Why can't Nolan shoot a good fight scene?

Why can't Nolan shoot a good fight scene?

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Because you can't make a fight scene pretentious.

He doesn't understand what a gun does

I don't know about the background fighting, but I really liked the fight scenes between Batman and Bane. It's a nice change from all the shaky cam and hundreds of cuts we get from blockbusters.

The fight scenes in the Nolan trilogy were pitiful, particularly in TDKR.

The warehouse scene in BvS seriously blew Nolan out of the water.

This is why shaky cam is a thing.

The bit with JGL in the hallway in Inception was good.

Because he isn't Snyder


I actually liked the fight scenes, but they could've been edited better.

I did like them because the fights weren't about crazy choreography and King fu. They were character building. You learn a lot about Bruce during his fights with Bane, and you learn a lot about Bane as well. You see Bruce's arrogance, his disregard for his own safety and even disregarding his own logic for his pride. Then you watch in the rematch as he learns and adapts, instead of out-muscling Bane he proves he is Batman by learning about his enemy's weaknesses and exposing them. However, in both fights, especially the first one, you can see a young spirit in an older, weaker body as he simply wishes to prove he is as strong as he used to be. No high flying kicks, no Batarangs, he just wants to knock out someone who is the perceived superior specimen.

Nolan did a good job using the fights to define who they are instead of trying to be over stylized. These are two grown men in heavy gear. I'm in the minority here, but if you took away the twist it'd be the best of the three. Problem is that the twist was bad, and they should've just run with Bane being Rah's son.

*Kung fu

I like this rundown. I really like the grounded punches as well.

>no high flying kicks
>no batarangs
You realize according to Nolans own script both Bane and Batman are trained ninjas yet the only move they know is the fucking haymaker

Exactly, though, that's my point. Bruce's pride has led him past his own training. He clouded his own judgement with his insecurity. He didn't want a big high flying battle, or to beat Bane with gadgets. He wanted to prove that punch for punch, he was the best, because after the years of retirement, he was obsessed with proving that he is still the strongest, the flat out toughest. Even before that fight, look at how frustrated he was when Alfred told him Bane was too much for him. It offended him, it snapped his pride in being the strongest and the toughest. When he finally had a shot at Bane, he blew it because he was so obsessed with knocking him out and showing how strong he was.

His first fight with Bane echoed his match with the Mutant Leader in Returns. "It's the only way I'll know."

Every single fight he ever got in was haymakers. When he fought Neeson on the train in Begins. Two highly skilled ninja warriors in their prime. Haymakers into rolling around on the floor.

He just runs at Joker and gets wailed on by an iron bar. This is supposed to be a highly trained assassin. Running straight into an iron bar.

Every fucking fight the same shit. He either knocks out some extra with a single haymaker or rolls around on the floor.

Disagreed on the fight with Rah's. They used close corner movements and grappling.
Joker attacked him with dogs and wore him out.
First fight with Bane was an attempt to prove his strength.
Second fight he was aiming for the mask, while still getting to prove his physical strength.

You might be right on the Neeson fight I couldn't really tell what the fuck was going on thanks to Nolan's incredible directing ability. Way too close and quick cuts everywhere. That was his nadir and he did make an improvement later.

It's been awhile since Dark Knight but didn't Batman just punch one dog clean out of the air then idiotically run straight toward his armed opponent?

I hadn't told of the Bane fight that way and take your opinion on-board. Still seemed like they were just trading haymakers one after another until one fell down which was disappointing after how they hyped the fight up. But ya, can at least see a reason for it now besides Batman being retarded

*hadn't thought of

he got attacked by fucking dogs in tdk, animals that are pretty good at seeing in the dark as well as sniffing out intruders

the fist fights were never really nolans strong point in these movies but a lot of the action scenes were far better than the cgi shit fest that was BvS
>that whole kidnapping scene in asia
>the helicopter chase through gotham
>dat bat-pod reveal
>batman vs swat team

tdk has way more iconic batman scenes than anything in the poorly strung together grimdark BvS movie

Uh-oh! Look out Bane!

pretty sure batman throws one of the dogs off a ledge and the other one latches to his arm until joker starts beating the dog along with bats

I think theres also a large net involved maybe?

>Civil War fight scenes

He punches out a dog, one grabs his arm and he throws it away. Joker beats the fucking shit out of him without Batman getting a decent hit in. In the first film Batman is extensively trained in disarming opponents. Did he forget?

>but a lot of the action scenes were far better than the cgi shit fest that was BvS

The Batmobile chase in BvS easily curbstomps any of the Batmobile scenes in Nolan's trilogy.


