Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread

Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread.

Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.


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It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.


hey guys! what's up?


Hey Zer0!
Not a ton, played some RS, watched some ST, that's about it.







Hey 911, what's going on?

not a lot, eating food atm
might download java so I can try to find out what modpack we should use for that possible MC server

What kinda food are we talking?

Sounds good, thoughts on what to go with?
I've never done any mods.



Watched this new Overlord drama CD which was fun but didn't do a whole lot more today, did a decent amount of RS I suppose and played some other games with IRC for an hour or so. Not much else though, just moved a bunch of stuff to my new hard drive that I got today, needed some more space for weeb shit. About it really, you?



I thought drama CDs were things you listened to?
How much weeb stuff do you save anyways?
I could use more space but have around 600gb.

Not too much, just did slayer today, got another black mask which was a nice pickup, about to do another bloodveld task.



End of Volume 6 Chapter 2

>I thought drama CDs were things you listened to?
Gotta read the translation so there's that.

>How much weeb stuff do you save anyways?
Mainly shows I have saved since I despise having to delete stuff since it's a pain to get back with bad internet.

>got another black mask which was a nice pickup,
Nice, how much to they go for these days?

Onto Chapter 3

Fair enough.

I about do the same, mainly shows that are worth going back and rewatching episodes/scenes.

Sold one for 675k yesterday and one for 677k today.
I expected them to have gone down, but surprised they didn't.








As for minecraft, I'm looking into an FTB modpack, not quite sure which one but I have a couple of ideas.



What does FTB generally add to the game?














It has a bunch of modpacks that, of course, add lots of mods to the game (said modpacks also make it much easier to run a modded MC server)

Like the ones that add the industrial/manufacturing content?

End of Volume 7 Chapter 3 and end of dump for tonight

Yep. And more shit.

Do they offer a textbook on how to do everything?
Seems like there's a lot.