Hello Sup Forumsrothers

hello Sup Forumsrothers

it's been a while since I've been here. Just need some advice since I feel I have no one to turn to on this one.

To keep short and to the point: My girlfriend whom I've been dating for 9 months, yesterday she said she wanted to go on a "break" so she can focus on school since she's got to get her grades up in two classes and she still needs to apply for college.

(for a little background, she may not be one of the best students and shes just lazy. But now she's applying herself more because mostly I pushed her to do so and she wants to graduate)

I just think its kind of weird how all of sudden she wants to "take a break" call me clingy or whatever but all of this is pretty recent so this might take a while for me to wrap my head around it.

Also to add she said not to worry and that she won't break up with me but she's been acting sort of distant towards me even before she mentioned to take a break. What do Sup Forums? I really have no one to turn to on this and I've gone here before for advice and some of you fuckers give some pretty solid advice that actually has helped me.

its over. rip.
break is just 1 word short of break up. she's gonna use it to ease into the idea of being without you

In my experience, a break is a prelude to a break up. Sorry user. I had a gf of 3 years request a 'break', was a horrible period of time. In the end I finished it for the sake of my own dignity, and she put up no resistance when I did it. Women love you until they don't. Pretty sad really.

Take it from an older user, she's interested in another guy. She might not have done anything yet, but the interest is strong enough she wants to have the space to find out if she has a chance.

Women only "take breaks" for 2 reasons. They want another guy (90% of the time) or they want to break up with you and need time to "ease" into it like said. But that's rare, women are a lot more cold about their feelings once they are gone. Once that loving feeling is gone 99% of them don't give a shit about how you'll feel when they dump you, so they just do it.

So it's likely that she's chasing someone else. Just do yourself a favor and end it.

Make it very clear to her that you're not that kind of man, and your relationship is over if she decides to "take a break". At least you can walk away with your dignity.

but she said herself that she wasn't going to break up with me. That she was going to use this break to focus on her studies.

I mean I'd be a dick if I just stopped her from actually doing something that would benefit her.

By the time it gets said out loud it's virtually always too late. Sorry to bring you the bad news... There's a small chance she'll peace out and feel like she made a mistake and come back, but you shouldn't bank on that happening... Sadly that shit pretty much only happens in the movies..

literally going through the same shit my man and i'm giving you that advice. i prodded and prodded at her until she finally told me the real truth instead of 'oh its just me i need space i need to focus on me and make me happy blah blah' nah man i prodded enough and she told me she had been talking to someone else.

so here i am. single. thinking about talking to her in a few weeks after i've got myself on a better track for life by making some changes. all the while she's probably chasing this boy and who knows who else seeing if the grass is greener.

Women are like monkeys swinging in trees. They never let go of one branch until they have a firm grip on the next one. GET IT FAGGOTT? She is already fucking someone else. She wants to try him out and see if she really wants him more than you. If it doesn't work with a 12' Nigger Dick, she will come back to you.....with syphilis and genital warts (and fucked up credit)!

If you needed to get your grades up would you want a break? Bitches are cold as fuck once the sun stops shining. I wager that if you told her it was over she would release some crocodile tears and go back to Instagram without any issues

oh that's one thing I forgot to add, she's been talking to some gay kid who she's been skyping nearly all day. Mind you all, this kid even told her that he would not mind dating a girl. So now I'm just paranoid.

then there you go dude. she's talking to someone else lol.

Ding ding ding.

OP, you know you can study and still be in a relationship. This is just a stupid excuse. She is probably trying to get with another guy. What does taking a break even mean? Not seeing each other and not talking for a time? That is just retarded. Tell her that you don't believe in breaks and you think that the relationship should just end. If you were able to get her, you will get other girls too. I don't mean to upset you, but I really believe this is the truth.

she should get her fuckin grades up, the dumb bitch, and u should fuck on a sie anyway

You're halfway there but your fatal mistake will be talking to her again. The issue isn't where you are in your life and making changes won't make change her treating you like crap. If she's the kind of person who would fuck around like that while in a relationship then she's not good enough for you. Focus solely on your own life and the 10/10 qt3.14 of your dreams will come along, and even if she doesn't you'll at least be kicking ass at life.