I think Nolan sort of half asses a lot of scenes.
There are so many goofs in his movies that must have shown up in editing, and I can just picture Nolan saying: "Eh, leave it in, they'll never notice it anyway" as opposed to the more time consuming reshooting


Post some good fight scenes. I'll start

there are 3 dogs, he throws one away and the other two tackle him to the ground which lets joker get a few hits in

its not out of the ordinary for something bred to be really good at attacking people to be really good at attacking people, most martial arts don't exactly teach you how to take down 3 charging attack dogs

wow that featurette sure showed me the error of my ways

Name a few.

>wow that featurette sure showed me the error of my ways

Yeah it's pretty good.

Sadly I didn't appreciate its greatness in the theater trying to discern what the fuck those sporadic flashes and explosions meant and what the hell was happening.


Their first encounter in the sewers was ok (what the fuck was Bane's spin punch though? Definitely not a good trick).

But holy fucking Christ the fight in OP's picture is legitimately one of the most embarrassing fights I've ever seen in a big-budget movie.

Terrible choreography, absurdly uninspired angles... and Batman defeats Bane by managing to punch his face.

The entire third act of that movie is a fucking embarrassment.

Literally autism. Kill yourself my man.

Why is Nolan so shit at filming fights, though? Is it that he hires shitty choreographers? I seriously don't get it.

Who cares. You can't even notice that unless you purposedly look through shot-by-shot.

>name one
>actually do
>omg you autist, who cares

>But holy fucking Christ the fight in OP's picture is legitimately one of the most embarrassing fights I've ever seen in a big-budget movie.

You're an unbarable faggot

He doesn't care, it doesn't matter, and his movies aren't about fistfights.

here have another one you retards

This is what I call an editing fuck-up. When Aragorn delivers his encouraging speech, and you look at the faces of his companions, all of the sudden the gloomy face of Gimli's stunt double jumps right into your face and totally rips out of the movie.

Since the focus is the characters' impressions, you just cannot overlook this jarring detail. This is a half-assed job (even though overall LotR is magnificent).

Top kek.
You can't pretend that that fight is good, mate.
You just can't.

The entire third act of that movie plays like they turned a first draft into a shooting script. I think it must have been rushed.

>Shitty fight
>Bane dying by Catwoman shooting him in the back
>Miranda's legendarily horrible death scene
>Batman flies a nuclear bomb out away from a city and somehow manages to not die

Seriously, dude...?

>few hits
Joker fucking wails on him. Batman clears out the dogs pretty quickly and Joker beats the fuck out of him with an iron bar. Bearing in mind Batman is in a suit of armor and is supposed to be a trained assassin while Joker knows precisely fuck all about combat and all this scene did was make Batman look like a pussy.

Ras al Ghul trained him to disarm swordsmen bare-handed yet he couldn't get a pipe out of the hands of an autist. He only "won" that fight because he had fucking spring loaded knives on his arms

Nice argument. If they're not important, why have them at all? If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well... and Nolan seems incapable of doing fistfights well.

Idk the Inception rotating hallsay fight is pretty kino.

he slipped in the snow you tard

Despite being trained by ninjas in the first film. None of the fight scenes in the Nolan trilogy let on that he was trained by ninjas.

Every fight scene in TDKR was pretty bad. Made for TV quality.

Hello Christopher

Frankly, TDKR is pretty awful. Last time I rewatched TDKT I left out the last movie.

You seriously don't think those dogs and all that effort exhausted him? Really?

Because literal faggots like you would whine and cry that Batman didn't punch anybody. Kill yourself.

It's not a great fight, but it's not as bad as you say it is, it's quite short, and if you were ''literally'' embarrassed for this movie because of a harmless 20 second fight scene then you need to seek help, get off the internet entirely, and stop watching movies.

>while Joker knows precisely fuck all about combat

since when? isn't there a theory joker was an ex-soldier or some shit? anyway batman is mostly getting blindsided by the joker while recovering from something else. getting hit in the face with an iron bar is still going to fucking hurt with or without body armor, batman is still just a normal guy. trained or not he's still going to make a mistake every now and again

I dunno, not that guy, but it's just a couple dogs. It's like having a 10 year old on your arm, how exhausting can it be?

what about the dude in the video?

He played dead because what the fuck was he gonna do against Batman? I'd do the same thing

>it's the audience's fault that Nolan has shitty fights in his movies
Please stop, dude... I can only kek so hard

>nolan only messed up like one scene
>stop nit-picking

>why cant christopher "one take" nolan make a good fight scene
you figure it out. the man is an overrated hack

Yes, it's 100 percent your fault and your parent's fault for raising and maintaining such a shitty insolent faggot. Yes. YOUR fault. You choose to let your mental and emotional illnesses go untreated.

>admitting it sucks
HAHAHA if the only good thing you can say about that fight scene is that "it's quite short" then it is time to admit that it's utter shit. The fights in TDKR are embarrassing.

