I sit while i pee and i actually wipe my dick with toilet paper

I sit while i pee and i actually wipe my dick with toilet paper

ask me anything

You too eh? OCD?

That's not so abnormal.

is aliens tru?

ye, it tru

i thought i was insane for this.... do other people just let left over pee dry up or what

so im not alone?

nope, i just don't want drops of piss on my toilet seat and pants

thank man

Ah but do you you stand when you shit? Only then are you doing it right

heh, they dont nygga, y are alone. :p

If I'm shitting I use some paper to dry my dick. If I'm just standing I give it a good shake.

u mak me sad

i do not stand when i shit, but i guess i should try it sometime

Yea just let that shit dry up man, it's the same thing as letting the sweat dry up in there. Just throw it in the wash real quick if you want to be hella cleanly but I find it normal to let a little bit of pee hit the undies.

Yeah you should it will enhance your life

>I sit while i pee
not taking advantage of your white male privilege
>wipe my dick with toilet paper
oh wow so you're not dribbling all over your moms toilet anymore? such a big boy! have a treat.


I do too

This user is doing it right

When I'm at home I sit 90% of the time too. I'm just lazy about cleaning the toilet and don't need to be wiping stray drops of piss off it all the time, plus I tend to wear athletic shorts at home so it's easy.

Only use urinals in public though. Can't stand faggots that need to use stalls to piss.

Why does Hershey's smell like ass shit?

I use the women's toilet at work cuz faggots can't aim their piss. Always finding wet spots on the seat and the floor.

you probably have shit stuck in your nose

I shake my dick to remove remaining dropplets inside the dick and then I wash tip with water.

if i got a killer morphine buzz goin i sit to pee cuz its easier to force it out with ab muscles, bladder is just too relaxed.

check out the pic to fuck over your ex today lol

So your toilet is clean and your dick. That makes much more sense than standing and peeing everywhere and having a smelly cock

I do this all the time

no splashes, no noise, me too