Need help Sup Forumsros I got a problem with these two girls

Need help Sup Forumsros I got a problem with these two girls.

Girl 1: cute, hot, good personality however if I chose her I can't get girl #2 because of the way my friendship with her is, I will also get made fun of for dating her but I really like her and I really think she likes me

Girl number 2: hottest girl I've ever seen and has an okay personality, doesn't have a crush on me as far as I know but I feel like if I really try I could get herhowever I couldn't date girl number one if things don't workout because she would lose interest in me, but I would be praised by guys at my school for getting her.

Wat do?
( pic unrelated)

date the girl you fucking want to date, not the girl you think you could get

You have to be 18 to post here.

How do you get made fun of for dating a girl? You're already alpha in comparison considering you'd be the only one getting pussy out of your group of beta virgin friends.

I honestly think you don't have a chance with either one of them. Enough that you have to actually choose between the two because they would be all over you. Praise from your school buddies means fuck all in the real world. Chase the one you want

Because OP is 16 and stupid.

Stop caring about retarded shit like getting praised by the guys at your school or being made fun of. Grow up, man, those things mean nothing. Real friends don't do those kind of things.

Which girl do you actually like? That's what you really should be focusing. Answer that question and then you have it, that's the girl you should be trying to get.

Don't let yourself become a man who regrets his deccisions because he made them thinking about how others would react.

Thanks, you're right man

>cute hot good personality
>get made fun of for dating her

Probably a trap.


Oh. Then the first one

There are two very obvious groups of people at my school the "popular" ones and the not popular ones she's very very much in the not popular and is well know for dating beta males, dating her, would make me be considered as a beta, then I wok be tormented for being beta by other somewhat alpha friends, you see?

So, there's one who's cute and nice and likes you and you like her, and there's one who's really hot, maybe kind of a bitch, and you may or may not even have a shot with her?

How is this a difficult choice?

She's hot to me is what I meant, other people think no

But dating someone you like and not giving a fuck what other people think is alpha.

Also, the whole alpha/beta thing is a false paradigm based on a flawed study about wolves done decades ago that doesn't even really apply to wolves, let alone people. Stop putting stock in stupid bullshit.

Well, man, you know, the one who is going to date her, kiss her and fuck her is you. If you like her, if you think she's hot, that's what's important.

What does it matter if others think differently? They aren't with her, it's you. You like her, that's the only important thing.

And don't think someone is lauhging at you beause they say it's probably a trap. This is Sup Forums, you know. Almost everyone is into traps.

I just replied but I don't think it posted, the second one I know fairly well and is no bitch, plus I'd get shit on for dating the first one, but now I see that that doesn't matter


Then give zero fucks and go be with the girl you actually want. Vapid cunts date people they thing will raise their social status. Men date who they love. If your ego is so fragile that you can't deal with people making fun of you, then maybe you're not ready to be in a relationship with someone yet.

Good point, thanks

Shhhhhhhhh not b8 and am 18 but a dumbass

Exactly. If your friends give you shit, just tell them to fuck off or kick the shit out of one to establish your dominance.

>>i know, but it's just so ducking annoying, I dated a girl once 3 yeas ago and people still haven't stopped fucking with me about it


Post pics of the girls and yourself

You want to know what's alpha as fuck? Dating whoever you want and being happy with your choice. The instant you give a a shit what others think about who you stick your cock in is the turning point from alpha to bitch beta. When you turn 16, you will discover this

Sounds like a plan

Well said, thanks

Update: planning to ask girl number 1 out tomorrow, thanks for all the help guys

"Cool guys" doesn't equal getting laid no matter how many 3 ways they claimed to have. Fucking ignore everyone and go for girl 1. She likes you, you like her, she's cute. As they say a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. Get the girl that likes you and don't go for the wild card that might not work out and lose both.

dude you gotta be a pimp about this and date girl 1 and bang girl 2 on the side

You can always spot the awkward underage fags pretending to be hot shit on the Internet.

Ayyy maybe haha

Alrighty thanks man

sorry to disappoint b/ro
just passing on some solid advice here