>it's such a minor part thing
>how autistic do you have to be to notice this stuff?

how do you slip on snow?

He specifically asked Fox how the suit would hold up against dogs so I doubt it affected him much. He's wearing full kevlar body armor with metal plating

>bravo nolan!
>don't listen to the haters!

Like I said, seek help. These mental issues will only worsen as you enter your late teens, twenties and early thirties. If you make it that far.

I think him messing up the landing here just adds to it the scene. fucking up a little bit can make a scene like this look a bit more natural.

>being this delusional

>since when?
Just going off what I saw in the film user. He didn't seem to be an impressive fighter. Good at jumping people to be fair
News to me. I do remember him ranting about soldiers dying but he spoke about gangbangers at the same time
>getting hit in the face with an iron bar is still going to fucking hurt
Without a doubt
>batman is a normal guy
Disagree with you here. Batman is a heavily armored ninja and having him unable to defeat a lone psycho with a metal pipe makes him look weak as fuck. Not to mention there is no redemption in his next fight where he just runs at Two-Face and tackles him off a tall building

>a lone psycho with a metal pipe
and two pitbulls

>trying this hard

>and two pitbulls
One. Batman punches one clean out of the air. The second one gets his hand and Joker goes in

>just adds to it the scene

>yeah, well, you couldn't possibly name any other examples of shitty editing by nolan
>5 examples in a 2 and a half hour long film isn't worth shit even if no good director has never done the same

my webm is apparently too large, but there's no muzzle flash in the 'he didn't fly so good' scene, look it up

first punch looked good

batman should have thrown a boomerang on the guy on the left to justify him falling

is it true nolan wont review his material? and will only do one take?

So, what you're saying is, batman fought the joker and two pitbulls?

I think the best part about the plane scene is how banevoice2.0 is at least twice as loud as gunfire.

I'm saying an extensively trained ninja assassin in kevlar body armor with titanium plating armed with bat-vision and flying knives on his arms got beaten up by an autist with a lead pipe and his pets

Most of his training was in how to avoid fights by making what fighting you have to do seem as impressive as possible to other combatants.

And neither the joker or dogs fall for that shit.

he does multiple takes as far as I'm aware, but he refuses to do reshoots
so if he reviews the footage and has nothing good, he won't go and reshoot it for whatever the cost, he'll assume the audience won't notice

They did post something about TDKR being done in one take was somehow impressive.

>instead of teaching you how to fight and defend yourself, we're gonna spend the same amount of time teaching you how to look like you know how to fight
>this is way more helpful

>all these fucking contrarians
Nolan will soon surpass Martin Scorsese in terms of awards received. Took Nolan only 15 years to catch up.

the fact is he is the most important and demanded director nowadays

The league of shadows is all about maximum effect for minimum effort, yes.


>the fact is he is the most demanded director nowadays

Because he always come in underbudget due to his complete lack of artistic integrity and his "one take" policy.

>News to me

its sort of an explanation of how he's so proficient in both firearms and explosives, as well as apparently having knowledge of military customs (him and his men convincingly pose as a firing squad in order to kill Gordon)

>Nolan will soon surpass Martin Scorsese in terms of awards received.
wow, that's so impressive
fuck shitty directors like kubrick, leone and trakovsky amirite?

nice meme

Nolan's has changed the entire blockbuster industry by installing the new level of quality for it, impact the production of film, impact the CGI's oppression, impact the practical effects and nature shootings. Scorsese's impact... is fucking nothing

>blockbusters are following nolan's lead and cutting costs on all fronts


>cutting costs
he's changed the entire medium

While Nolan for almost 15 years make films, which praised by an audience, acclaimed by critics, added on the various TOPs, and does a weather for cinema in general. Look at The Dark Knight, why do other filmmakers started to make a gritty, dark blockbusters after this? Because The Dark Knight itself has already became an our time classic, a movie the most people on planet would call 'the greatest comic-book movie ever'. Why after Inception almost everyone in blockbusted industry started to put basses and this 'brrrrr's in his movies? Because Inception has torn the world apart by its quality.


Most modern directors can't.

... slav pls go

He's some kind of Nolan stalker. has the IQ of a 5 year old.

>all insults
>still have not made an any argument or refuted my posts

Also my IQ is 140, fyi. Genius or near-genius IQ is considered to start around 140 to 145. So, make your findings.

>Why can't Nolan write a good scene?

I dunno user, I just don't know

Why was the glaring plot hole of what banes mask does left out of the film

Apparently they shot a small scene explaining more about why bane is the way he is but I guess Nolan needed time for the poorly aged 99% plot

What a prick

That's fucking badass.
>Oh he bumped the plane too hard, do a another take!