How do we fix millennials?

How do we fix millennials?

nuke em like japan

This is the only sane option.

stfu pony fag

Rolling for nuke.

The sad thing is, I'm willing to bet 20,000 dollars there are people browsing this board that wear this shit


Let me fuck the shit out of left and we can kill the rest.

Turn their internet off for a period of no less than 10 years

They should fix themselves

Go back in time and live your life right.

>Claims he'd bet $20,000
>Doesn't even own $20,000
You're even cringier than a millennial. Real men back up their bets, which means they don't make bets they can't back up.

yeah but only autistic faggots would do so on this site.


I'm confused here.

I say we take off and nuke the entire lot from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

You could try accepting that you're just getting old.

Please realize that every generation thinks the younger generation is fucking horrible.

>blaming a generation for being fucked up
>doesn't point the finger at the people that raised them


Fuckin' A!

try fixing gen x first, matey

send them to California then nuke the 2 birds 1 nuke

With a great war, and im serious here.

Hold on, hold on just a second. These millennials has a substantial dollar value attached to them.

They can *bill* me.

Make them do the worst thing imaginable, have a 40 hour per week job for more than five years

the majority of people using this site are millennial.

if you were born between the years of 1988 and 2008 you are a millennial.

I'm listening, WarAnon- please explain.

>conventional war with Russia
>conventional war with china
>iran, too

trump will take care of them.

Time was, you send a boy off to war. Shooting a man fix 'em right up. But there's not even any wars no more, thank you very much, Warren Christopher.

There's nothing that needs to be fixed.

Give me a fucking job

We can't, but life will

Bully them.
thats it

you sound like a complete faggot

You cant kek

Impregnate them.



>implying these people haven't been around forever
Let's talk about Thad.

Go back in time and make their parents not retarded.

that one on the left looks quite fuckable

oh fuck you better be joking, theres no way that cancer is real

Wrong. Anyone born after 96 is gen Z. They're even worse.

wait till they grow up

The only way to fix them is to make sure they come to school tomorrow

There is no fixing them. Like every serious invasion, they will come out of the shadows, breed with our women, and eventually our differences will be forgotten. (Because, statistically, everyone will be a bunch of autistic fucktards...)

Look at Japan. They went through 50 years where adults would read comics about tentacle-fucking schoolgirls, and buying used panties out of vending machines was fucking NORMAL. It took several generations for someone to come out and say "Holy Shit what are we doing, maybe we'd better tone it down a bit and see what the rest of the goddamned world is up to before we go extinct and our economy implodes..."

Millennials are here to stay. Get ready for the new normal where 80% of the population is too fucking stupid to realize just how stupid they are, but they're going to get all up in your face about it, because all their friends on the Internet think they're fine...

>people are enjoying their youth in a different culture than the one I grew up in
>this makes me feel old and therefore threatens my fee-fees, something my medicare benefits don't cover
>also what are centennials? I only know of millenials from snarky facebook posts so I just assume everyone younger than me is a millenial
>fucking millenials
>love facebook though. Get to make tons of political posts, see videos of my neighbor's friend's cousin's cat, and it helps me continue my delusions that anyone actually gives a flying fuck about my opinions

Idk about fixing all of those unbelievably long gone sorry fucks but the one left is still fuckable.

>people are clinging to harmful ideologies
>distorts perception of reality
>addictions rampant
>drugs addcition
>porn/fap addiction
>no physical activity

try being a bit less cringey next time

We need to empower the white teens in this country. Seems like 90% of the trash you see in OPs pic are white male teens and I belive its because whites are being shit on more than ever, so they stay inside and get sucked into the computer.

Speaking of old....thanks for the explanaition grampa

Millennial faggot spotted.

Well yeah. What's wrong with millenials? Most of Sup Forums are millenials anyway.



Well, if you don't like it, then fuck off.

Because he predated millenials and was far worse. And that's just one example.

>millennials arguing with millennials

Bunch of faggots on Sup Forums as per usual.

Aw but if people like me left, then who would tell you what you need to hear instead of talking about black dicks and girly cocks?

Its ok bb, i still love you


>people are clinging to harmful ideologies
>like global warming being a real thing
>distorts perception of reality
>like denying that Trump is the first millenial president
>addictions rampant
>because that's clearly not a word thrown around nowadays to whine about other people or joke about your hobbies
>drugs addcition
>look at this faggot who didn't live through the 60s and 70s
>porn/fap addiction
>back in my day we bought copious amounts of magazines and VHS sets and it was impossible to hide it all
>no physical activity
>as long as they stay off my yard with their pokemans to go

The youngest millennials are legal to drink now, and yet OP thinks that a picture of HS faggots from 2016 is representative of the generation before them.

Typical OP faggotry, really.

This guy gets it. We need a population reduction anyhow, it would solve a lot of our problems in society.

Dude, we just agreed that you're in the vast minority here. You're not saying stuff we need to hear, you're just screaming STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE at the top of your lungs.

We stop letting them call everyone under 35 a fucking millennial for starters.

It didn't make sense to lump 2 generations as baby boomers and it doesn't make sense to lump 2 generations as millennials.

Just more old fucks hating young ones and looking to talk shit.

global war

I've seen those numbers stretched even further.

That's how it spreads.

zyklon B


>implying humans as a whole aren't a fucking parasitic plague


true legends

Divide and conquer, isn't that right CTR?


By destroying the society which created them

Oh baby boy. So young and naive.>

We die, that is the only way to fix them. If the generations who created them stop living then no one will be there to carry them. They will either implode or survive.

Ayyyyy now op im a millennial. U shouldnt talk bad bout us. Know what I'm sayin? We got swag and love taking are selfies we slay them.

dubs to start a genocide on milenials

I bet literally every single person who commented ITT is a millennial.

You're probably a millennial..