Who wants to help me ruin a whore's life?

who wants to help me ruin a whore's life?

i need some ideas, but I don't want to get caught

M8, get some help and come again later.

Post her number on Sup Forums

Make her eat a bunch of blueberry jam and then call her fat

Address, number, name? Give us something

you don't know this whore
there's an 90% chance she's a legit pedophile

she doesn't use her phone

you can do better, i know u can

I don't give away my secrets for free

I'll give u one other method I've used

Make her eat a bunch of raspberry jam and then call her fat

She lives in Oregon now

I'll try to send more info

Post proof of anything you are accusing her of that would be seen as uncomely in Sup Forums's eyes otherwise gtfo

omfg is this really happening....

Post nudes & get them out there, she got email? Any social accounts?

Seriously, I swear she's 26y/o women engaging in a romantic relationship with a 14 y/o she met on LoL.

I'm about to do an info dump on her
I can get some racy convos they had on the LoL chats, but now since she started using instagram, I have no proof of what they're doing

Here is one dont!! moron just get off Sup Forums swear newfag.

In all honestly man who the hell cares? So what if shes dating a 14 year old, that's like every 14 year olds dream anyways.

You just sound like some jealous neckbeard who's trying to destroy a seemingly average girls reputation because you're insecure about your own life.

Just do something with yourself that you enjoy and maybe you won't think twice about what the hell other people are up to eh?

Nah, I'm actually her little sister,

Fine, I'll do it myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you hear about the suicide of a female pedophile, it was me

you've left me no choice

nah, I'll just try again tomorrow

>go down to your local ghetto
>contract hiv
>flirt with said whore
>end up having sex with her
>she has aids
everybody wins right?

2 words:
Ghost bulk

marry her. living with you would fuck anyone up.

if dubs your tongue will fall off

Maybe re-evaluate your own poor life choices? Haha, I mean come on. From League? I almost fell from my seat, laughing.