SHE'S HAWT, moar?

nah my life is in shambles i need to get my shit together, it's definitely unattractive. i do agree with what you're saying though, the changes i make will be for me regardless. i'm gonna talk to her when i'm doing better cause i'll regret it if i don't. i still feel how i feel in my heart. been in enough relationships to know this one means something. it's worth the try at the least

Why do you need to take a break to study more? How about, "let's stop fucking around every night from 5pm to 3am so I can study"? Is your relationship putting so much strain on her that she cannot focus and therefore needs to distance herself from you? I would think that "taking a break" would create at least some level of emotional strain on her and make it MORE difficult to focus on school work.

She wants dong and it ain't yours.

I know this is a heart break but trust my original post I've been through this enough times I know what I'm talking about.

Literally SAME thing happened to me when my girl went to college (I'm nearly 30 now, so it was a while ago. Plenty of similar situations since then)..... She was talking to some "gay" kid at college and sneaking around behind my back.

Bro, you sound young. Just chalk this one up to experience, hopefully you got your dick wet. Get in the gym, get some nice clothes and get back out there. You'll have another girl in no time if you focus on yourself.

call me retarded but I rather give her space. Ever since I got back home from my trip from visiting her and her family. My sister pulled to the side and called me out for spending a lot time with her than my own actual family. Which actually I have been doing that. I don't care what you all say but family is pretty important to me. And I sorta felt like we both need to idk give each other time to do shit rather than to make it all about us.

maybe she feels she can't juggle so many things at once? but come on my girl isn't that heartless.

No its okay man, I understood everything you said. I honestly don't believe in breaks myself but I'm just too headass on the fact that I really love her a lot. Like I never felt this way about any other bitch out there. She's not that kind of girl that you just have there, she's a fucking keeper man.

I'm genuinely trying to help you here; don't even take her into consideration when it comes to improving yourself because deep down you'll always be hoping "this will be the thing that brings her back". Trust me, there's a girl that things went south with recently that I would kill to talk to again but that sense of comfortable security will never come back even if she does. You may actually feel better in those few weeks, especially if you're making personal progress, and then talking to her will rip off that scab.

I'm actually 18, in my 1st year of community college since I'm poor. But I don't know, so do you think its a good idea to call her up and like call her out on it? Because I just want to know if she even still wants to keep our relationship?

If she can't juggle being with you while simultaneously studying at the same level as her peers than what is going to happen when she gets a job or any other commitment later on? "Oh honey I need to take a break from our marriage because I'm really busy at work". C'mon man, don't ever believe that another person can't be heartless. She wants stranger dick and doesn't have the heart to just end it. We've all seen it before.

Trip visiting her and her family?

1) Did you meet her online?
2) Does she go to your school?
3) Does she live within 50 miles of you?

If you answered yes to 1 and no to 2 and 3, get the fuck over it dude. Your in high school, grow some balls and meet someone irl until you leave for further adventures and find the true real thing.

>but come on my girl isn't that heartless.
you're definitely young. I'm only 26, but trust me man they can be that heartless. It's like some user said earlier girls can go colder than subzero once they've made up their mind.

i'll reference my own situation again. I was with this girl for 3.5 years. helped her thru a lot of tough times. was there for her when even her 'closest' friends bailed and weren't. I got kicked to the curb like it was nothing. she started talking to some guy, got interested because it's new and exciting and i've gotten boring i guess so she's chasing the greener grass.

MAYBE you're right man. MAYBE she's a special snowflake and is just overwhelmed. but I'm telling you, from my experience, a break is a breakup that's only being delayed. She probably wnts to talk to this guy some more or hangout with him and she doesn't want to feel guilty while doing it. She'll test the water and see what it's like with him, and if its more fun she'll stick with him. the unfortunate thing about this situation is he already has a leg up on you cause you're the old boring boy and hes the new fun mysterious boy she gets to learn about. nothing else matters. doesn't matter if you're her best friend man. women are emotional and they make decisions based on their emotions.

You're in denial, OP. You don't want to admit that it's over, but it'll sink in. You won't listen to any of us now, but in a few weeks, you'll look back and you'll realize we were right.

I'm sorry man, it sucks, but if she wants to take a break, it means she doesn't want to be with you anymore. That's just how it is.

I appreciate it user. I've spent enough time sad in bed and have had that exact realization - all changes made will be for myself, they have to be, cause you're right. I was hanging on to the whole 'hey if i change this she'll come back' mindset and that's actually poison.

