Are there any good countries left in Europe...

Are there any good countries left in Europe? I'm talking about places that weren't refugeed to shit during the last 5 years.
I'm from Finland and even though our situation is nothing compared to Sweden, France or Germany, I hate it here.

There has to be places that said NO to this bullshit. I'm thinking Switzerland, Iceland, Monaco and maybe Faroe Islands if they even count.

You could come to Eastern Europe, we're muslim free and white but be warned, this is a gigantic shithole no person should ever be subjected to live in.

I've heard Prague is near perfect, dunno about the rest of Tscheckoslovakia however you spell that shit.

>there's no country catering to my perfect standards, *screetches autistically*

How about you do the world a favour and kill yourself instead? That why you don't have to make any other country worse with your presence.

Faroe islands count as much as Monaco if you ask me.

>Prague is near perfect

You've been lied to, like 30% of people are foreigners there.

Are you trolling?
I mean, what the fuck, man? It's a scientific fact that the world has gone to shit during the current decade.
Amsterdam is shittier these days, too, and you know it.

>no immigrants
It's full of them. Not like a western capital yet, but their numbers increase every year.

Rest of Czech Republic is nearly immigrant free (especially the smaller towns) but some places there are also seriously underdeveloped and relatively poor.

>some places there are also seriou

How's Austria and Switzerland?

Switzerland is full of millionaires and you'd think they want to preserve their elitist lifestyle.

No, I legitimately want you to consider the option of killing yourself. Not only will you do yourself a favour, but nobody will miss you and you'll be one less burden for this already overburdened world.

What do you say?


But to answer the question, Switzerland is better than surrounding countries but definitely not free. I'm basing this on subjective impression and not statistics, but I assume it's a similar story.

look into the isle of man

I'd say you're either trying to continue a worthless trolling attempt or just butthurt, meaning there's a big probability you're a refugee and offended by this thread.
I mean no offense to your species, I just want to preserve mine.

slovakia is a different country to the czech republic nowadays. I've been to both. kek

Switzerland has some of the highest immigrant quotas in all of Europe. Many Albanians, Eritreans and such. The place operates on another level too, while a supermarket cashier earns like 4000 Euro, you won't able to rent a tiny rathole for less than 2000-2500. It's fucked.

Austria is probably like your country. A ton of immigrants in the capital and the major cities, 0 immigrants in smaller towns (though there are some places with like 50% immigrants around Vienna because welfare doesn't afford you a rent there anymore). Wouldn't recommend coming here if you want to get away from the enrichment honestly.

but the finnish mongol species needs to die

>I mean no offense to your species, I just want to preserve mine.

>Thus he leaves his fatherland to fend off itself because he sees too many black people on the streets.
Yeah i don't think you're gonna be any use to any of us here so go ahead. I suggest lake bottom, heard it's a nice place for losers like you.

Don't worry, your species will be preserved with or without you, as you'll probably die a lonely virgin anyway.

Just think about it, that's all I'm asking.

The Netherlands is very decentralised.

While have plenty of shitskin free areas, as they all want to live in the west. Not thanks to our government.

The fatherland is no more.

I will not give away my tax dollars just to fund further cultural enrichment.

*We have

Now rhey try to divide the refugees over all cities, which is a shame. I wish they would just dump them in left wing areas.

Just move to bönde, no nig nogs there.

As if you pay anything else but what you leech from the gov/will leech from it. Frankly i don't give a shit. Less idiots is always a +.

Stop praising our worthless government.

Besides, I've paid more taxes in my twenties than you ever will.

Yeah as i said i don't frankly give a shit if one more vocal idiot leaves or not.

yeah but most of them are slovaks, ukranians, russians and vietnamese(these are 70% of foreigners) 30% is mix of everything

You have betrayed your country and your people.

And you're delusional, stupid or underage if your so fast to make such arrogant statements.

It's been going on for more than 5 years. I'd say since the 80's and for Germany it's been since they brought over "guest workers" from Turkey.

It is sad to say you won't find actual Europeans in the cities anymore and within a 100 years if this continues possibly not at all.

Your life hasn't been affected nor modified in the slightest by refushits.
So how about you stop whining like a little spoiled brat who's have it easy enough in life being born in Finland and shit leave behind that autistic mindset that there should be countries out there living up to your delusional standards.

Spend a week in Africa or Latin America and after that I dare you to complain again about Nordick countries.

lmao some smelly doodoo-colored person got upset

We brown people are humans too
Just because the color of our skin and the one of shit are similar, it doesn't mean anything. I can say the same to you, since pigs have your same skin tone. See? Not so funny afterall

are you a migrant? you have to be sicilian or something to be as brown as a migrant

it's not about the color of your skin but it represents a certain thing when you're a brown migrant in europe

you were fed shit as a child, you were taught naught, you were generally just raised badly and likely there's heavy inbreeding in your family

I'd be happy if we received brown indians but all we get are shit sandwiches

t. butthurt nikker