ITT: Prove that the Earth is round

ITT: Prove that the Earth is round
>Protip: you can't

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It's round in the picture.

btfo we win :)



>your pic is round whay cant earth be?

Show me a globe shaped like a frisbee then genius.

Its not a frisbee you fucking cunt. Why does everybody generically think that way, I wonder... Its like you think its either a ball floating in space or a disc floating in space. Its neither, cunts. The earth is a realm. And realms dont have shapes.

>Prove that the Earth is round
>>Protip: you can't
>>> posts round earth

Wtf op your not even trying

everyone knows the earth is hallow you stupid idiot

Explain how the north and south poles work on a flat earth

Also, people gonna people man, somebody would've fallen over the edge all ready.

proof that ice giants and real

Wrong faggot

Horizon is flat.

Opposites attract.

Opposite of flat is curved.

Curve is on a sphere.

Therefore Earth is spherical.

The picture is wrong, earth is a square.

North is on top and south is on the other side.

>Autism in this thread is up the charts.

>asked to prove the earth is round
>picture shows a round earth
lol xd

well its not perfectly round

nothing perfectly round exists in nature

but it can't be flat either, because in order for something to be flat it must have only 2 dimensions and lack depth, but all objects have 3 dimensions

>*clears throat*
"p-prove to me that t-the earth is r-rou"

gravity is uniform around the world

gravity is more powerful the closer you get to the center of the earth, its not uniform at all

10/10 compelling argument

Actually the closer to the center you go the less it affects you.

Let me explain what gravity REALLY is to all you retards who can't grasp it, because you aren't enlightened by me.

Gravity is the force that binds EVERYTHING TOGETHER. It is controlled by the primordial of force, a god of sorts. Every single force is controlled exclusively by a primordial.

Get your facts straight you heathen scum.

the closer one gets to a dense object the more gravity will affect them

since the center of the earth is the densest part of the earth, it follows that it should have the most powerful gravity

there is no room for gods in science, the goal of science is to explain the primordial, not to just leave it alone

He said around not within you dumb fuck. Although, that's still wrong.

well around is within

It's round you ass-hat.

It's happening! The Nazis are opening it up to commence the 4th Reich.

The reason why gravity is stronger the more mass the object has is because the more of a specific primordial force is present, the more control is exerted by that primordial. So, for more dense objects, there is more for the primordial of force to exert control over. The primordial of force also strives for order, and is objectively opposite of the primordial of entropy who strives for chaos. This force causes matter to pull together.

I could go on with a more in-depth explanation but I would be here all night posting.

Not true. The closer to the center of the earth you get there is more mass above you, in fact if you were at the center of the earth you would be at a point of no gravity. Because you would have equal mass all around you, all cancelling out each other's gravity

We have satellites orbiting the earth in every conceivable way going North - South, East - West and every angle in-between. All satellites going in every direction, ever angle and every orbit have only found a round earth. /thread

Double dubs... Professor of truth. Quantum physics are your friend.

thats only theoretically speaking, the actual "center" of the earth changes from moment to moment, so it would be impossible to have equal mass all around me

until you can define "primordial force" you are just talking out of your ass

if earth is flat, why do the rest of the planets look round

>Go to the seaside
>bring a ruler
>hold ruler at arms length
>align with horizon
>observe earth curvature


The fact they stay in orbit proves the Earth is spinning. A plate shaped earth wouldn't have that property

maybe they are different than our planet

what if our planet has some quality that we dont fully understand that makes it different than other planets?

It does, it's hollow. See this.
Also Google hollow earth aliens and Nazis

Primordial force defined?

The specific energy field associated with an atom once it has clustered with other atoms to take the form of certain elements.

The primordial of force, also known as the primordial of rock, has dominion over all low-energy, non-organic matter.

She isn't the only primordial. There is also the primordial of energy, also known as the primordial of fire, who's dominion is over high-energy reactive matter.

Then there is the primordial of fluidity, or the primordial of water, who's dominion is over dormant low energy matter like water.

Then there is the primordial of Entropy, also known as the primordial of death, who has dominion over the flow of energy and who's body encompasses all of known existence, and that which continues to expand creation until everything is eventually ripped apart.

Durava, Kara, Zyra, and Enimortis. They are the four primordial forces in the universe. They are like gods and to understand them is impossible with words.

If we were both master mathematicians we could express them with numbers and equations, but we aren't, so I attempt to enlighten you with words.

Oh, c'mon, that's tin foil nonsense. Nazis? Pfft, it's obviously Lord Cthulhu.







Try to explain simple geometry to a guy who doesn't differentiate circles from sphere.

Everyone knows they are in cahoots. I stand by my post, it is nazis and aliens.

Prove earth isn't upside down.


I stand corrected.

there are two things, particles and waves, thats it

particles and waves belong to substance or nature, and follow universal laws which are natural

you sound like youre trying to build a pantheon of gods

where is the densest part then? my whole point was that gravity gets more powerful the closer one gets to massive objects, so it cant possibly be uniform

earth is round.
boob is round.
i like boob.
i like earth
boob and earth are round
boob make the earth go round


why do flat earthers still try?

That's because I am you stupid nigger.

Each day my knowledge of the universe grows, and each day my understanding of the primordials grow.

if the earth was flat there would be no end to the distance you could see if you got above all obstacles.

also explain how bullets shot at long distances will shoot lower if shot to the west, yet shoot higher is shot to the east.

gg i bit the bait

good luck with that

i think you would get further if you just studied things in a more normal way

you will mix yourself up with all your useless talk of gods and "primordials", science must be "apodictic" after all, that is the goal of science

That's some nice correlation, but it's actually pussy that makes the world go around.

ITT: Prove that you no have a small dick
>Protip: you can't


If I ever win like a hundred million dollars or something, I think I can spare a million or two to charter a bunch of planes and gather a bunch of flat earthers together so I can fly them down to Antarctica and leave them there.

You can only prove that the Earth is round from the perspective of someone who believes in or is open to 3 dimensional shapes. Although, they probably are already established in their view, so no need to prove anything. If you want to prove it to someone that isn't already a believer, and is only interested in 2 dimensional shapes, then you will have to.....idk, go eat lunch with them and punch em in the face , very convincing.