Legal porn for pedos

Legal porn for pedos
Pic related

Porn is not legal for pedos? How does the porn know?


My fiance

you Lucky bastard ^^



My girlfriend is already petite (minimum b cup, maximum c cup)
We already talked about it... She would love to be even smaller in breast size, like A cup
She fantasize about it and me too

any video online with you two?


Nope dude, not online
We live an ageplay relationship, thats why she wants to be smaller
I always think about surgery...
She is taking some meds now that make her get thin (topiramate), and her boobs reduzed to a small size, as small as almost a cup... I am waiting if it gets smaller...

Got any more?


I wont post them here of course... But she is from half japanese family, yku can imagine...
We love the ageplay life, you should try it too

Yeah, my girl is into ageplay. Doesn't work to well as she's a 5'9" hambeast. I'm jealous.


she will never know...

Mine really fit for the ageplay, if you know what i mean...
My lg is 5y, and yours? What does she like? Mine enjoys some raplay, ropes, and normal stuff also

Nah, not into spreading her photos really, our relationship is only for us two

you called?