>she wants to take a break
>aka break up with you but doesn't have the heart to tell you this
It's over user, just accept it. She doesn't want a break to "focus on studies", she can study regardless of her relationship status. She just doesn't want you, and/or wants other dick.

I'm in college my dude. I'm pretty sure anyone can make a long distance relationship work. Even you can. But if you don't do long-distance, that's cool ain't no shame in that. But you never know the one out there that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with will be across the globe.

>and meet someone irl until you leave for further adventures and find the true real thing.

kinda already did that and now I'm with her for 9 months lol

What even constitutes a break? From what I can tell it's pretending you're not in a relationship with someone and if that's the case there is really only one thing that you can do when you're single vs dating. Do women not think we can see what they're doing?


This. So much this. Women don't make logical decisions, it's all emotion, and they're masters of mental gymnastics. They'll find a way to convince themselves that you're the bad guy here for some reason, and they'll drop you like a bad habit.

My last ex, I was better to her than anyone had ever been. I took her on vacation to Japan, I'd cook for her, buy her nice things, I'd travel 2 hours to her work to pick her up sometimes, just because she didn't like riding the bus into the city by herself. We didn't really have any major fights or issues, she dumped me because of her own insecurities and anxiety, and somehow convinced herself that I was an asshole.

Also, girl's friends feed this shit. A dude, if he says he's thinking of dumping his girl for some stupid reason, his buddy's will all tell him not to be an idiot. Girls will tell their friends that the guy is a dick and she deserves better and to dump his ass.


She's either thinking about cheating or already has.
I know that feel OP

Then, if you understand and still want to try to make this work, go ahead. I always forget that people have to learn things the hard way so to speak. This will add to your life experience after all.

Walk the fuck away OP, you've got no choice.

Women lie through their teeth to soften the blow. They think by giving you some form of bullshit excuse it'll make life less hard on you, and then wonder why the fuck you're trailing after them for the next few months after they "broke it off".

It's done OP, get a new g/f and jam your fucking snag right up her pooper.


Break, will usually lead to a break up. I got some suggestions for ya, since I was going through pretty much exactly the same thing. She randomly broke up with me after we were trying to "fix" things, and I found out that she'd been seeing lots of other people in the time we'd been on a "break". You have two options. You can still talk to her but not bet all your feelings on it (Although who the fuck are you kidding, you're still gonna have feelings) OR move on now. Trust me, it seems stupid as fuck but moving on quickly is the best solution. Drink, go out with friends, do anything fun to take your mind off her and you'll be fine. Also don't listen to the comments about her seeing someone else. 99% of the time girls just lose their feelings, but they "Cant deal with it" so they think it's better to just call it a break. There's a large chance she's seeing noone, and that gay guy is just a gay dude she talks to about shit.

Listen man, just tell her this: "If we take this break, i'm breaking up with you, because taking a break means its over between us."
If she goes back on her decision, she still loves you, if not , shes over you.

She wants to fuck another dude.

Leave quietly and move on.

Source: Experience

She wants to get blacked dude.

why is this even pasta? to trick dumb newfags into giving actual advice, which they shouldn't be doing anyways


Had a female friend I helped get out of her eating disorders, got her back to eating, got her to cope with her insecurities and not go down the self destructive path she was on. She was extremely grateful for this, and we hit it off a while after this. Her friends had left her, she had no one around her that shared her interests, and there I was, supporting her fully, being the best partner I could be. Had loads of sex, gave her her first orgasms, taught her how to, supported her in every way.
2 years pass, and she suddenly decides I don't give her enough attention, although we're basically conjoined by this time. Never spending a night apart or anything. But for some reason that wasn't enough, and we discuss this. To not lose her, I give up basically every interest, every activity I've got. Still not good enough, since I find her cheating and sexting other guys a couple of months later. While doing this, she also spouts a whole bunch of bullshit about me between the begging for cock and attention. Couldn't take that shit anymore, so I kick her out and tell her to go fuck herself.

Eventually, she decides to make me the bad guy, telling every common friend, and basically anyone she can contact that I'm an asshole. Once that dust settles, she thinks I'm still an asshole and starts spreading the rumour that I raped her.

Once they've decided you're the asshole, there's no way back. Luckily, you'll likely not want to get back once you realize how they've demonized you.

