Why is he so hated?

Why is he so hated?

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who dat


Because he looks like you

He's a pretty cool guy.

Who is this?

Because he makes unfunny content consisting nearly entirely of over-reactions.

That is Killua-kun
That is Sam Hyde.

Some claim they are the same person but no information is able to confirm nor deny these allegations

Hated is a strong word, but he is essentially a one trick pony that for the longest time refused to evolve his character(s) he treated his employee and coworkers like shit and conned them to further himself and his website, he conned his funders and never released the promised goods, he blamed his fans for his failed miniseries and he never really made up for it.

He used to be fine and actually review the movie but it just became stall le funny humor skits for 30 fucking minutes with like 8 minutes dedicated to the film review, and his stupid fucking annoying friends

havent watched this cunt since 2013-14 or so i dunno if he changed his ways

He talked shit about this movie! Come on, in that time this movie was great!

He's kinda autistic and only makes overreacting shit. And his opionions are inconsistent and poor


Would you prefer he remained like Angry Video Game Nerd? All he has done is swear and declare what obscene thing he'd rather do besides play the game before him.

He threated his employees and coworkers like shit? Really? Didn't know about all of it.




He is?

The fact that James Rolfe got uncucked after the Ghostbusters scandal makes me unable to hate him


Don't know, the only movie he talked shit about that I enjoyed is the first Mortal Kombat movie

But all James Rolfe does is fucking coast. His persona hasn't evolved in the least.

I enjoy his work, and he has given me many hours of entertainment.

My favorite is his review of Captain America.

Guys who hate Douge can simple choice to watch something else.

not evolving is still better than jumping the shark like Doug Walker did

Personally, I rather if he stays the same instead of trying different shit, just look at his last AVGN video, he change his review-based narrative to generic unfunny slapstick humor and the result was the worst video he ever conceived.

I consider Bennett The Sage the best Channel Awesome reviewer.

He evolved the most as a reviewer, becoming quite contemplative and insightful. You really see this in his review of "Memories".

AVGN's shtick got old years ago.

Squeaky voice,
Obnoxious OMGSUCHANERDXD persona,
Middle school humor,
Strong appeal towards insufferable SJW types.

probably missing some but this is all the shit I can think of atm

Inb4 thread deleted because we got hold of a mods snapchat username hahaahahaha

he didn't, I still check some of his videos but I can hardly finish them now.

I think 2013-2014 was the period when lots of good youtubers started to become shit : AVGN, NC, angry joe, jontron...

>He used to be fine and actually review the movie but it just became stall le funny humor skits for 30 fucking minutes with like 8 minutes dedicated to the film review, and his stupid fucking annoying friends
Yeah this too, good point. There are more collabs and crossovers on that den of autism that is his website than modern nigger rap. And since most of his peers are several magnitudes more cringey than he is, well, it makes his already hard to watch videos fucking painful.

Kinda cucky, and he also looks like he's got just a couple more years until he starts molesting children, "Jared Fogle, my hero!" type, ya feel me?

I used to love his videos back in ~2011.
Stopped watching when he began using that gay ass intro, and brought the black guy and the woman on the show.
I've tried watching an episode every once in a while,but it's truly unwatchable. The sketches they have are the worst cringiest of slapstick humour imaginable.

I would like him if he was more funny and stoped yelling at everything and have better gags.

I liked his video about M Night Shamalan

Still haven't forgiven him for what he did to Spoony

Looking back now Spoony was pretty cringey, his shit definitely hasn't aged well, but at the time he was probably the best that shitty website had

He's been balding for some time now, same as AVGN, Film Brain, and that Ashens lookalike.

Signs is still good.

Doug has always been a faggot.

He hates on everyone's favorite cornball films, but in the same breath justifies his own interest in absolute TRASH like Korra or saturday morning cartoons that haven't aired in over twenty years.

