Anyone else genuinely terrifired of Drumpf? He genuinely seems unhinged

Anyone else genuinely terrifired of Drumpf? He genuinely seems unhinged.

you're genuinely a faggot


He scares the crap out of me. The most ignorant least empathic person i think ive ever seen.

Lots of unhinged people are terrified of Trump, but that's because they're all quivering, tender little snowflakes like you.

Be a lot more worried about his team. They will try to get away with all sorts of evil shit and use Trump as a way of distracting the public.
This will be especially easy, since Trump seems to believe whatever wacky shit he gets told as long as he likes the person spinning it. Trump also seems to be a slave to ego.

He's a piss-hungry false-macho retard. Not much else I can say about him.

found this on Sup Forums
someone tell me how accurate is this?

Is that a way to talk about the greatest jobs president god ever created?

Sup Forums that hates people who are 0.0000001% Jewish?

i see him him as a legit presidential choice, besides of his phrasing which seems like he learned it from a troglodyte.


If you are "genuinely scared" of Trump, you might just be a cuck.

Are you "literally shaking", too? Fuck off to your play-doh and coloring book feminist crying therapy, pussy.

Wow it's all good putting our a propaganda poster. But Drumpf has no idea about geopolitics. He though Belgium was a village in Europe. He literally has hired pro Russian stooges in his cabinet. He knows jack shit about Mosul or Syria.

He's a fucking moron that got elected by saying "DRAIN THE SWAMP." He IS the Swamp.

ohh poor baby, you still sore about your mommy loosing the election? why do you go cry in the corner like a good little bitch. let the man do his work, he says it like it is . the world is not all cookies and milk like your mommy told you it is.

Don't you have to get back to prepping your wife's bull? Leave the politics to the adults, kiddo.

Every time I see this, I get annoyed. Globalization is not a bad thing, unless you are a low wage blue collar worker. People, like me, who are educated professionals benefit greatly from globalization. The only "losers" here are low skill workers. So, only people who support trump are: uneducated low skill workers, super rich, and bigots. Just let this disaster run its 4 year course.

I wasnt bitch made so, no.

You keep posting frog pictures whilst our country goes down the shitter.

you still actualy believe it matters who is "in charge" of the country?

you will still get fucked over either way and get up and go to work, eat shit, sleep and repeat everyday with almost zero difference between days pretty much until you die. thats what you should be more terrified of.

Absolutely, I'm terrified.

The guy is a con man, and he conned America.

Who the fuck knows what all damage he and the republicans are going to cause.

does anyone hear a baby crying?

And you keep bitching while we keep winning. Sounds like a plan.

The guy's an idiot. He was elected as a knee jerk reaction to the faggoty sjw types and their douchy bullshit. It's like when a girl breaks up with her shitty boyfriend and gets fucked by some even worse dickhead on the rebound because she's in a shitty mood. America was in a shitty mood, and fucked a douche. Now you're all fucked because you've got a chimp behind the steering wheel.

It's fucking hilarious.

its not that i think he or anyone in his team are directly trying to kill america, but they all come from a very high level tax bracket that regards the middle class the same way that the middle class regards the homeless: people who can't make decisions for themselves and should be cared for...but with somebody else's time and somebody else's money, and only enough to get on track.

face it. unless you earn at least seven figures a year, you're not represented or needed to be heard from until 2019. Then you're a darling and the champion of the American spirit.

sure kid


you got conned by a nigger. didn't hear you crying then.



Trump isn't the one to be afraid of. He isn't going to do shit. Pence is the one who will be doing everything and who will have the real power. And he's a religious nutjob.

He likes pee. Heh. Weirdo.

sure kid.

>reliable source for information

Pick one

And also, Trump has already brought or sustained thousands of jobs and he is not even president yet. Obama is probably crying right now.

I hope someone in there locks the lid on the nuke button. He is the type to have a bad day and actually press it.

Not in a million years


All faggots here love him and his bf.

two morons in one thread. who saw that coming?

eurofag here.
there arent many infos about pence in the media here besides of the fact that he is religous conservative. what is he going to do?

The libs can't possibly take over Sup Forums that place is beyond repair.

sometimes i wonder what he is actually going to do, seems like a below average intelligence individual

TFW your one year old son wakes up in the middle of the night crying out, "Maga! MAGA!!"


posts photoshop. claims its real.

Nuke russia because putin got sick of his shit and called him a funny name on TV

Nice comeback low skill uneducated worker. I cannot wait for post capitalism and robots take your low tier jobs. You realize that we already have automatic cashiers at McDonalds, right? No amount of anti globalization going to stop that.

seems legit

all does ad homs, all does butthurt millennisld.

i'd love to see him try. trump is putin's special little boy.

You must be new here

I can't wait. It's gonna be the funniest shit ever. It already is. He's just flinging shit around already and he hasn't even strapped in yet. GO DONGLE TRUMP! GIT 'ER DONE

>Trump has already brought or sustained thousands of jobs

"Hey, employer! I heard you were gonna fire 1000 people"
"Don't do that."
"eh. there's some different guys who'll still have jobs"
"Okay, don't fire them."
"already on it"
"I won!"


Jesus so much truth in one post.


