Programmers of Sup Forums

Programmers of Sup Forums

What programming language do I learn (first)?

Actually interrested

Thanks plebs

Other urls found in this thread: vs javascript



Processing is a good start, its based on Java, C# and C++.



You could start with machine language. That would be a good place to start.

Kek. All of these OP

Python is easy to start with. Then maybe go into javascript after being familiar with the basics so you can start to make something functional quickly

>only wearing one pocket protector

no wonder you're still a virgin


OP here. Python sounds interesting. Thoughts?

I would say Python (easy) or C++ (widely used). Java is also a great start.

Don't go for assembly or some shit. It is important and powerful but you'll get demotivated super fast.

java. stay away from bullshit web shit, the real money is in real programming languages like java, c/c++, etc.

python is good too. make sure you're learning python 3

I stareted learning python about 2 weeks ago, really easy syntax. Python is easy to learn but hard to master

HTML you can't escape it, every programmer must eventually learn it.

Java lel

I'm seeing both Java and Javascript. Key difference is Javascript is for browsers? Or am I mistaken?

Wouldn't say shit. It's a nice income if you do it besides your real job. Doing some bullshit clan websites (also shitty cms clickering) for edgy teens made me some nice money. vs javascript

Don't be a pussy, learn C then add a bit of the good parts of C++.


Oh, and where? Online website recommendations?

Damn guys. So many different recommendations >


Javascript is typically used in browsers/web, but it can be used in other things. java is typically compiled on a machine and the code gets ran.

codecademy is pretty good. if you end up going the web route then freecodecamp is god tier.


rate ? x]


I say start with Python first for sure. Very easy and very versatile with tons of support