The dude is so up his own ass that he's got like 60+ behind the scenes videos because this cocksucker is so full of himself that he actually believes people want to follow his life like a fucking reality show.

And for fucks sake Doug. Either grow the mustache or shave it. You look like you sucked off a gorilla and you've collected his residual pubic hair on your upper lip.

>but in the same breath justifies his own interest in absolute TRASH like Korra

He likes Steven Universe and MLP too

I'd argue only Bennett The Sage has only truly evolved as a reviewer. He no longer coasts on bashing shitty animes, and he has a maturity to his commentary he didn't have before.

Of all the reviewers on Channel Awesome, he'll last the longest.

Doug is a really nice guy he's just not a very good businessman and his skits aren't funny

If you see him out of character he's cool

The spoony blow up was because he's very difficult to deal with. He's bipolar and needy. It was more of a last straw thing where he was already on the nerves of most of the people he worked with.



Because he's a knock off of a knock off who jumped on a bandwagon for money

explain please

If he's a knock off he's a knockoff of just AVGN which he and most people from that time admit was the pioneer for that kind of web series.

I never understood the appeal of Spoony. I didn't miss him.

Bennett The Sage is better than either of them.

Underated post here

That's how nostalgiafags work though.

You see a remake and start bitching about how it's not as good as the original.



king of the cucks

But you haters MUST agree.

Nostalgia Critic has nothing on Jim Sterling when it comes to being insufferable.

His old PC game stuff is pretty good.

The thing about Spoony is he's not really playing a character.

No, that's Jim Sterling.

Sterling is pretty much an asshole doing asshole things because he's the only big name tuber willing to dumpster dive into the steam library and shine a light on shit devs scamming people.

I know saying all that makes me look like a loyalist shill. I'm sorry


I don't know who that is but he looks like a major cringey sperg of a neckbeard minus the neckbeard

Signs is shamalans worst movie
Doug is pretty well versed in movies

He is the worst. I have the reaction to him that Sup Forums does to John Oliver and Jon Stewart

His problem is that even when he is completely right, he radiates such "holier-than-thou"-ness you just want to punch him in the mouth.


There rarely are any new AVGN episodes and those are only made because people would endlessly bitch if he retired the character.

What, pray tell, would be his best?

Also there's no fucking way Signs is his worst, have you seen Lady In The Water? Fucking ass

That's called liberal smug. There's a word for their attitude toward people, and it's called "supercilious."

"The Village" is his worst in my opinion, because of the lost potential.

I hated the twists. It totally undermined the fantastical setting.


Because he isn't funny.

>cough cough Sargon of Akkad for gaming

Yeah that's a fair point, I guess I'd still consider Lady in the Water worse because at least, up until the twist at the end, The Village was a fairly interesting and enjoyable film. But Lady in the Water was just bland boring stupid bullshit from start to finish.

I have never seen any of his past associates be vocal about it or even field such a possibility, so I doubt that it is a legitimate claim.

Yeah actually its deginetly not his worst but I think his only good ones are sixth sense, unbreakable and split (in that order) I just though signs was mediocre and the characters felt inconsistent to me but please don't let doug walker or me take away from you're enjoyment of the film

>>That's called liberal smug

The "im right and everyone who disagrees with me is clearly wrong and misinformed or some kind of troglodyte" attitude is hardly exclusive to any particular side or group.

I mean its not like I'm super all about Signs or anything, I just think calling it his worst is pretty ridiculous considering the man directed the fucking Avatar movie. Or that one with the fucking killer plants.

I'd agree with your picks for his better films though, except Split since I didn't see that one.

It is funny because he called Trump Hitler

Not at all, Jim is absolutely unwilling to engage in actual discussion with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Yeah I guess I just consider everything after unbreakable to be trash but in fairness signs was the mediator between good and bad I'd say. Especially considering after earth I was expecting his career to be trash but I thought split was pretty good.

He's wife is even uglier and fatter than Doug's, holy shit

Is he? By whom?

