So fucking true

So fucking true.

old age is when you realize you should have never spent the time watching it...

maybe if you're an edgy teen


Wasn't the joker like, a legitimate terrorist in that movie?

wow really makes me think

How stupid are the edgy redditors who unironically believe this?
The Joker was a criminal psychopath who wanted to blow up two boats filled with people, how does that "make more sense"?

You probably posted this ironically.

Do you think you're funny to think that the Joker was wrong?

How the FUCK is he not right??

Excuse me?

Adulthood is when you realise that wearing costumes is stupid and you should just do your job quietly, like commissioner Gordon.


>childhood is idolizing barman
>edgyteenhood is thinking the joker was right XDDD
>adulthood is where you realise raas al ghul was right all along

You're excused

You don't know what you're talking about.

lol thx cuz i just farted

Fucking this.

..I think your face could use a smile..

Yes, but considering this post was made by a 14 year old school shooter, it makes more sense

You give me a good answer how he makes sense.

> t. edgy teen

You're what we call "a Gordon".

Angsty teendom is when you idolize Tyler Durden.

Adulthood is when you realize duvets make more sense.

Excuse me?




Here's your (You)

Some people just don't "get it."


he reflected the madness of society which every person has within them but likes to imagine does not exist

What did you just say to me you batcuck fucking IDIOT RETARD FAGGOT CUM-BUTT CHUGGING DIRTY LITTLE APE?

Whoa, take it easy!


edgy nigger

This the most pathetic thread I done ever seen


wow....really makes you think.....

Excuse me?

Adulthood is idolizing CIA

for you

I have always idolized my local barman

How some guy who kills people because of his madness make more sense than some guy who dress like a bat but at least fight criminality?

that seem to be edgelord bullshit.

you have to be 18 to post here kid