Psoriasis post

Psoriasis post

Post ur psoriasis so we can all have a pity party of how our skin is falling off us at alarming rate

Clean your fucking fingernails so you don't continue to give yourself an infection every time you scratch.

It's so satisfying when you can carefully lift a giant, postage stamp-sized flake of dead skin off your forehead or beside your nose without tearing it, so you get this translucent sheet. Only we can know these feels.

Thats the ultimate goal isnt it, a decent size skin flake

I like my flakes rare


I eat a shitload of anti inflammatory things.
Tumeric pills with pepper help.

I got it on my dick.
Consider yourselves lucky


I am positively nasty

jesus christ

There is medicine for this. Get your ass to a dermatologist

I think I might have this? I dont have rashes, but my skin peels off my face a lot..

have you tried bleach?

have you tried killing yourself to get rid of that shitty attitude?

tbh thats what mine would look like if i didnt have hair, just a lot more blood

yeah I know, I'm just checking if I could do that bald look for when summer is here

sunlight is godlike for the pso

and right now I can wear a beanie to cover up this pile of nasty

how long have you had it and have any medicines you tried helped at all?

You horrible monster

There is no comih back zo human. Just taste zhe fire yoi freak bastars

10 years right now I think? maybe a bit longer

creams don't work, plus they make the skin thinner
sunlight/lighttherapy (uv-b) works reasonably
but the best was fucking psorinovo, but that shit was too damn expensive.. like 100 euros a month and could possibly fuck up the kidneys and liver.. but that shit helped so damn much and finally I didn't have cold hands and feet anymore

but at one point you just stop caring, you're like: oh I can either spend 400 euros this year (and every year) to not look like crap, or I can spend that on things that last me longer than this year and I'll just wear a fucking beanie till it's summer

I might get a uv-b light-comb though, is like 350 euros

and if that helps I'm done for many years for barely nothing

When yiu come to zhe light you filtch beast of nature

It doesnt have to be zhis way

I tried the uv comb thing and was a piece of shit, got it from a certified company and everything and cost me $450 for nothing, hope you have a better experience

Dirty long finger nails and you probably always scratch irritated skin. Get your self to a dermatologist and fix yourself.

You're a fucking drip

Obv plays classical guitar. Do you understand what filth and oxides lurk on those guitar strings? You're a god damn animal.


Hail all for the fear kf zhe beast-man

This rotten flesh paijs zhe world kf its hull. X

With zhis you need zo begin your journey, filth beast, zo rid us of your shame

you gotta check psorinovo then

Started a cure based on apremilast medication, 2 pills a day.
I've never been so well ( = almost totally clean and no itches) in last 20 years, with little to none side effects.
Only issue, the medication costs 1000+ euros per month, so it's viable only if you live in a modern, progressive european country (like Canada ...) andnot in a third world shithole like america.

What do you guys think your nails smell like after you have scratched your psoriasis?

I'd say tortilla's (the real mexican kind) or chocolate spread, not the nutella kind.

Shitty. Itchy. Painful. It's like wearing a scab helmet - Could b worse tho

ur hot

without that facefungus even hotter

why do so many people have autoimmune diseases now? what causes them?

We're not rolling around in shit anymore when we're children, the immune system doesn't learn what's good and what's bad

Same reason so many allergies



Bastards kf zhe eatth SMEARED EIZH FECES

Look dudes. I have psoriasis but I know how to fix this. I can help you. Add me at 956677634.

What's that number?

I have a feeling my head will look like this when i grown bald. Did you notice it when you had thick hair?

Luke, I am your father

>fucking parmesan cheese.

Go back to Moco homo-dog-fucker-fatty-pillhead!!


I have thick as fuck hair, don't see the redness except the hairline ofcourse. Hair has to be not short-short though, you see it then too. But it's the scabs you see in the hair that's the problem.

Ooh good one! That actually might be the closest.

we don't know everything yet.
stats show auto-immune disease prevalence is increasing in developed countries

My only white people get this? Seems like we only do

I keep this under control by using coal tar shampoo. When Im in a country that prohibit sales, I just buy it for horses

The stuff that's falling off is the extra skin you're producing. You should Google your condition so you actually know something about it.

unfunny kissless virgin detected.

Omg ew cut naila asap

Gerbop DOODOO ash px X1 4444.

My fiancee has it on her vagina. Consider yourself lucky

tee 1f
Deer PPDX 99999999999

I know the pain, had Eczema for about 30 years and its got much worse in the last few. A couple of months ago my doctors (NHS in the UK) put me on Methotrexate. Its a pretty strong immune system suppressant drug. It hasn't cured me but my skin is much better than it was.

Other than I just have to keep putting on the Moisturisers. I hope you all can find something that helps, ignoring it defiantly wont.


if u want to fix this, research home remedies involving apple cider vinegar and raw honey, also get more vit D (and get some sun shine)

look you are famous people have reply

Did your body grow a vagina? Neat

my sides = orbit

no really...we dig your kyke humor. KHABBHALLAHHHH SHEKEL SHEKEL

Check your privilege.

Is this psoriasis? Couldn't get a better picture sorry

Noticed it today, had another oubreak like this maybe 6 moths ago. It was much worse then.
Used dandruff shampoo for a couple months then and it was gone.
My brother and grandfather have psoriasis

I read somewhere that some have suggested it's something to do with pollution and being less exposed to germs when we are children. People who grow up on farms are statistically far less likely to get these sort of problems.

Used that too, didn't work. Well it helps a bit, but it's still there. Still itching.