I mean it is just a speeding ticket...

>arrested for alcohol possession
>speeding violation less than a year later of 25 over

You're off to a good start OP, and life hasn't even begun yet.

You have one hope, and it's a slim one. Get a good lawyer and pray to god that the officer doesn't show up to court (they often don't). But for a 25 over violation, I'd bet my house that he'll be there. Microscopic traces of hope then lay with your lawyer.

in a 65
>>fucking hate this "justice" system

nigger the justice system is there for a reason so cucks like you dont fucking kill yourself and other fuckers on the road

>>if you dont value your own life atleast value others

if you ask me you deserve whatever punishment the "justice" system gives you

Its reckless though

>has an upcoming charge for MIP alcohol for violating parole conditions
>MIP alcohol

Am I fucked?

No, you're just a an ignorant infant. It's an MIP. You think you're going to spending 3 years in the slammer getting buttfucked?

You'll get a fine and maybe some community service. If that constitutes getting fucked then life is gonna hurt.

why not? in theory i could get the speeding ticket reduced or dropped in court, or at least try to

That's a huge margin to be forgivable. Maybe the judge would go easy on him if he were over just a bit but by this much he was intentionally speeding.
You are fucked my friend! gg

what the fuck is up with this thread

You were issued a vehicle infraction within the time period when you were told not to.

>B-b-but how come I can't just ignore that like the special snowflake I am?

not that it matters, but i was the one that got pulled over because i was in the rightmost lane, and didn't see the cop sitting on the leftmost divider. i wasn't fucking driving like a retard

doesn't matter to them though obviously.

yeah it sucks that i was busted driving that fast. i have no other tickets too (22 btw)

i agree it's ridiculous but the judge was actually cool, so if he is the one that makes sure i do all the requirements for the charge to be dropped i think he might let it slide maybe.

look on your ticket it will have a court date (I was doing 89 in a 70) plead not guilty so it won't go in the system until that date and if you wanna delay it more (I didn't I accepted a plea deal of 1-10mph over) ask to see a judge and you should get another date and also change the court time/date and hope the cop doesn't show up (if cop doesn't show up you win the case and if another cop shows up other than the once that issued the ticket you can object under hearsay and right to question accuser is being denied)

I think this depends on the state, but yeah 25 over isn't going to look great regardless. 80 in a 70 would be a pretty different story.

were you under probation?

>Get a good lawyer
>For an MIP charge and a speeding ticket

God damn you fuckers are retarded.

25+ is reckless
they like to make examples of reckless

in my state if you go over 79 even if the speed limit posted is 75 its a misdemeanor

Fucked status confirmed

100% bullshit. Whats ur state

U r retard, it is true and common. kysn

I'll tell you the MIP story while we're here:

>two weeks before my 21st birthday
>at a girl's christmas party
>one chick who is never invited to shit is invited by host because host is nice girl
>four am, go outside with friends for a smoke
>girl who is never invited to anything is crying in living room with a few other girls
>saying she's oding on alcohol and feels sick
>gets another chick to call an ambulance (i was very drunk, if i had known she was serious i would have fucking told her she's fine)
>ambulance comes
>then four statie pull up
>turns out new hampshire doesn't have medicinal amnesty so the house got search and this whole party got fined for being accomplices to underage drinking

got cucked. feels bad man

then i was driving down to mass when i got pulled over and you know how people drive there

but he's under probation and if he tries to delay sentencing would that not be contempt of court? Also, the prosecutor would state precedence of others under probation and violating under the same circumstances and if they don't get special treatment then he won't get special treatment

Belt way loves posting cameros as undercovers out of the blue

trips dont lie

Wrong. It goes by the date the violation occurred, not when it's settled in court. As soon as the violation is turned over to the magistrate it's in the system.

Also, in my state, any speeding violation is a misdemeanor.

yeah man i'm thinking if i explain everything there's a chance i could be good. i argued very well in court actually felt like a boss haha

not under probation, the MIP was a violation

prove it dumbass, what is your state and Ill simply google it. You wont say cause youre a bullshitter

This is a pre-trial intervention program or a conditional discharge right op? These programs tend to have quite a bit of leeway built in for dumb assed kids like yourself. You'll most likely get another chance. Stop fucking up though, you won't get many more.

Right here nigger

That would imply that the judge sees you as a person though. Unless he's young, he probably doesn't. When you work with other people for decades, they become widgets.

A doctor doesn't see John Smith, a nice guy with a family and two kids. He just sees the male patient in room 103 with Symptom A. The patient is basically a profile on his clipboard.

The justice system is dehumanized. You are just a suspect in an alleged crime. One of several that they'll be dealing with that day.