Double dubs confirm. Dump her OP. Fuck someone prettier for shirs and giggles and watch her regret it.


This dude is totally right. Girls' friends are a large influence in decision making and 90% of the time they will negatively impact it. Can confirm, also was the first nice guy my ex had.

The only thing you can really do is get a bit more clarification on what she means. If she just needs space to focus on work, that's fine, but don't let her call it a "break." Make it clear there is still a relationship, that you are still committed to only each other, but she just needs some time to focus on school. You can help her any way you can, with projects and papers and shit, so let her know that.
But if you want to keep it going, don't let her call it a break, because that's a prelude to disaster.

OP here

Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much this has helped me. I sorta plan on calling her out some time this week on it. But thank you all on this so much. I decided to take a break from my 6 page paper to talk to you guys and I have to say it was worth it. I guess from what I can take home from this is to talk things out with her and it can only go down two ways from here

either 1) we actually work things out and keep on going

2) be on Sup Forums for a while because I broke up with her.

Stick to option 2.

It's over. She's probably fucking someone as we speak.

In amy case, she doesn't respect you. Good riddance.

Come to think of it, this could be whats really happening on her end but it could be possible she got bored of me but none of us here really know. So if it were to come the case where she is chasing greener grass then I won't retort to any of you. I'll take it as you guys were right on this one

However, user here could be onto something here

This has happened to me twice now.

You meet a girl who's feeling down and she's got low self esteem or wahtever the case may be. she wants to work on herself and improve herself, generally feels worthless, etc. so being the nice guy you are (cause we're told to be nice and supportive to da womenz) you help her thru all this cause you GENUINELY FUCKIN CARE (problems and all) and you put her up on your shoulders and show her how great she is.

time passes and hey man, it fuckin worked - she realizes how great and how attractive and how funny and smart she is. so much so that you're not enough anymore and shes gonna go chase some strange dick. so bye nice guy. you opened the world for her and she's taking the ticket and leaving you behind. adios.

don't talk to her until you've made a positive change. like I said earlier, you're at the disadvantage here. you're the old boy she already knows she has and if you did any sort of pleaing or begging when she asked for the break you're even more cemented into that mold. she's talking to a new guy, or guys, or shes open to that possibility. thats NEW and FUN and EXCITING - basically 3 triggers for her emotions to go frantic on.

you hve to make yourself seem more attractive than them and you do that by bettering yourself. take the break yourself.improve upon yourself in some way, any way, and when you do decide to talk to her again make a subtle mention of what you're doing or how great things are going. It'll spark her interest and make her think 'oh gee did I miss out on something?'

it's all fuckin games man. I wish it weren't. I'm a really honest straight up person and the fact that our generation is all about these dumb fuckin headgames is too much for me. good luck though my dude.

Just from personal experience, I know that it's possible to get back with someone "on a break" BUT there's a massive difference. You constantly feel paranoid about what happened during the break, things have changed, she's not like what she used to be, basically what I'm trying to say is, there is a chance she'll get back with you.. But in my case she was more just using me and telling everyone we were friends when we were essentially in a "closed door" relationship. Don't do that shit. It fucking kills you on the inside. If someone loves you, then they won't give a shit about other people seeing it. OP, you'll be fine. Just talk through it with her, and say that if she wants to break up, you aren't going to freak out and you'll just move on. Just tell her the truth is better than keeping you dangling.

I know how you feel dude, it really fucking sucks. It just pushes guys closer and closer to all being assholes because why the fuck would we not? Caring clearly gets us played.

but she will keep him dangling. if she can have him close by why wouldn't she? what if seeing chad doesn't work out? people suck dude. we all know its true.

I know she will but that's the fuckin problem, some people would rather dangle than be alone. Which by the way DONT LET YOURSELF BE HER FUCKIN ASS BITCH, GET OUT THERE AND MAKE HER SEE WHAT SHE'S MISSING.

See, this is the thing. Most guys are good dudes, they want to care and they want to be good to a girl. Women turn men into assholes. We don't want to be that way, we just become that way our of necessity. I don't want to be a cold, manipulative asshole, I loved the hell out of all my exes, I really wanted to make them happy, but being like that makes them walk all over you.

Shit's so fucked up.