Nobody said anything about fixing it.

Nope, just you nigger.

yawn. implying knowledge from one post.
should you be paying attention in class kid.
don't want to wind up at burger king.

- He's against weed.
- He's against abortions, or any planned parenthood shit like birth control and the like.
- He's for schools being taught abstinence and not sexual education.
- He doesn't believe in climate change.
- He doesn't believe in evolution and thinks creationism is the truth.
- He thinks the earth is 10,000 years old.
- He's anti-science in general.

Trump is a great fucking Troll, an attention whore of the highest order. I doubt he believes half the shit he spouts... Pence does though.

So what circumstances will it take for Trump fans to admit he was a mistake? Or will you guys stick by him and make excuses to the very end?

I mean, absolute best case scenario you're gonna be reliving the Bush years and you folks didn't have a problem admitting that was a mistake.

edgy much?

sure kid


He's the political equivalent of a television evangelist, and Americans fucking love them.

Gotta give him credit though Americans are gonna have to come up with a new insult to use. Can't keep calling people commies anymore can you?

just doesn't get that hope and change, sucked and failed.

the sooner we automate the blue collar class into obsolesence the sooner we can stop worrying about having to pander to their unions and making sure they arent gaming health insurance for free rides.

weed? that's all you care about kid? weed?


Kek, we arent living the 1500's anymore. Wasnt there any better choice for vice?

worthless post.

Nope, just alpha much.


triggered trump-puppy

Trump is a bitch boy

doesn't understand much. claims intelligence.
muh education? nah bro.

but really
GWB had a fucking ivy league history degree
trump makes that guy look like a fucking rhodes scholar

that GBP swag.

No. When Trump started insulting the shit out of everyone, spouting xenophobic and sexist shit, and even insulting the republican party. The RNC distanced themselves from him, treated him as a joke and no one wanted to go near him.

Pence believed all the shit Trump was saying, and is himself fucking nuts.

>Trump fighting in a war

Draft dodger.

Watch the interviews of the CEO of ford and his reason why he will stay. Mainly because of trumps plans

Did you stop there on the first line? OK scratch Weed then and keep fucking reading dumb ass.

more worthless posting. I disagree with him so I must support trump.
they don't come any dumber than this.

On the bight side, we'll finally have a "control" experiment. Now we can compare other presidents, who we previously thought were idiots, against the real deal.

your ad hom makes you look stupid

No you don't, and the fact you think you do means you're a fucking moron.
You spend tens to hundreds of thousands on your engineering, computer or even medical degrees, and then hold out for a position paying you $50k+ a year whereas those same companies you're hoping to work for can hire Pajeet or Li from India or China who has the exact same skill set as you for $10k a year, doing exactly the same thing as you would have done, but they decided to outsource because it's cheaper for them as a corporation to hire foreign workers than to hire you.
It doesn't matter how well educated you are, someone in another country has the same degrees and is cheaper to hire.

You got lucky, so fuck the vast majority of people who didn't.

And you faggots wonder how you lost.

like a certain Clinton if I recall.

i know a.i doesn't have fibromyalgia or needs maternity leave when its wife's son is born

So Pence is just a fanatic follower who saw an opportunity for power in his derangement?

What do you expect from a country where, every year, millions of people buy alien abduction insurance?

you listed by priority......and failed.

Honestly, I can imply much, given your grammar and "sentence" structure. You don't even have to tell me anything, the very structure of your sentences speaks volumes. You are barely capable of making a coherent sentence or thought. I know you cannot be trusted with much in the workforce and confirm my point of Trump supporters.

Continue to attempt to belittle me and call me "kid." I finished school a while ago. You hit me as if you never got past 12th grade. You are at best some tradesman, who skills are pretty disposable. I can hire an illegal immigrant to do what you do or learn it myself in 6 months to a year.

Only low tier working nobodies and stupid conspiracy theorists think globalization is bad.

I'm pretty sure Belgium is a small village in Europe.

pence is prez
koch brothers puppet
trump is a frontman

And you think Trump is going to stop all the outsourcing?

still trying and still failing.

- He's anti-science in general.
This alone should cause concern. This nigger is the most anti-science president ever. Essentially anti-truth. It's gonna be all feeling with this guy. And the feeling is inferior "proud boys' trying to reclaim their masculinity because sjw's cucked them collectively for too long. Instead of entertaining those worthless individuals, you should've just manned the fuck up and not acknowledged them. But the collective faggotry of shitty liberals buttraped the rest of the nation so bad they've become this approximation of masculinity, walking around posturing with your so "alpha" "winning" male empowerment faggotry that you don't even realize how hard you just got anally penetrated by a man that where's roadkill as a hat.

His daughter's fucking hot though. And the first lady, oh my God. I sure would love to fuck her bigly.

>Draft dodger.
This is normal. Back in 2004, they portrayed Bush, a draft dodger, as this tough warfighter, while Kerry, who won the Silver Star in Vietnam, was this cowardly liberal. There was this whole fakeass controversy because there was no way Kerry could've actually deserved his medals.

Nothing matters but the R or D next to their name.

The years he's counting is trumps year in office so we can't tell you how accurate it is since it hasn't happened
