Help me commit suicide

Help me commit suicide,

Hey, I'm not attention seeking nor trying to gather any aspect of sympathy. I just need methods on how I can die. I don't have access to a firearm or a car and it would have to be done in the confinement of my room. I'm prescribed to 50MG Vyvanse and 2MG Circadin but I try to look up the minimal lethal dosage and I keep getting mixed answers. Please help me out, not necessarily painless but at least the quickest method that would kill me almost definitely.

you don't deserve to die. your life has value and you are a good person

jump off a high building

While I don't condone suicide and I think you should try to work it out, the cheapest, easiest and painless method is jumping off a really tall building. Just try not to jump on other people or valuable stuff like cars

help him die, you stupid nigger

Jump of a high building or bridge?

Hang yourself from a tree?

Slit your wrists?

Do you have a bathtub? Fill it with water, lay in it and put an electrical device connected to the socket in it?

Just try to obtain a permit for a firearm. Its ok if you spend a lot of money buying a gun. Youre gonna die anyways

Well if you want it to be painless you need a week of setup. In this week you'll have to eat 3 full course meals a day, an hour of exercise and at least 8hrs of sleep a day. Depending on how painless you may want to do it for longer.

At least make it somewhat fun.
Buy a plastic lawn chair. Or steal one.
Buy a few hundred helium filled balloons.

Go on an amazing adventure until you die from lack of oxygen or freezing temperatures. Or land in the middle of the ocean and drown.

But just think, you could also land in some guy's yard, or a parking lot. Everyone minding their own business when this festive looking corpse in a lawn chair drops out of the sky.

I would try jumping but I'm anxious about that regret you supposedly go through. I was hoping for a method that would allow me to just take all my Circadin and lay in bed and drift off. Recently had a suicide within our family friends circle and it was quite messy, plus I'm staying at my sister's house right now and I don't want to her having to come to the splat-site to identify whatever moosh is left of me.

Car crash

you could just stand on the edge of the roof and take the sleeping pill, you will fall asleep and fall to your death or fall back, if you wake up and still want to do it then repeat, sooner or later you will succeed. If you wake up and figure out you're glad you're not dead all the better.

Puts a new perspective on Up.

I was hoping you edgy motherfuckers of Sup Forums would of told me the ultimate getaway but it's all shit that's in the primary results if you were to just Google suicide methods.

Cutting your veins vertically in a bathtub with hot water should work just fine. Take as many pills as you can as a secure.

I have a panic attack ansiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, most of the time I want to die and I dont know what stops me from doing so. I dont care what your reason to leave this world is, but make sure you do everything you can (yeah, as in traveling and idk, fucking the brains out of someone, that sort of things) before commiting suicide.

Take care, bro.

Why are you being a pussy, just do it quickly and simply. go out to your kitchen right now. Grab a knife. Jam it in your throat, chest then temple. Remember no one will miss you your life is meaningless just like everyone's and you absolutely should do it if you want to, don't let new fag's whine about how precious life is. You. Should. Do. It.

Hey man, the "Take care, bro." was probably one of the most genuine messages I've received in a long-time, I appreciate that. Alright, what I was thinking was taking the entirety of my sleeping medication and have my sister's toaster rigged to fall into the bathtub as soon as I place my arm beside me so when I can feel myself numb and going to sleep I'll drop it.

Livestream it


>Go to dollar store.
>Rent helium tank.
>Get tub of margarine.
>Get tubing.
>Empty margarine tub, affix over face.
>Connect tube to helium tank.
>Turn on helium.
>Take fowevah sweepies

Why do it? Dont listen to these assholes. Give life a chance.

Stream it, Op. i would suggest overdosing on meds, if that doesn't work fast enough, drink bleach or just hang yourself. a bullet through the head will work as well.

>has never experienced clinical depression or crippling disease

So your going to make a famiky member find you? What a dick move.

