She offers to sexually enslave you

She offers to sexually enslave you.

What do?

she's not a furry right? just a succubus? That's fine then I'm yours

Correct. She's just a succubus.

She'll do buttstuff with me too? Then yes, plz take me sweet sweet loli succubi

Id give in to her needs and let her feed... 24/7

>What do?
Accept the offer.


I'd make a counter offer: Work with me to enslave waaaay more humans to her and then in exchange I'll take care of the boring human stuff like taxes and housing so she can focus on feeding. In exchange for bringing her fresh flesh I get to help break the new feedbags.

I get sex and a demon to play with. She gets as many girls and guys as I can get to sign on.


A demonic loli? Unless being sexually enslaved includes immortality, nope the fuck out of there.

I'm sure the terms and conditions are up to discussion.


She has quite the appetite and love (note the hearts in her eyes) for sperm.


That artist's page is cringe worthy as fuck.

Sigh, she has no small uncircumcised shota feminine penis.

Oh well. I'll take it anyway.

It's not heresy if I'm not a sniveling slave to the God Emperor.


those feet



But her tail is for more than show.


>Hit up the tamblar
>full diapers


Yes, which is why you ask for normal stuff when you commission an artist.

Enslave me? Hahahahahahaha. The master can't be enslaved.

Capture her and try to sell her. Red-skinned, horned, tailed humanoid has to be worth millions. I'd be set for life.

>shapeshifting succubus from a tumblr that's full of cancer like diapers
Oh hell no.

I might be interested if she and her sisters and the artists that draws them weren't all diaperfags

enslave? NOT AGAIN

What's wrong with being enslaved by her?