Some information I would like to know regarding drugs / suicide

Some information I would like to know regarding drugs / suicide
-What is the most common used drug to overdose on?
-What is the best drug to overdose on? I hear Xanax is good but some say its not
-Any general shit you know about the topic

in spite of wanting to every moment of my life
I can't do that to my mother.
once shes out of the picture who knows.

If u want to kill yourself then just do it like a man would n don't use drugs to do it

not planning to, just curious

When using drugs to opt out, there's always a chance you wake up in a hospital, paralyzed, with brain defect, shitting yourself while lying in bed for the next years. The human body is stronger than you think, so I wouldn't recommend overdose on drugs.

Take some DMT instead and change the life you have.

just think of those who you affect i guess

its hard for me to imagine ever caring about another human being as much as I do my mother

sad, and I've tried many times to much success, but it's all empty

Shut the hell up op ur either b8 or depressed. If your depressed suicide isn't the answer nor is seeking advice on Sup Forums about how to OD. Okay?

imagine what it would be like if your mother did it, thats what she would feel if you did it

not depressed
nor seeking suicide

Xanax/benzos alone are a horrible idea. Mix them with alcohol and 1-2 really strong opiates to ensure you'll stop breathing.

As someone else mentioned, drugs is not a good or safe way to off yourself. Actually it's pretty fucking moronic unless you can get a hold of strychnine or other potent instant death drugs.

sometimes it just helps knowing you're not the only one who feels life is too much
yes, that's why I said I could never do it while she's still alive.
she literally has no other reason to live except to make my life happy.
killing myself would be more horrible to do to her than murdering her with my own hands
my dad killed himself so I'm well aware how it leaves people.

this, your liver will explode

Dude, do it. I've read about benzos, they sound great, well for someone like me anyway. I like feeling chill as possible, and I know downers and opiates are chill

No it won't. It just makes sure that your nervous system is depressed enough to stop automatic breathing.

how is strychnine capable of killing a human?


Xanax is nice, but then when you want to get off it its a bitch and the withdrawal feelings are painful. Also you wanna kill yourself simply because you are to much of a pussy to do anything else. Go to the gym for 3 months consistently and that feeling of suicide is gone

as I understand it its pretty much capable of killing anything with muscle tissue.

Hey retard, life isnt to much. You are sitting behind a computer screen right now while people in 3rd world countrys are digging through trash to find food. You are a fucking selfish faggot that should kill himself

Use these

Bullshit. I'm in there every day or every other day and helps, yes. But solves it? no.
good job that fixes everything wow you're pretty good at this stuff

Yes. This. Overdose by like 15 grams and you will never even notice a thing.

If you are looking for help cunt, if you cant help yourself. You've lost. Coming on Sup Forums to talk about your problems that arnt even problems. You have no idea what real problems are pussy.

This x1000, be a man

Sounds to me like you're the one with a problem, user.

Get some benzo RC's bang that down in powder form, half bottle of vodka.. and a box of tylenol/codeine painkillers.

Its lights out unless your a hardcore drnk/drug addict

Anyone ever do Props?

No but I knw about these

Speedy vapors

Dunno what those are, so I'll tell you about props.
It's the only other thing I've done and "apparently" acts like LSD or Acid.
It's also cheap as fuck and you can pick it up at Walmart.

Speedy Vapors?

Yes they give you a rush, like some kind of amphet

why does people like you even exist

projected anger, nothing more

LSD or Acid?? Wtf are you sniffing on?
Benzedrex more similar to methamphetamine.

>Reading comprehension
Like I said, it's the only other thing I've done next to weed, I was going off of info from a friend.

he's right its nothing like lsd or shrooms
not even weed really can compare to shrooms imo

Hey how much do you pay for shrooms on average?
Over here it's $15.

I grow my own man. It's so simple.

That's good to hear.

i pay 40 a quart. 140 an oz

Probably shooting heroin

Hey guys, whatever you do, don't do crack, my mom is on dialysis right now.

You need to post this exact same thread EVERY FUCKING DAY???!?!?

go out with style and od with ecstasy

Hang yourself on livestream. You want our help? What do we get?

If you wanna take a nap, some seroquel is good. I heard bleach doesn't finish the job, it just sends you to the hospital with your digestive system in a complete wreck. Otherwise a gun or a noose is a great option. Don't do it if you have people you care about that depend on you user.

>What is the most common used drug to overdose on?
Probably Tylenol because most the people who try to commit suicide using drugs are stupid teenage girls who don't actually research anything

>What is the best drug to overdose on? I hear Xanax is good but some say its not
Overdosing on a benzo like Xanax by itself is virtually impossible, but when mixed with other CNS depressants like alcohol or opiate painkillers it can be relatively easy.

>Any general shit you know about the topic
Suicide overdose is easily the highest percentage of failed suicides because it's the most difficult, whether that's because people don't properly research or because they puke it up before there's a chance to absorb enough of the drugs.

If you're going to do it, preferably you would take a mixture of a huge amount of all 3 common depressants: alcohol, benzos, opiates. I'm talking at least 10 times the normally prescribed dose of each prescription benzo and opiate along with a good 10-12 drinks. Even then though you're not ensured death. Plus unless you have scripts, getting all of that would cost quite a chunk of change and with that you could easily just order the materials off of Amazon to do the helium method which is guaranteed as long as your mask is tightly secured.

My advice is to use the drugs to make the process more comfortable, but use another tool to actually deliver the killing blow

Bad troll but
you can't OD on shrooms

Hella. All the time. I might go shoplift some and shitpost for hours.

$15... per... ???

ITT: drug newfags acting like they know

havent posted in a a few months actually
but sure

appreciated :)