Jim only picks easy fights. He watches things get fucked around him and watches it.

> Literally a cuck

Not exclusive by any means, but certainly commonplace for liberals. The brazen air of superiority on the left isn't the same as the self-righteous, often fuming, harangues from the right.

I like his stuff but some of it it just him overreacting

what about last air bender?

holy shit cuck supreme with extra cheese

Like this user said. There is no counter argument when he chooses a target that is 100% wrong in their practises.

Just like Sargon. Who won't talk about anything else that isn't radical liberalism. Cause calling the radicals "fucking morons" is easy and potato chip hilarious so no need to fix what ain't broken

You gotta define your terms hear mate, most people who vote Democrat are working class folks who grew up with or raised by people who had been in unions. Most of their opinions are pretty moderate and sensible. Just because a bunch of elitists in Hollywood walk around with their heads up their own asses doesn't make "the left" some big fart-sniffing party.

Little chemo boy running around who can't act in a plot that's both lazy and confusing?

Absolute cancer

the filename. spot on, user kun, spot on.

Not sure which country you're living in, but in America, and especially in Illinois, Democratic voters are of the mindset that Republicans are either old, white, racist crooks, or absolutely brain-dead red necks. Many of them in Chicago also don't work and rely upon welfare. And while many of the ideas of the Democratic part seem nice, the elected officials' actions don't often match up with their campaign promises.

I think SU is alright

Never watched MLP but bronies seem pretty cringe. So do SU fans to be fair, but I don't let a fandom turn me off something.


On both

Oh yeah man, no arguments there, the DNC is fucked. I live in the midwest also and during the election worked for an interest group campaigning on behalf of the Democrats. Not a single person I met didn't prefer Bernie to Hilary. And like I said, most of the people I talked to were decent folk.

I can't speak to your experiences, but I'd say generalizing about either group isn't entirely that useful or accurate. I'm a pretty anti-Trump guy but I can understand who his voters are and why they behaved as they did without boiling it all down to pissed off old racist people. Its more complex.

Both parties are fucked, the only people not fucked are the people themselves. Knowledge over tribalism, that's just how they want you to think.

You are pure and untouched by society.

I tried finding a SU group to talk and share fanart.

Jut to be told I'm a race traitor cause I don't support their crusade to make Garnet a prominent example of ideal feminism and black people.

I said, "It's a cartoon of a lesbian black space rock. Stop reading so much into it."

It was more like butthurt feminists who post vids on the site rallied against him for telling a joke.
He was forced out by them because the big cuck has to go along with them or face the consqences.

I mean shit man, how hard is it to just watch the show and avoid the fandom? That's how I do it. Fandoms are shit. Although I get it, the hiatuses are a huge boner killer and you kind of want to find something to keep the show in your mind during them.

It wasn't a joke as much as a fucked up thing he said publicly but didn't actually mean.

I was using it to try and make friends. I regret trying and have used something else to make friends. So I'm good.

I'm just saying that it isn't fair that a show can't exist these days without a fanclub filled with people who force their agendas on others.

I wanted to share shitty fanart, not inject politics into my fave cartoon.

Ignoring the fandom should not be the answer

A black man would have been able to say it and it would not be "fucked up" he would get a round of aplause by the same hateful bitch cunt who called for his head.

But both of them are liberal cumdumps that pedal cuckery to NEETs and uneducated millennials. I mean cmon it's 2017

Doug confirmed for better taste in women.

Yet it needs to be said. Why should he make videos about anything other than the liberals when there's so much to choose from? Why would he stop criticizing their idiocy when it continues and is even encouraged?

Thats what fandoms infitrated by the left do. They turn the fans of the show in to a weapon for their cause. Its not about the show anymore its about anyone who questions the narative that the "fans" push and how can they kill the enemys of that narative. Usualy white men are the target.

Its just politics in a coat of SU paint and i want people to see that and fucking get rid of it.