Honestly I don't play that game where I would have to compete with whatever is out there. I think its best to leave it as it is and once she realizes she fucked up on chasing something else it would have been too late and her "rebound" (which would be me) is not even there

but if i can be honest, I just want her. I don't want anybody else. But as much as I want it to be the case where I do end up getting back together, I still need to keep my guard up no matter what.

Your relationship is shit and you sound clingy.
If it was a normal relationship there would be no need for a break. .but it sounds like you're talking to this girl every day or some shit and don't give her space.

If you in high school don't worry bro you guys won't last

no shit sherlock she's my girlfriend, I'm obviously gonna talk to her everyday.

>but it sounds like you're talking to this girl every day or some shit and don't give her space.

as if the concept of "working things out" didnt exist.

in college bro

She either found someone else or doesn't love you anymore. Having a partner shouldn't prevent one from studying.

both things you said contradict each other my friend. but that's breakup denial in action. I feel the same way about my situation - girl is literally my dream girl and the fact that she's down to split ways tears my whole being apart. like in my head i can't even fathom being apart but here she is perfectly ok with saying goodbye and walking away.

bottom line man, take a week to yourself. don't talk to her for 2-3 weeks. try and work onyourself and your own happiness and self love. shoot her a message after that time and see what's good, kinda probe around or do what i said and drop some hints that you're doing some great and interesting things with your life now.

also, you still haven't given your age. since you said college I'm going to assume around 20 and so too should she be. girls are all over the place at that age when it comes to relationships man. they don't know what they want at all and are even more easily allured by emotional triggers. trying to find one who has her head at a good place and is actual long term relationship material is rare. You probably felt you had it. I sure as hell did. but here we both are dude. mindgames.

>tfw 2 year LTR and see the warning signs of

does she go to a different school?

if yes she probably fucked someone else. sorry.

she find someone she thinks is hotter, bro. probably already made out/sucked him if not fucked already. hurts

See you don't understand women or relationships. You act like her friend too much and not as her man.
It's not that girls realize they can do better, its they realize you're needy and not much of a man.

Sadly it takes most girls to fuck around and get pregnant before they quit being selfish little attention whores.

this guy knows, user.

it's not all going to hell user.

if you think it's actually happening do the thing sthat i didn't. take a step back from your life and analyze it. are you going someplace? do you have goals? jobw ith room to grow or at least schooling that will lead to one?

basically the key is to make sure that you yourself are also growing. you yourself are also continuing on a path. you're not just stagnant, staying the same while SHE is changing and SHE is growing. put as much time into YOURSELF as you are HER. that's what I failed to do in both situations. don't get complacent cause you have her.

I like that idea of taking a week off from her but wouldn't that sort of make me seem like I'm playing along with her "taking a break" game?

and they think the world revolves around them, taking 400 selfies per day etc....

being her man and being her friend should be the same shit. ideally we want to be partnered with our 'best friend'. see though. the problem was I wasn't growing myself while I was helping them to. They were propelling forward in life with some help from me while my life was staying the same. That's the problem.

You don't talk to your gf every day unless you live with her.
It sounds like you didn't even take her out on dates much

yeah it does. and that'll make her paranoid. 'oh why is user ok with this?' 'is he talking to other girls too?' 'what's user up to, he hasn't talked to me, thats weird. i thought he'd still be texting me' the list goes on.

basically you being ok with it is going to trigger some alarms in her head if she's even still remotely into you or cares about you intimately and doesnt just see you as a friend. the longer you go without talking to her the stronger you seem, the less NEEDY you seem - its like said. all this will make you appear more desirable to her and that's the biggest key to making her come back, if there's even still a hope/chance at that.

We don't live with each other, but what does that have to do with anything. And just to clarify, I actually do take her out. It sounds to me like your idea of a date is to take her out to some high-end place every single time. You do realize a date could also be a drinking slurpees on the 7/11 parking lot if its with the right person? whatever happened to simplicity and being humble?

Not much you can do, OP. You can try talking to her about it to get more information, but ultimately it's her decision. If she is really wanting to move on from you, it'll just be unhealthy to continue the relationship for both of you. She'll feel unfulfilled or unhappy, and you'll feel neglected and angry.

If she still wants this to happen after talking to her, then just let it happen and try to move on.

