Ask a balding dad bod depressed drunk ass 40 year old dad, diabetic, unemployed...

Ask a balding dad bod depressed drunk ass 40 year old dad, diabetic, unemployed, anything! I got fired from Wal Mart for being late.

Ask me anything!

did you mean bad bod?

Suicide is ALWAYS an option

Bonus points if you kill yourself at Walmart

Who would you go back in time and fuck again if you had the choice right now??

favorite drink?

Nope. This is my physique dadbod.

how did you end up failing so hard at life?

How haven't you killed yourself yet

It is but I have a kid or else I would fucken do it!
Your mom
I like Mickey's 40oz, Im not a nigger I just ;like them.

Sup Forums is a bunch of meanies D;

How many times have you been arrested?

Because I got my bitch ass gf at the time pregnant!

Like I said I still have a semblance of empathy and I do love my kid!

Father of the year

None, I have been sent to detox once though.

That response was better than expected


Turning 40 bother you?

Least I can show up to work on time.

Imagine what your kid must think of you.

You stupid ass cocksniffing faggot who the fuck asked for your opinion? Shut that asshole you call a mouth! You dumb faggot I could tell your acne skinned fucked by daddy cocksucking asshole has been violated by uncle and dad! fuck you faggot!

Jeez dude. The whole point is to not let the trolls know they rustled yer jimmies

Have only read the first post and this one but you've really got your character down, good job man! I'm convinced you're a barely-literate 40-something dude and not some younger guy trolling.