Dumping WikiLeaks Clinton, Podesta and DNC emails screenshots

dumping WikiLeaks Clinton, Podesta and DNC emails screenshots

The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks Clinton, Podesta and DNC Emails: mostdamagingwikileaks.com/

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Piss off shill, your kind already destroyed the site.




cnn has already proven itself to be woefully biased to the point of shilling fake news. wikileaks has a trusted record of disclosing documents damaging to all political parties of any government.

why is your post even a question

the only time an educated adult should ever watch CNN is if they are in the mood for cuck blacked porn and want to watch cnn suck obamas dick


yeah we get it CNN is corrupt as fuck


CNN just wants to compete with the online fake news sites like Breitbart. They need to clean up their act.


Clinton campaign backfiring 'pied piper' strategy


Mass medias aren't reliable in general, so anyone taking CNN, RT or whatever large news network seriously is an idiot.

But anyone thinking that wikileaks isn't biased is just as much of an idiot. If you suppose they publish any sensitive information they deem reliable, that doesn't mean the data they get is actually unbiased.

For example, Russian hacks allowed them to get some information to sway the elections. Then they provided that information to wikileaks. The bias here comes from the data that Russia provided, that is real, but selective, therefore biased.

Another issue is that if they didn't publish all the information they got, but were partially biased, none of us would have any way of knowing so, because we don't know what data they get and how they filter it.

To put it simply, if you think none of these is biased you're a fucking idiot.


Russia was not the source of the emails

"...and tell the press to them seriously"
The missing word "take" makes this seem fake.


It's in attachments, the emails have been verified as genuine by several different sources including US intelligence agencies

Even if it isn't, in no way does that change any of my points. And that's assuming Assange isn't capable of lying.

I think i can trust CNN. They are well dressed smart people.


Who do you trust then? Just any shitty youtube vid with


Can't cuck the Tuck

Fuck you and your dead mother in the ass.


Who can I thrust for reliable news ? Europe are just copying everything from big media outlets in the states. Is everything compromised ?

Generally on important stories you should sort of follow the sources, and try to find as much as possible on your own.

If there are declassified documents, leaked documents or audio tapes, videos and so on, go straight to those things, and don't just trust the newspapers to be honest about what's inside. In fact, don't expect them to be honest about anything they quote.
One example was the Nuland audio leaks, that everyone kept claiming were 'evidence' of the US being behind the Ukrainian crisis. Yet when you read the transcripts, in no way is it any evidence for this.

Another thing to check is the 'official' version and what was said by whatever news outlet. Generally they'll distort it or ignore it. Think the F-35 lost a dogfight to a F-16 like it's been said in every single newspaper ? Well go check what the USAF has to say about it ? Turns out it's just some blogger that made shit up and all medias outlets repeated his shit without any fact checking.
The same goes for the USS Donald Cook incident, where it supposedly was jammed, yet even the Russian company behind the jamming system says it never happened.

Sometimes though it just requires more understanding of the situation. I can tell you that all F-35 problems that were blown out in the medias because they're the norm on such projects, and all were fixable. When they occur during a development of aircraft is just as important as the problem itself too. Early on, many will appear. Less will appear over time, but the later they appear, the worse they are.
The Donald Cook incident also was bullshit if you understand the claims made and how jamming works.



which site

Fuck the Tuck. They all get paid by bosses who have an agenda.

Think for yourselves sheeple.

What's the point in this thread?

It's not a lack of trust, it's a lack of integrity. If they were truly out to expose the true corruption, then they'd have leaked against both parties. Instead, they used facts to manipulate the election.

>false dichotomy image

>no real discussion, just shat out a thread

Whatever you are you arent good for anybody

>It's not a lack of trust, it's a lack of integrity. If they were truly out to expose the true corruption, then they'd have leaked against both parties. Instead, they used facts to manipulate the election.
You cant leak what you dont have. Democrats had shitty security so the info got out, the republicans did it properly and nothing got out. It isnt bias to report on information you have and you certainly dont have to wait till you have information on both sides to release anything.