OP you sound very defensive.

remember that you asked US for advice, now you're trying to argue with all your Sup Forumsrothers. I think you know the truth about your relationship, and you are in major denial.

hey man this user could be actually be right. What if there's not much I can do. Like yes act uninterested will probably make me more desirable but ultimately its up to her. I can't really manipulate her into a relationship where she doesn't want to be in. It could just be that this is it. The next 4 months or so are gonna be the fucking worst.

He very well could be right bro. I told you there's only so much you can do, and what I said is your best case scenario if you're trying to get her back. If she's made her choice then shes made her choice regardless of what you do. But during this 'break' you're both taking you need to actively be working on yourself regardless. not for her either, for YOU as another user said to me. That way for better or worse, whether she decides to give it another shot or not, you at least are working on something and have made some kind of positive gain from the whole situation that you can carry on with you independently and into your next relationship.

The key is to be working on yourself regardless of waht happens with her or not. Work on yourself and you will feel better and become more APPEALING in not just her eyes but the eyes of others.

but you see i don't know whats happening on her end. You know I can be all paranoid and in denial and shit about maybe something thats not even the case but who knows. I don't know that and no one here knows. All I'm saying is, I appreciate the advice but there's like so many ways all of this could go down that just leaves me at the edge of my seat.

the only one who truly knows what's going on is her cause she made this choice. and like it was said waaaaay earlier in this thread, shes probbly never gonna tell you the real truth behind it al cause she doesn't wnat to hurt you and make herself seem like the bad guy. that's woman logic my man.

>Be me
>Been with grill for about a year
>She needs break to focus on school and a bunch of family is coming from out of state for brothers graduation
>Will be tied up entertaining them for 2 or 3 weeks.
>Wont chirp back
>When she does she had been drinking with cousins
>My birthday she shows up with card that had a twenty in it
>ffw til end of break
>she wants to go see a movie
>Afterwards tells me we have drifted apart the last few weeks
>she ends it
>Find out later from a friend she was banging navy seal who came to town
>Hate women for years.

Good luck with that Sup Forumsrotato

Make that 3 bro.
I'm 21 been dating this 22 y/o girl for 5 1/2 years. Straight. I was her first in everything and we lived together for over a year.
Last week she broke up with me because she doesn't feel like she loves me any more. I kinda wish it was some petty shit that ended us so I would have something to blame, but nope. She's mature about everything and that's why I fell for her. Bitches are cold man. Real cold.

>my girl isn't that heartless.

I've gotten around enough to second what most other anons on this thread are saying: Your girl loves you until she doesn't. And she's faithful until she's not.
You'd be surprised what a seemingly nice girl can do to a guy. I've paid for more than my fair share of dubious abortions. I'll say that much.

I've done the same thing to women when I was younger--take a break from a boring relationship to see how other things go, and remember what it's like to be single.
If she wants to take a break, it's not because she needs to focus on studying, and you're taking up too much of her time--It's because you're taking up ANY of her time.
I'm sorry user, nobody takes a break just because they need an extra hour or two a night for a few weeks to get their grades up. She's saying your relationship isn't valuable anymore.

It's an especially bad excuse if she's talking to other dudes more at the same time. It sounds like she's phasing you out.

pic very related

So just to recap and one more question,

so to recap everything I should use this as my advantage to grow and benefit myself regardless if I'm doing it for her or not?

and should i confront her about all of this?

It's over but she doesn't have the guts to say what she really wants. You'll be making a fool of yourself if you acquiesce to this - regain your self-respect and end it cleanly with her. Don't take her back if she appears to change her mind and cut contact 100%.

She wants to fuck somebody else. Possibly a nigger.

I packed my stuff that night and moved out. Haven't talked to get at all and she texted me last night asking if she could have our weed connections number.. LIKE WHAT TH... That's what she says to me?? She was my ball and chain, my best friend, and my only friend. And that's my fatal mistake.
Any ways man. When you think you met (the one) don't let your guard down.

Hey op, best thing you can do is to spend less time with her. Get out and go to places where you can meet new girls, just so your gf sees you may have options. Don't react too emotional when she texts you atm, the less you show her affection now the more interesting you become

have an open discussion. be straight up.

It's either, we're together or we're not. Give her the option to leave. maybe that's all she wants.

