Spending 21st Birthday alone today Sup Forums. What do you suggest I buy for my first legal drink?

Spending 21st Birthday alone today Sup Forums. What do you suggest I buy for my first legal drink?

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Happy Birthday user. Just go get yourself a bottle of scotch

Ignore everyone and buy Rum

>alone on birthday
>posting weeb shit on Sup Forums
I know why you are alone user

happy birthday user. I spend all my birthdays alone too. And I must say that alcohol and some good food, make it a lot easier to survive. Also kudos to you surviving till 21. I probably would have shot myself without a beer or two before school.

happy birthday user

german beer

Guinness is tasty as fuck

Buy bleach, chug it fast and save us all the trouble of listening to you whinging and wittering on for another 21 years.



>Vodka straight
No chasers dont start off drinking like a bitch.

Happy Birthday user, get some rum

He said 21st birthday! Bleach isn't special man. If you were going to be a shit about it, why not come up with something unique like a draino martini with febreeze perfumed across the top or ammonia enemas? The quality of insults, you gotsa hold yourself to a higher standard.

OP, for the record, have a dark and stormy.

strawpoll.me/12124886 :3

scotch that is at least as old as you, on the rocks
happy birthday user

>scotch that is at least as old as you
The only classy option. Real men drink scotch OP, so follow this user's advice and do this.


As a Bartender I usually recommend a Long Isand Ice Tea because they'll get shitfaced pretty fast.

Die alone weebs
