This is my skull at this moment (CT scan)

This is my skull at this moment (CT scan)
I survived a 33 feet fall, this 24/6/16, and have been into a comma for one month. My brain recovered well, but my bone is dead. I have a dead part inside of me. They had to take out that bone to drain the blood and brain liquid.
>They actually put nails on my head to fix the bone but most of them are not fixed because the bone is like glass.

They will put a plate in there but i actually have a dead part of me. What do?

Also dubs

Front view

My head without right bone

First thing i wrote after waking up. (I couldn't speak or walk)

CT scan (Subdural hematoma, and subarachnoid bleeding)

I also had meningitis, and encephalitis becuase of a bacteria

Fuck you m8 xDxDxDxDxDxD

well hey you atleast remembered to check for dubs

Damm Sup Forumsro, how'd you fall?

What happened?

Why do fall, master Sup Forumsruce?

i have a dead part of myself still in me too.
my heart.

I bet a friend I could beat him to the bottom of the stairs and won the bet.

I think my ex-gf bitch pushed me off but I can't prove it. No witnesses. (Also she didn't call the ambulance, they found me dead in the floor)

Wait, how can you live then? Should probably balance it out by becoming an hero.

how did you fit into a tiny comma?

Wait so you fell down the stairs 30ft? Or was it a 30ft freefall

Can't prove it because i can't remember anything. The official theory is that I fainted because I donated blood a few days ago. But that bitch, afterwards, when I woke up, she used me while my brain wasn't working well to put me against my own parents and my friends, so that I hated them.... (Dunno why)


That bitch.

30 ft freefall with my head, my neck is perfect. But if i fell on my back, or in my face, i wouldn't be able to walk, or drown in my own blood



I wish it was like this

It was a freefall from this place (the top place)

but still, i can work, drive, etc just carefully.

This is a wound for having been 1 month in a bed.
Pic is from months ago. No more hair forever. I'm only 20 well fuck

>Also dubs

What kind of third world fucking hospital is this?


wtf is wrong with medical care in barcelona? are you all a bunch of niggers?

How did you fit into a comma, it's just a dot with a tail?

Not an hospital. It's home.

IN hospital they put me a blood draining, and ventricle draining tubes in my brain, so i also have holes in my head.(in the top part)

Neurosurg here
You'll be fine. You're young and healthy with a non dominant hemisphere injury posting on Sup Forums
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming your ex and focus on recovery
Wear a helmet until they do a cranioplasty

Best wishes and get recovered soon

Fucking crazy man. Your lucky your not dead.

I wouldn't put to much stock in your theory of gf murder, I've fainted and forgot falling, and I didn't have my potatoes mashed. From giving blood coincidentally enough.

You really have to focus on recovery, by that I mean working on being healthy and trying to do stuff you have trouble with.

>Got health insurance?

Holy shit. good luck on the recovery Sup Forumsro.