She has narcissistic personality disorder.

this is even worse. you're her first everything but she wants to see what other people are like. she doesn't feel like she loves you cause her minds in a wanderlust of waht could be with all the chads out there. maybe some are better choices for her than you are, maybe they're just one night stands she's gonna have. shit is retarded.

but like I've been saying man they're all run by their emotions. once a girl starts thinking heavily about something you may as well pack your bags cause she's gonna make some crazy decisions.

this guy's pretty much right. mostly the same stuff I've been saying but its coming from another mouth. or set of hands in this case. Phasing you out is a good way (albeit painful) to put this whole thing. You're on the ropes while she's seeing if she can make it without you.

use this time to free your mind my dude. try as best as you can to not think about her or worry about her or your relationship. think and worry about you. what do you wnat to do? or be doing? whata re some things you'd like to change? key words here are YOU not what SHE would want you to change etc.

Work on yourself for a bit, when you've made at least one change then think about talking to her and reaching out if she hasn't already. Doing this means a few things:
1.) You'll be better off regardless of what she says/chooses cause you've been improving yourself
2.) You get some real closure on the whole 'break' thing
3.) It'll make you more attractive to her and to other women. A man who does nothing is worth nothing my dude.

Lastly, don't CONFRONT her. that's a terrible word and a terrible approach to this. TALK to her. Reach out after your period of self improvement in however manner you feel is best - you know the relationship not us. Can be a short and simple text or you can write her an actual letter (sounds ridiculous but fuckin trust me dude they like this shit)

Agree to take a break. It's the only option. The catch is that you have to actually act like a single person while on that break, or you'll get cucked. You need to fuck other bitches. Don't get into another relationship, but if she's looking for a break, she's exploring other options and you should as well.

Listen, OP is a massive faggot, but we don't need to kick him while he's down.

Pointing out that a woman that this beta has feelings for is getting 2 lbs of blood sausage on the daily from some subhuman isn't going to make things better. She's probably drinking gatorade nonstop because some negro is beating her pussy harder than a Sahara drum kit, and the lower half of her body is suffering from near-fatal dehydration. But that doesn't mean we need to talk about it. It's tasteless to mock someone that way.

Honestly, you think OP needs to be reminded that he's less of a man than some half-literate big-dicked half-primate?

A woman wanting to take a break is a double edged sword. On one hand she could honestly just need to not see you for a while. If her grades go up while she isnt seeing you support her decision and IF you trust her continue to take a small break. That being said she could also be stringing you along waiting to see if a new prospect fits her better. I dont know your gf so you judge whoch is more likely.

You get a say in the relationship. Lets say you go along with a temporary shirt break. So she does get a break, lets say 7 days which is reasonable, of no talking/seeing you. There Is nothing wrong with inputting how you feel after that break. You are in hs and relationships at that age suck. Wait until university if things go south.

Just for credibility: I take breaks from seeing my gf when eithser one of us gets busy. We trust each other and we text every day regardless. Right now I took a break because she wanted to. She was PMS and I had to work all week so it worked fine. Now I am free to see her all semester long.

>getting 2 lbs of blood sausage on the daily from some subhuman

you just can't get laughs like this anywhere else on the internet. god bless u user

Doesn't make sense op. Very unnecessary process to achieve a simple goal.

If she had a baby and was trying to earn a promotion at work would it make sense for her take a break from her parental responsibilities to get it?

She just played you OP, it's too late to fix this, instead don't worry about it ( easier said than done) and just wait it out. If you try and convince her not to do the break you'll look bad and give her a reason to bail. So prepare for the worst and stay focus on moving forward not back.

Sorry to tell you this bro, happened to me this summer long term relationship. For the summer we lived about 2 hrs apart for work for just 3 months (summer student jobs). I drove to see her 4 times a week she wanted a break. In the mean time she got close to another guy.

One day I had enough drove down an just ended it (even worse we shared a place together, bought a condo for us). I ended it gave her a months notice since she hasn't been paying me rent for staying at the place I bought by myself. Next day she was already with the new guy and is still with him he lives across the province (Canada).

Moral of the story from experience with others. They do this to distance themselves for them to disconnect until their ready to move on, suckes when we have to end it but it's for the best. Do it on your own terms or the bitches.

I know I'm, probably late on this but, taking a break means "I'm breaking up with you, riding some dick, then getting back together and acting like it never happened." Canning their partner isn't the first thing reasonable people do when they need some extra time. The only thing you need to do is make sure the break lass forever.