I wasn't under probation and this was my first offense but ask to see a judge and dont' admit to anything and hopefully the cop wont show up

well OP is fucked then cause I got my ticket when I was 16 on my GDL (one day off from getting off it fucking bastards) and I went to court and I got a letter from the DOT afterward saying my GDL got extended...fucking DOT cucks

I met with a DA and they gave me my options and me not wanting to deal with more legal shit just accepted a plea deal

also OP I suggest hiring a traffic attorney cause the legal system about to fuck you up

also go on youtube and look this shit up and don't try an emotional argument judges hear that shit all day

Ask the traffic judge if it can be dismissed by taking a defensive driving course. A lot of them will and it won't be on your record.

My dad lives in Virginia and I feel like I remember him telling me that they are ruthless as fuck about speeding there. Can't you actually be arrested for it under some circumstances?

How is that not probation? you were ordered to be of good behaviour otherwise face consequences. In Canada that would be called probation.
Were you just unsupervised and didn't see a probation officer, is that why you aren't calling it probation?

Yeah, OP is full of shit lying. 15 mph and over is an automatic trip to jail.

definitely. part of the reason why i've stayed out of trouble is because i try to be respectful as possible always. dealing with this bullshit is not worth it at all.
probably going to do something like this

Lawfag here
You're not entirely fucked, but you're definitely up a shitty river
It's considered reckless driving considering how fast you were going, and you're probably going to not be able to drive for a long time
On the brighter side, you aren't looking at anything like jailtime if you have a decent lawyer representing you
Best of luck, don't be fucking stupid next time

Most of the time the tickets are not speeding tickets here,but an actual crime(20 over,80+,failure to signal, etc) The cops dont even tell people, and its mostly if they feel like doing all the paper work to take you in at that time

They are only ruthless cause of NoVA and the beltway.I some how endangered the public going 60 in a 40 at 3am where i could literally see a mile in both ways and there was no public to be endangered,and it was down a hill.Following the flow of the HoV lanes you can easily be going over without even noticing.
Fag cops gotta meet their rankings


yeah i was trying to go slow the whole way fucking sucks. it was the last day of the month so everyone knows that's when they meet the quota

You're not getting it op. I don't know where you live, but the conditions of your disposition specifically state no motor vehicle violations. Regardless of what the judge decides, aside from finding you not guilty, you violated your conditions.

all right, this is now an unpopular opinion thread:

jerks like OP killed more people in the last 100 years than nuclear weapons. be thankful the justice system is that humane does not shoot people like you on sight.

beyond that, man the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions.

Didn't read the thread cause I'm a lazy faggot so if it's been answered correctly sorry.
Been there done that on the underage alcohol charge. If you can knock it down to a speeding ticket and you have taken care of your court obligations for the alcohol charge thus far, you will be fine. Buy since you were over 20 mph above speed limit you could get Reckless Driving. In that case you are fucked my man. Get a lawyer and try to get a speeding ticket.

Oh and by the way I live in VA Beach which has some of the harshest laws and consequences concerning alcohol so take that for what it's worth.

yeah i know it sucks but a lot of people around me get pulled over going like 110-140 so even though it's a lot it's really not that bad

I'm not OP this was a separate speeding ticket from another user (me)

You say all depends on the judge. If you were cited for speeding only you will be in traffic court which is just fines. But if you were cited for reckless that is a criminal charge as its a misdemeanor. My buddy was cited for reckless for going 30 over and he got a lawyer, took a driving course and he was knocked down to 19 over. He still paid out the ass for the lawyer and the finest but it beats jail time and a record.

This, tbh

Love hos OP tries to paint it like speeding violations is a sign of a messed up system of justice


He's right tho. Everyone fucks up at some point. But laws are put into place for a reason and you can try your hardest to paint them as stupid but at the end of the day you are just a faggot. Especially if we are talking about laws put in place for safety. You don't have a leg to stand on.

i know, i feel like a faggot. especially because shit just builds up on records, something i don't want

hopefully i can clear this shit up and lay low lol

ty for help everyone

You seem far too reasonable to be on Sup Forums.

Just make a decision to change and look at the world differently man. You are gonna have to go through some introspection on your life. The amount of shit I had to go through with that charge was fucking brutal. Not to mention it was on my record for 7 years and I missed out on couple of government jobs because of it. My parents didn't pay for shit and didn't help at all. I respect them for that tho because the road I was going down was gonna lead to sucking dicks for blow in an ally. I haven't had a speeding ticket and have had a pretty good life since.

>i hate this 'justice system'

You were doing 90 in a 65 go hang yourself

Just getting older man. I guess it's an innate sense to want to warn people of the mistakes you've made.

Oh and fuck you you faggot, you're a nigger, blah blah blah...

OP it only counts as a motor violation if you were in a motor vehicle. If you were running, or on a skateboard, or a surfboard, or skiing then no it doesnt. Tell the court the officers stopped you while you were in a hot air balloon