100% They'll sell/rent those tanks at dollar stores?? Because if not I guess I can just buy a pack of cigs if they don't have the tank so it wouldn't be to useless of a walk

Oh fuck I'm a terrible person for not letting them see my remains that's essentially identical to tomato paste being blasted from the fucking sky onto concrete you fucking idiot

Buy a tank of helium and a gas mask. You'll be dead in 10 minutes, quick and painless.

Certain dollar stores sell different things. The one by my house rents them. They sell shit-tons of balloons, so it make a few extra bucks by renting tanks out. Also, what this guy
said. Do it out of the house.


Your a dipshit. Selfish fucking pathetic douchebag.

jump infront of a slow moving car

Please don't ever do bleach it never actually kills you but destroys all your intestinal track

Long story short, you have really unbearable pain and after you recover you won't be able to eat and shit like before, unhelped and your life will be even wose

Also don't commit suicide in general, there is no god afterwards so live the life you have because it's the most precious thing we will ever have

Watch all the rocky film i,ve heard they're inspiring somewhat

Get an occupation, a thing to really invest you in and be the best at it, never surrender

Death by helium is fast and painless, and it will most certainly kill you.
Just pick this option if you want to be done with it

Shooting ranges charge you when you leave so go in get a big ass gun shot some shit then yourself

Don't do it, OP.

This is a golden opportunity. You can literally do anything, and I mean anything at all; anything is better than ending your own life.

Do everything that you've always wanted to do, try to turn your life around even. Think about where you could be in a few years' time with a lot of hard work an dedication to anything.

I know that life is hard, it's fucking hard and at times it seems almost unbearable, but when you're on the good side of it you don't question it because it's so good, take my word for it.

Don't listen to these insecure faggots who leave meaningless comments to try to validate themselves as hardcore cunts. They're just fucking retards. Literally just think about what you want to do with your life, think about shit that you want to do and do it.

Keep going OP.

Don't do it, OP. You are 4 days from seeing the inauguration. Whatever your side, at least wait until then. This year is going to be wilder than 2016. Please hang on.

This. To meme is to dream. Besides, we need you in World War Islam

There are lots of open minefields, I think out in Asia. Fly out there and run out in the border. Either you'll get shot or blown up.

fuckin this m8. sprint across the North Korean DMZ and become ultra meme for centuries to come.

God loves you.

honestly prob toaster in bathtub.

Yes, be sure to wear a Sup Forums Pepe T-shirt while doing it. The North Koreans will be like wtf.

Just get rid of whatever is making you want to commit suicide. Then BOOM. Happy life.

OP i've been suicidal before and I take vyvanse as well.

Listen this is what you've got to understand. No matter how convinced you feel that you've got to die. No matter how negative everything feels right now. DON'T listen to it.

Every single suicidal person that did not do it and fixed their life and became happy are eternally grateful for the bliss and happiness they get to experience every single day since they turned their lives around. No matter what is making you unhappy right now it can be dealt with and conquered. Talk to us about what is making you upset in life so that we may advise things to do to provide you relief. Relief that doesn't involve killing yourself.

Did you know that emotional trauma changes the actual structure of the brain of the person experiencing it if it's bad enough? It can change a person in a lot of bad ways. Your loved ones might all suffer deep emotional trauma from learning you have done this.

I have emotional trauma. It changed me from being social to reserved and anxious and caused many negative changes in my personality. You might do this to every close person in your life who loves you. Don't do this to them.

You know depressed people have enough trouble just putting in the same effort as normies? What makes you think that a depressed person can do that? It's called crippling depression for a reason

Also how do you know OP hasn't tried this and it didn't work and now he's looking for a way out?

Side note- please don't off yourself in a far away foreign country, there's a lot of paperwork and needless diplomacy involved

>living person is eternally grateful
>not dead
No it's the other way around

Also implying anyone gives a shit when they're dead. You stop existing. Nobody matters at that point. Not even you. You think it's selfish, huh? The stoics would like to have a word with you. It's your life, after all.