What's the first thing you notice about this picture?

what's the first thing you notice about this picture?

(apart from the blurred face)

She got some long ass fuckin legs

Just post more legs and feet

Cool fucking binoculars. What kind are they?

Is her face bruised?

Lovely beach house

weird sofa
way too big bino's
all those stains on her legs
no shoes

Thick as hell good lookin legs

The nigger toe on the left

Disgusting sofa and bigass creeper binoculars. Surely a 50 yo who paid this young slut to come have a conversation with him because that's the closest he's ever been to any kind of grill.

That I want to fuck her brains out

Why do you ask OP


those are some really large binoculars.

Navy binoculars and feet the size of orca flippers. Daddy was a whaler.

Tfw no face

The sofa is longer, and there was someone sitting next to her

Good shoop

she's a guy

The cloaked reptilian shapeshifter that you do not see, does not erase your memory and porbably is about to do something with that probe it is holding...


Same as a few others, I wanna play with those binoculars.

Orion 20x80 binoculars?