Realizing that America has some serious STDs from tomorrow on

Realizing that America has some serious STDs from tomorrow on.

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Realizing no one gives a shit about your gay thread

Dumbass Amerifags voting for Trump.
Your country makes me embarrassed to speak English.

Speaking English doesn't make you american kike. Sounds like you shouldn't have learnt it

>american kike

You're a kike?



America has had serious STDs for decades.

And Trump is the cure.

So you would honestly vote for Clinton if American? Both are bad choices but trump is the better choice

yeah, hillary and war with russia would have been much better, fuck off back to tumblr snowflake.

thaks god im from spanish

Yeah, Trump and war with China and Iran is a better option.......

Trump won, if you do not support him, you are a bitch of a failed philosophy. Make money from the Swamp Drain or die.

Swamp drain?

election was rigged

Get on the Trump Train or fucking die like a civil rights dinosaur.

Kevin o Leary is going to make Alberta great again

The only logical option out of all those dumbass candidates was Bernie Sanders, and you guys picked Hillary Fucktard over him.

You Amerifags are gonna start a war that I in don't wanna have to participate in.
Either that or you'll just nuke the fucking world.

You had your chance with Bernie, then allowed HC to steal his nomination and on top off that supported her losing campaign

You have no one else to blame but yourselves, and the people of the Democrat party

Hillary got way more votes than Bernie.
Hillary got even more votes than Donald.


Yeah, this guy gets it.

Illegals in states without Voter ID laws don't count you traitor.

Hillary was just a generic politician anyway.

Illegals without voter ID did not vote.

Only dead people did

Voter ID laws are the kind of backward ass over reaching government type rules republicans pretend to hate. You already need to show ID when registering to vote and prove citizenship and address. Doing it all over again every time to vote is fucking retarded.

Tomorrow will be glorious. Every tear that falls down the face of my fellow humans will bring me jolts of joy comparable to orgasms. These will undoubtedly be the best 4 years of happiness in my life time. (hope it turns to 8, ooooh the multiplier is almost unthinkable) A constant stream of hatred, disappointment, dissatisfaction, depression, perhaps even suicides for me to feed on. Oh what joy you have brought me. I knew you sissy faggot crybabies wouldn't let me down.

Glorious day ahead. Feed me. Give it all to me. Thank you!

Tbh most people who voted for clinton are dumb. Just she was a woman really. Everyone was trying to say we had the first black president let's get behind the first woman. There are videos of Clinton supporters when they asked why they were voting for her they didn't have a valid reason or did their research on her. Either just bc social media told them to or bc she was a woman. At least the young voters, same morons shouting not our president

Enjoy your puppet

Be careful with that edge you permavirgin basement dweller

>impotent rage
It's o' so sweet.

At first i didnt really give a shit then I found out this crazy fuckstick literally has unfettered control of our Nuclear detterent.


>inb4 id laws are racist

Yes goy, Trump is what you need. Remember to donate to Israel!

>sucking muslim dick this hard

Thank you for the shekels. Good goyim!

It's an every Liberal think the entire country is just them episode,

Thank you for the beheading video. Good infidel!

Kevin O'Leary is a fucking retard. I'm not even Liberal he's just a fucking retard.

Trudeau dances spades around these fucking dykes running for PM in Canada. O'Leary has even said he's scared to enter the political race because he'd have to hit the ground running debating 13 people.

Fuck him, he's a loser shill. Trudeau's been in office for one fucking year, I'll give him a chance before I start pulling strings. I can't even be a conservative because Harper is such a fucking retard it's not even funny.

Oh well, you're probably just a biased shill anyways, I will likely get some kind of knee-jerk reaction post in return because fuck logic.

>danger to anyone but themselves
>China is gonna go to war with the entire western civilization.
>the part of the world that kept their economy afloat for decades
China will change their regulations before they risk open conflict with America and their allies. Kys

My favorite thing about Israelites is that they believe they're in control, not the powers that be. Not the men holding the strings behind the curtain. They believe they have actual Jew magic. They actually control Americans with the gift of the Hebrew. Wrong, your nation is a pet project. Any control you believe your nation has is an illusion. You are there to keep the middle east in turmoil. Nothing else. Your old man in their chairs preaching about how America does what they want are scared. They're scared we'll leave you to the wolves. Scared their only option will be radioactive fire. You should be scared too. Every year more Americans get tired of your religious squabblings. Like children in a sand box demanding big brother care for them. Threating the other children with promises of "big bro" beating them up. One year, there will be no one in office who cares for you. You will be alone in a sea of sand niggers.

>I'll give him a chance

You fucking retard.

And Harper may be retarded but he's goddamn Einstein in comparison to the PR instagram-whore PM that is Trudeau.

Why do you think I'm actually from Israel?

Help me I'm dead

>ITT liberals give us more tears and salt to enjoy

Hillary rigged it against Bernie you moron

Are you sure about that?

No love for dems on here.. Hey what ? Jet something can't melt what? You make no senze

found the fake-news-reading faggot

Reading your response made no sense

Shit b8 m8

Heeey I'm a bear rawwwwwrwwwr

Everyone who says it should've been Berns doesnt understand democracy

Even if the DNC didnt toss him infront of the bus he didnt have enough support

good morning and good thursday to all my fellow snappers

Oh no, I don't think that it was rigged so that Bernie couldn't win,
It's you dumbass Americucks who didn't vote him in because you'd either rather a guy who literally wants to build a wall between America and Mexico, or a woman who is literally just a woman.
Your economy sucks ass, your minimum wage is shit, your government medical care is literally non-existent. (Even though Obama tried to make it happen)

You're behind every other English speaking country, and pretty much behind every first world country in general.